Evaluation of Souces

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Evaluation of souces

List of Souces:
1. Shmoop Editorial Team. (2008). Society in The 1950s. Retrieved
February 03, 2016, from
http://www.shmoop.com/1950s/society.html (From the Web)
2. The 1950s. (n.d.) Retrieved February 03, 2016 from
http://www.history.com/topics/1950s (From Web)
3. Romano, R. (2009) Moving Beyond the movement that changed
the world.: Bringing the history of the Cold war into Civil Rights
Museums. Public Historian, 31 (2), 32-51 (Article)
4. Halberstam, D. (1994). The fifties (Book)
5. Dripps, D. (2015). Race and Crime Sixty Years After Brown V.
Board of Education. San Diego law Review, 52(4), 899-911
Who is the primary audience for this source? How does the information
meet the expectations of that particular audience? Does this source fit
your particular needs as a researcher?
1- This information is for the general public, really anyone
interested in the impact the 1950s had. There is a lot of useful
information that is broken down into subtopics, such as the TV,
the Car, the highway system, etc.
2- This site is a lot like the first one, it is good in the sense it is well
rounded, and gives plenty of information. The information is
really for anyone, and there is some I could use to help my
project, such as the Brown V Board case.
3- This is a more scholarly resource with the audience being people
like me, looking for peer-reviewed information that I can use on
4- This book is for anyone really, often times used by someone who
wants to know more about the time. I have read this book and it
really got me interested in this topic. He does a great job at
giving an inside look, and has many facts and stories about the
5- Another scholarly source that goes hand in hand with my project.
It touches base on the impact the Brown V. Board decision had,
and what we still see today.

How, if at all, does the content of this source apply to your research
project? Explain in detail.

1- It applies in the sense that it helps me build ideas. There are a lot
of ideas thrown out in the article so I could do more scholarly
research of some of these topics.
2- A lot like the first one, there are some great ideas and the time
frame is broken down very well. I wont use this exact source,
however I will take some ideas and research them from a
scholarly perspective.
3- Yes it does, there is a lot of information of the role the Cold War
played in social factors, such as the Civil Rights Movement.
4- This is the book that made me choose this topic. Fascinating
book that really covers everything that took place in the 50s.
5- Covers a crucial subtopic of the Civil Rights Movement, and
justice and equality.
Do you detect any biases, unsupported claims, dubious support, or
faulty reasoning in this source? If so, provide specific examples and
explain how they affect the value of the source. If not, discuss one or
two exemplary instances of scholarship that you found in the source.
1- I found everything to be correct and based on fact and statistics
rather than opinions. I will use a quote I found from the article
that was very helpful, and supports the notion that the
automobile changed America forever. Buses and subways
accounted for 35% of urban passenger miles in 1945; by 1965
they made up only 5%. Highway construction near cities
displaced residents and divided neighborhoods, further hastening
urban deterioration.
2- Just like the first article, this one seemed to be more fact based
than anything else. As for something I found in the article that
demonstrated something that I can use later on, a quote about
the impact of the 1950s and civil rights movement. African
Americans had been fighting against racial discrimination for
centuries; during the 1950s, however, the struggle against
racism and segregation entered the mainstream of American
3- It is definitely a good source that is not biased at all. There are a
lot of examples of work done by many people that helped go into
this article, and is very informative and brings a unique
4- No, this author has many history books and is viewed by his coworkers as a historian. He has dedicated his life in trying to keep
this history alive, and find out the impacts we still see today.
5- No not really. The publisher shows that it is something serious,
and helps remove the bias. I liked how this article starts from the
beginning, look at the decision, then looks at how it has changed

What do the notes, bibliography, or works cited tell you about the
source? Examine aspects such as the currency of material, accuracy of
citations and the thoroughness of research.
1. Not any work cited or bibliography, just facts and
summarizations. I wouldnt classify this website as research
2. Not any work cited or bibliography, just facts and
3. This article was not as broad as my topic, however goes hand in
hand with what I am trying to accomplish. There are some
citations, and is obvious that this work has had help from others
researching similar things.
4. Throughout the book he cites many sources, and in the back
gives more information about the source, where he got it, how it
applies, etc.
5. This article has important work cited, and can tell it is something
that has been researched for years. I am sure this took a long
time to put together.
Is the source up-to-date (no more than five years old)? How, if at all,
does the age of the source affect its relevancy? Explain in detail.
1- This source was completed in 2008, so I would not say up to
date. However, I believe based on the fact my topic is history
based, and not something you see changing every few years its
probably just as relevant as something a year ago.
2. -Not sure the date of this article, I figure its probably more than 5
years old. The same argument could be made however, that its
history based so relevance shouldnt be a factor.
3- It was made in 2009, and not to continue to repeat myself but the
relevance is there, even though its not in the last five years. It
brings a lot of information on the Civil Rights Movement.
4- This book is from the 1990s, however he does have an updated
one that includes the 9/11 attacks. I think it is very relevant
because it states facts and gives a different perspective in the
importance of my topic.
5- Yes, it is very new. It was a collective research project over the 60
years after the decision, so a lot of research must have been put in
for it.
Does the author have the experience and/or credentials necessary to
be considered an authority on the subject? Explain in detail.
1. Not sure who the Author is of this article, I am sure they have
different contributors. I do feel like to be able to write about
history, at least successfully and to be an authority you have to
be very knowledgeable and well rounded.

2. Also not sure of the Author. The website wasnt stating opinions
or theorys, just straight facts.
3. I did a quick search of the Authors name in the database and
many articles came up, many of which dealing with post WWII
events. I believe this helps her authority, knowing she does it for
a living and most likely has a passion for her work.
4. This author has spent many years writing books trying to
capture the history of America, and how it has changed what we
see today. Great author read a few of his books.
5. I put his name in the search tool and came up with 33 articles.
Most of them dealt with crime in some sense, whether it be the
supreme court, or bill of rights, amendments, etc. I would say he
has some authority because he has written a lot of things about
this topic.

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means poor and 5 means excellent, how

would you rate the overall quality of this source? Briefly outline the
rationale behind your rating.
1- I would give it a 3. I really liked the information, however It
was not anything I could directly quote into my
assignment, nor could I use the website as a scholarly
2- I would give it a 3 for the same reasons. It was informative
and fact based, and helped me branch to new ideas,
however nothing I could use on my project.
3- 4. It was excellent and had many important keys that will
assist me in the project. I would have given a 5 but the full
text was very hard to find, and took a lot of work.
4- 5. This book really amazed me and got me interested in
History. I recommend to anyone who is interested, and love
how well rounded the book be.
5- I would give it a 4. Very good article, with a lot of detail,
and something I can use on my project. I would of given it
a 5 if the full text was easier to find.

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