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Diffusion Lab (Makeup)

Background information:
(Use this to answer Background questions 1-5 as well as the Discussion questions 1-5
on the back)
Diffusion is the movement of molecules down a concentration gradient. This means the
molecules move from a high concentration to a low concentration until the concentrations
equalize. Since this follows the natural flow of things down a gradient, it doesnt require any
energy. Osmosis is the term we use when the molecule moving down the gradient is water.
Carbohydrates are a type of biomolecule made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Examples of
carbohydrates are bread, rice, corn, etc. Iodine is a substance that is considered an indicator of
carbohydrates. This means that iodine will change color (to purple or black) when a
carbohydrate is present.
In todays lab, you are going to use iodine to show evidence of diffusion across a semipermeable membrane, a ziplock bag. The ziplock bag is a model of your cell membrane
because it is selective in which substances it allows to cross it. It will hold some things inside
but will let other things pass right on through.
Procedure and Data:
(Use this to fill in the data table and draw the cup and baggie set up on the back page of
the lab. Be sure to label the colors of the beaker solution and the solution in the baggie)
In the initial setup, we made a solution of cornstarch and water and sealed it inside the ziplock
bag. This solution was a milky white color. In the beaker, we put 300 mL of water and a few
drops of Iodine. The beaker solution was the color of tea, a light brown color. We then left
the beaker
overnight and looked at it again the next day. This is
what we found:

So, as you can see, the solution inside the ziplock bag
changed from white to purple while the solution in the
beaker changed from light brown to light yellow. Now,
see if you can figure out why!

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