JFAC Motion Sheet 2 3.2.16

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PrepMotiont Ve: 14-0 -f Sr aos ee Pceneri ts maaan eae eanceauren eee es ee Mar ee tm FC eng ae OS te ne nba 1 el becarenet on sre, Cao ato toa esas sees cr venaecoeoareeesttne eee : SEMIN pan, Lamap tm erp. ys gp — bot fed. D fouip Pro bot Page aries 20690 Preptetiont [sean gas [ss [om ee ee ‘Motion: inoude the JFAC adjusted forthe increased cost of benefits, zero net increase for statewide cost alocaion, @ 3% CEC, and funding for 2th Payrell. This maton hes no line items and totals $1 769,800 fam the General Fund and 45,000 from dedicated funds fra toll of $1,814,800 and 16.00 FTP. LBD: &8) age? 3/anors 837264 Prepttient Vi: 14-0-1 ‘Motion: Include JFAC adjusted of $65,400 for benefit costs, $35,100 for replacement items for computers and printers, | decrease of $1,400 for statewide cost allocation, $159,600 for a 3% CEC, and $192,500 for the 27th pay period. Add ongoing | funding of $81,400 for Line item 1. Employee Retention, This line item would fund the equivalent of an additional 2% CEC for | LSO employees and would be used to retain high performing employees. ‘This motion provides $5,112,600 from the General Fund, $2,580,300 from dedicated funds for a total of $7,682,800. ‘This motion does not cap FTP, includes the authority to transfer funds between objects without the permission from the Executive Branch through the Division of Financial Management (lump sum), and carryover authority for the Professional Sewiess Fund. a) ee a SEGA pa Be fo ot, = Cornptinn le Le Loe alana. ges 2Aproie #3940, Prion’ ‘00 200. ae [a a ‘Motion. Include the JEAC adjusted of $8,200 for benefit costs, §700 fr inflatonary adjustments, $7,200 for replacement tems for computers end. | printers, $2,100 for statenide cost allocation, $18,900 for 3% CEC, and $23,000 for he 27th payrol. Add ongoing funding of $12,600 for Line Item 1. Employee Retention. This line tem would fund the equivalent of an additonal 2% CEC for OPE employees an would be used t rain high performing employees. ‘This motion provides $$899,200 from the General Fund and does nct include an FTP cap, and does include the authority to transfer funds between objects without the permission from the Executive Branch through the Division of Financial Management ump sum), = MAIL, fer 18 GFF Pose ayipons #2598

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