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Proposal for Final Project

Lin Zhu
Winter 2016
Important Dates:
Final project start: Jan. 7th, 2016
Final project due: April, 2016
Goal: My final project will belong to production or event. I did the research about the
curatorial industry difference between the West and China, and I felt really interested on
this topic, so I decided to do an exhibition or show about this research report.
The exhibition will illustrate the different development process between West and China.
It will show as both photography and visual art. The thesis and form of this exhibition
will discussed by the 3 interviewees from my research report and me. The place of the
exhibition will temporary arrange at Student Gallery which located at Student Center.
Also, this project will cooperate with AMP student organization and the interviewees
from my research report.
Project Title: Not decided yet.
Team Members: 4
Project Budget: Not decided yet.
This project will start at January 7th 2016, and ends at April 4th 2016.
1. First month:
1.6 1.19 Start to fundraising for this project; make sure the title and the budget of
the project; double make sure the place and time of the exhibition.
1.192.1 Do more research on this topic.
2. Second month:
2.2 --2.16 Discuss and decide the thesis and form even the detail of arranging
exhibition with the interviewees; start to connect with the artists that this exhibition
involved; continuously do the fundraising for the exhibition.
2.172.29 Prepare for the exhibition, make sure all the details and the overall
arrangement of the exhibition.
3. Third month:
3.13.15 Continuously do fundraising; make sure the possibility of all the detail of
the exhibition.
3.163.30 Prepare to the exhibition; and start to arrange the exhibition.
4. The exhibition will start at the beginning the April (4.1) and will continue 2 weeks.
Length of Run:
The length of preparation will be 3 months, and the length of the exhibition will be 2

Individuals Supervised or Managed:
Lin Zhu
Susan Booth
Extent of Recruiting:
Artists Involved: Not decided yet.
Extent of Artistic Responsibility:
The artists will responsible for the art works this project need, and need to guarantee their
art works framed; The artists also need to responsible to make sure their art works
available during the exhibition.
Scope of Administrative Responsibility:
I will responsible for all of this event, including fundraising, rent gallery, connected with
my team and artists, arrange exhibition, and promotion, security.
Extent of Authority:
Collaboration Involved:
IGG Student Gallery
AMP Student Organization
Arts Administration Program

Approval Signatures:

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