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Hannah Roberts
Richmond County DSS

Evaluate with individuals, families,

groups, organizations, and communities.
P.B. 9.28 Select and use appropriate methods for evaluation of outcomes
P.B. 9.29 Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, personin-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in the
evaluation of outcomes.
P.B. 9.30 Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate intervention and program
processes and outcomes.
P.B. 9.31 Apply evaluation findings to improve practice effectiveness at the micro,
mezzo, and macro levels.

How have I used this

I had the privilege to go out on a home visit this week and lead it myself. It was an initial,
so I completed the fire safety plan, as well as the Safety Assessment (P.B. 9.28). The home
was marked safe, therefore we are now starting the process of the family assessment for
45 days a social worker will meet with the family bi-weekly. The allegations that were made
was for neglect of a child, but the allegations were told to not be true by the mother, father,
and two collaterals. The next step is the family assessment. The social worker will visit the
family every two weeks for 45 days. After that, they will determine if in home services are
needed. If services are needed, then then the case manager will assess the family and find
their strengths and weaknesses (P.B. 9. 29 & 30). With this we can improve the lifestyle of
the children, parents, family, as well as the community (P.B. 9.31).

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