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Simcoe County Heritage Fair Student Project Specs

After you have sent in your Intent to Participate email, the Committee will use the numbers to
determine the number of students from each school who will be allowed to attend the Simcoe
County Heritage Fair. You will be informed of the number of students by February 26 th. The
capacity at the Museum is 110 students. On February 26 you will also be sent a 'Heritage Fair
Student Sign-Up List'. It must be filled in by Wednesday, March 30, 2016 and returned
electronically to Shaughna Crew, Events Programmer, Simcoe County Museum
( Late registrations will not be accepted.
This following is a breakdown of the information that will be required on the 'Heritage Fair
Student Sign-Up List'.
1. NAME - Projects must be done by individual students. Group projects will not be accepted
due to award criteria.
2. MEDIA - The word YES or No in the Media Coverage column will indicate if the
student does or does not have parental permission for newspaper and television
coverage at this event. This is very important as a lot of pictures are taken throughout the
day for the OHFA website. In the past, the media has usually been in attendance.
3. ELECTRICAL - Please include any electrical requirements in the space indicated on
the form.
4. PROJECT DIMENSIONS - Please list project dimensions in the space indicated on
the form. Projects may not exceed 80 cm depth x 150 cm width x 120 cm height. All
equipment needed for the project must fit into this space.
5. TUESDAY NIGHT SHOWCASE - Please indicate if the student is planning on attending the
Tuesday Night Showcase I understand that this may need to wait until closer to the
Regional Fair date.
6. AWARDS - Please indicate all of the awards that each student wishes to be considered for
judging. Teachers, please ensure that the students projects meet the criteria for each
award, including the Provincial event. If additional awards are confirmed, you will be
notified immediately.
*Please note - a student may only be awarded the Provincial Heritage Fair Delegate
Award or the OHFA Founders Award once in his/her school career.
ADDITIONAL PROVINCIAL FAIR INFORMATION - A check mark in the Provincial box
indicates that the student would be able to attend the Provincial Heritage Fair event
and has parent/guardian permission to attend should they qualify. A further check in
the Teacher Supported Nomination box will indicate that the teacher believes that the
student is an appropriate candidate for the Provincial Heritage Fair. This would indicate that
the student possesses the ability to represent the school in an appropriate manner, that
they are capable of enduring an extended period of time away from home, including an
overnight stay without family, and that they would be comfortable taking direction and
instructions from a chaperone, etc.
7. ADDITIONAL STUDENT RECOGNITION - Each student will receive recognition for
participating in the 2016 Simcoe County Heritage Fair.

8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Please visit the Heritage Fairs Association websites. All of
Ontarios Regional Fairs are now posted on the calendar of the Ontario website
( and the National website ( These websites are
constantly being updated, so keep checking for additional information!

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