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Henry Ford:

Shaping the Modern Automotive Industry

Truman Holmes
1267 Words
Junior Division

My NHD topic this year is Henry Ford and how he exchanged new ideas and explored new
industries and means of manufacturing. I chose this topic because I have always had a fascination with
cars and Henry Ford is the reason that they are a necessity in the world today. Much of my family is from
the Detroit area and he is responsible for much of the industry that is there currently.
I first started my research in my school library where I found information in the form of teacher
guidance and encyclopedias. This is where I found a bulk of my information on the process and how to
compile my research into a successful project. I then moved on to my local public library were I found
many biographies on Henry Fords life and his many achievements. These sources helped to deepen my
knowledge of just how influential he has been to the world. I then continued my research with internet
sources such as online encyclopedias and biographical sites. This is where I found a large majority of my
information such as images and works detailing the reason for his success. I then conducted an
interview with a librarian at the University of Kentucky and gained a wealth of opinions and firsthand
knowledge on my topic.
I chose to do a website for my project because I thing that it can more accurately portray Henry
Fords legacy and many life achievements better than still images glued on cardboard. A website would
also be easier to transport and keep together than an exhibit allowing for a fast and well flowing
presentation of my project. The website can also be more visually appealing than an exhibit or a paper
because of the elements that are not possible to use in anything that is not digital. Items such as videos,
music, slideshows or other multi-media elements that is either not possible or very difficult to put into
traditional projects.
My topic related to this years topic of exploration, encounter, and exchange in many ways.
Henry Ford explored a brand new industry and a life changing new form of transportation. There were
many challenges he encountered on his way to becoming the great inventor he is known as today. Some

of these challenges included lack of funding, insufficient roads, doubt by others, and self-doubt. He also
exchanged new ideas with many people including the famed inventor Thomas Edison. For these reasons
and many more Henry Ford is more than deserving of study and admiration and perfectly fits into this
years theme.

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
Henry Ford. Digital image. Wikipedia, 12 Mar. 2006. Web. 28. Feb. 2016
This is an image of a young Henry Ford at the age of 26. I can use it in the early life section
of my website.
Henry Ford. Digital image. PBS. PBS, 29 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
This is an image of Henry Ford looking over a production line of Model T. I can use this on
the home page of my website.

Poster Advertising Payment Plans. Digital image. Flickr. The Henry Ford, n.d. Web. 29 Feb 2016.
This is a poster advertising the Model T and payment plans for it. This can be used in my
section on the exploration of the automobile industry.
1903 Ford Logo. Digital image. Http://,13 Aug. 2015. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
This is a picture of the classic 1903 Ford logo for a background for a page of my website.
Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. Digital image. U.S. Government, 3 Dec. 2013. Web.
1 Mar. 2016.
This is an image of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison shaking hands. This can be used in the
encounter section of my website.

Secondary Sources
Henry Ford. Web.26 Nov. 2015 <
This source is a collection of quotes by Henry Ford. This can further my incite of his mindset and
beliefs and provide his views of the world. I can use these quotes in my website to provide a
view of his thoughts to my readers.

Henry Ford. Gelderman Carol, c. Web. 13 Dec. 2015

This article provides biographical information along with information about the legacy of Henry
Ford. I can use this information about his life to fuel my knowledge about the journey he had to
take to become the great inventor he is known as today.

Robert, Sobel. World book 6. Chicago IL. World Book. 2006

This encyclopedia article detailed some of the works such as the Model T. This source helped me to
understand the product that gave this great man his fame as an inventor

Robert, Curly The top 100 most influential inventors of all time New York City. Britannica
This article has biographical information about Henry Ford. This can help my knowledge of him and can
provide background information on my website to my readers.

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