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Folk Dance

Grade Level: 4

1. Students will learn a Russian folk dance

Time: 8-10 minutes

Lesson design by Kristie
Sommerfeld & Sarah Wichmann

2. Students will learn to count in time to the music

History: The Troika is a traditional Russian folk dance. Several Russian folk dances
exist but the Troika is well known for being a trio dance. Traditionally, two women and
one man performed the dance together; however, it is more and more common to just
see trios of people performing the dance, most often three women. Aside from the
pairing of dancers, the other features of the Troika are the rhythms and the horse-like
steps. Troika dances alternate from a faster to a slower rhythm, and go back again. The
word 'troika' means 'three horses' in Russian, which makes clear both the trio of dancers
and the copying of horse-like movements in the dancers' steps.

Activity/ Procedure
Part I: Running
1. Groups of three join hands and stand in line
2. Run in circle (CCW) for 16 counts

Groups of three, in a line
Groups form a circle

Part II: Arches

1. For 8 counts: inside person and center raise joined hands. Outside person
dances forward (continuing to hold hands with center) and dives through the
arch and returns to original position, center person follows outside person
through arch and returns to original position
For 8 counts: Outside person and center raise joined hands. Inside person dances
forward (continuing to hold hands with center) and dives through the arch and
returns to original position, center person follows inside person through the arch
and returns to original position
Part III: Dance in Circle
1. Outside person and inside person join hands to create circle.
2. For 12 counts: groups of three dance clockwise (CW) in a circle

3. For 16 counts: reverse spin and dance counter clockwise (CCW) in a circle

4. For 4 counts: outside person and inside person release hands and (both continue
holding hands with center person) and return to original line

Common Core Standards:

1. Motor Learning
a. A.4.2 Students will define and maintain personal space and move
safely in groups throughout the general space
b. A.4.9 Students will demonstrate rhythmic awareness by moving to a
musical beat and responding to changes in tempo
2. Kinesthetic Awareness
a. B.4.4 Students will develop strength, flexibility, balance, and
neuromuscular coordination
3. Critical Thinking
a. E.4.1 Students will identify how dance movement is similar to and
different from ordinary movement
4. Making Connections
a. H.4.1 Students will perform folk dances from various cultures within
a historical and cultural context

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