Victim Impact Statement Prepared by Richard

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Victim impact statement

I have re-writen this statement a thousand times in my head, trying to find the words that come
anywhere near to expressing how i feel. June 12th 2012 was the worst day of my life. That was the
day my brother passed away in a terrible tragic accident.
This has impacted me and my family in ways I could never explain. There are no words to explain
the pain, anger and dispair that ive felt from his death. While the memories of Robert are bitter
sweet.. with them come the realization that he is gone and each time that realization hits my heart
its devastating.
Robert was a loving, giving man with the heart a big as the world. In the last 3 years ive had to
watch my family struggle with pain, anger and grief. He would give you his last dollar if you needed
it. He was compassionate, caring and loving. He has friends and family that miss him terribly! I
wouldnt wish having to live with a loved one who passed away so tragically upon anyone.
Robert was my big brother. He did not deserve to be taken away so cruelly and i did
not deserve to have to live the rest of my life with this pain and without my brother.
For the rest of our lives we will have family gatherings, Christmas, Thanks-giving celebrations, once
joyous and festive occasions, now ruined because someone is missing. The laughter, hugs,
guidance\ advice and those opportunities to say " I love you" are forever gone. And our family will
forever be broken.

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