Projectplan Teamc

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DeVry University

CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan

Team C

Team Members:

Malcolm Hyman
Aaron Raby
Maiquel Rodriguez
Levi Welshans
Tammy Templeton


March 2, 2015

Project Tile:

Williams Specialty Company - Web Site eCommerce

Team Leader:

Tammy Templeton

1. System Overview
Williams Specialty Company (WSC) is a firm that produces small print and
engraved products. WSC requires an ASP.Net website application capable of
retaining input information from clients to process their orders online. WSC is
looking to have their current list of products and services also available online,
the WSC personnel should be able to retrieve the client information and complete
the process successfully if requested by the client.
The list below specifies the general functions of the system:
Customer and employee credential validations
Creation, modification, storage, and retrieval of:
Order request information
Catalog information
Purchase order information
User access information
Customer operations:
Submit an order request to the database
Retrieve order request information from the database
Make changes to personal and billing information
Sales Operations:
Retrieve order information from the database
Allow validation of purchase orders

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Finalize and close out purchase orders
The ASP.Net application will have a friendly and simple GUI and it will be hosted
in a secured web server capable of interacting with a SQL database. The
ASP.Net application will implement the N-tier architecture for easier updates and
2. Project Development Management
An early assessment of the project shows that the project lends itself to agile
management with a Rapid Application Development methodology.
For this Williams Specialty Company website project we will adhere to a
strict phase structure. The phases will be introduced based upon
progress and weekly completions.
The project phases are as follows:
Planning and resource assessment
Defining project requirements
Risk analysis, site design, database design
Project construction
Testing and final configuration
The skill set of the team members should allow for completion of all
requirements. Of the five assigned members, four are skilled in system analysis,
software and database creation, and programming, while the last team member
has an interest in project management and administrative duties.
2.1. Organization and Resources
The project team will follow a hierarchical structure. The team lead will be the
project manager, with each team member managing one, or two, of the project
The team will communicate using the following platforms:
Email, messaging, and phone calls for daily communication

Team Leader to facilitate contact

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Adobe connect for live weekly meetings

Thursday nights at 7pm MST/9pm EST

Team discussion boards for project progress postings

Weekly status updates and team communication

Microsoft Project for project schedule and task outlines

2.2. Personnel
The following diagram illustrates the modules of the project, and who will be
responsible for ensuring that each project is completed.
That is not to say that the team members will only be working on the module(s) to
which they are assigned. All team members will have the opportunity to work on
all sections, but they will turn the work product over to the person in charge of
that module. After the module is complete, the member in charge will then submit
the completed module to the team lead so that it can be submitted with the final
project deliverables.

Maiquel Rodriguez

Schedule &
Levi Welshans

Tammy Templeton

Risk Analysis
Malcolm Hyman

Team Lead




Aaron Raby

Levi Welshans

Maiquel Rodriguez

3. Schedule and Milestones

For this section, we as a team will be continually contributing to the schedule and
milestones through updates and notations. As we continue to work towards the

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
finished product we will be able to produce a more precise, and ultimately, a
finalized version of our project schedule and milestone achievements.
3.1. Delivery Milestones and Baselines

Deliverable / Due

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Weekly Team Status Report

7/12/15 7/19/15 7/26/15 8/2/15

8/9/15 8/16/15 8/23/15 8/27/15

Weekly Time Sheet

7/12/15 7/19/15 7/26/15 8/2/15

8/9/15 8/16/15 8/23/15 8/27/15

Initial Project Plan


Team Charter


Draft Requirements Specification


Draft Design Specification


Draft Test Plan, Policies, and Procedures


Unit/Component code components


Schedule Team Presentation


Team Presentations (Monday week 8)


Team Presentations (Tuesday week 8)


Power Point Presentation


Completed Application


Final Project Plan


Final Requirements Specification


Final Design Specification


Final Test Plan


Final Deployment Plan


3.2. Scheduled Activities, Tasks, and Assignments

Preliminary activities and tasks:

Project Planning
Resource defining
Interface design
Database design
Segment testing

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
7. Integration
8. Final testing
9. Implementation
10. Presentation
11. Delivery
See Appendix A for more detailed information.
4. Risk Analysis
The following is a preliminary risk register. At this point, only high-level risks have
been included. This register will be modified throughout project development.
Risk Description


Probability Response Plan

Team members are late

delivering work product to the
team lead.



The team lead will be in daily

contact with team members to find
out early if anyone is having
problems. Additional team
members can be reassigned to help
with sections that are running

Team lead is behind schedule

compiling deliverables.



Team lead will ask for assistance

from other team members to finish
deliverables on time.

Coding issues, not all team

members are proficient in the
same coding languages and



The coding team members will

have to be diligent in their segment
testing so that any coding areas are
caught and fixed early so that it
wont adversely affect the
implementation of the application.

The absence of a team

member, either from illness, or
someone dropping the course.



Lack of communication among

the team members.



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It will be the responsibility of the

team lead to facilitate and
encourage communication within
the team. To this end, the team lead
will send out frequent status
reports, and directly contact any
team member who is not

DeVry University
CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Risk Description


Probability Response Plan

responding to communications.

Change in the requirements

after the planning is completed.



To add flexibility, the project will run

towards agile management using a
Rapid Application Development

5. Software Engineering
Based on the specifications for this project, the main elements will occur in the
form of a website. Allowing customers and employees assigned information they
are authorized to view. The Users who will have access to assigned information
will be the following:
Sales Persons
Operations Manager
Printing/Engineering Specialist
Stock Room Clerk
The website will run on the ASP.NET framework, providing requests, information
and updates on orders placed by sales persons, from customers. Data will be
made available for authorized employees who log in. Each user will have access
to their individual accounts, but the information will be limited; as each user
account is pre-configured based on who they are, and what they are allowed to
do. For Example; the Stock Room Clerk will only be permitted to update the list
of supplies that are in stock, giving the Printing/Engineering Specialist an idea
of what requested jobs can or cannot be done. The Operations Manager will be

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan

the only one that can approve, edit, update customer information (such as
payment information) and cancel orders as he/she sees fit.
There will be Security/Authentication for employees and customers who want to
create a account on the website. They will be given security codes to enter as
they create their account during initial login. Once this code is entered the user
will not be required to enter this one-time code again. I propose that the account
creation for each user, based on this rubric, should go as following:
001 Customer
002 Sales Person
003 Operations Manager
004 Printing/Engraving Specialist
005 Stock Room Clerk

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan

5.1. Standards and Procedures

For this project we would like to keep the deliverable easy to read and consistent
in their look. This will be done by:
Using a master template for the website design to ensure consistency in
its look.

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan

Using headers and comments in all of the supplied code.

Using CamelCase naming convention for our code.
We will develop a data dictionary for better understanding the database
structure and removing any redundancy issues.
5.2. Development Methodology
For this project we will make use of the Rapid Development Plan. We believe this
methodology will lend to the very short time line. After a quick planning and
design phase we will begin developing prototype sections. We will make use of
flowcharts, diagrams, and any other modeling for the website structure. We will
then move to full build, and at this point we will be focusing on making sure that
we are meeting our activities and assigned application tasks. Finally, we will
blend our testing and integration phase. We will be implementing each section of
the website as it passes our testing points. We believe this will lead to a better
product that could be completed and delivered before the expected deadline.

5.3. Development Resources

For this project we will be using the following tools:
Microsoft Office Suite
MS Visual Studio
MS Visio

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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
MS SQL Server
MS Project
6. Testing Procedures
All initial testing will be done on each individual component of the project build.
This will ensure that integrated components will function properly when combined
to produce the final product. Our focus for testing will be security, functionality,
and ultimately the validation of the final product.

We will be focusing on the security and integrity of the interface and

database design to ensure that private data can only be accessed by
users who are authorized.


We will be testing the functionality of the product to ensure that it meets

and the specified requirements.


Each unit of the build will be individually tested to ensure that it meets the
specified requirements. Once individual testing is achieved we will test
the entire finished product to ensure that it is secure, functions as
intended, and meets the full list of specified requirements.

7. Configuration Management
The CM plan will be mostly based on the website itself since most of the
configuration items will be located within the website application. This web
application will implement Web Forms which separates the code from the design;
with that being said, the team is aware that any changes may occur on the
Design, Source or ASPX code while working with Visual Studio any other support
program for the GUI or Design.
The changes made to the website application are intended to improve, update or
add features until it meets the expectations of all team members and WSC
actors. Below we provide a list of the items that are subject to change:
Number of webpages, even though we may start with a default number we
may need to add more pages to implement other features.
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CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Graphical User Interface (GUI), it will probably change as the project
progress and new features are added. While we test the application we
may find out problems like no space for content, contrast issues with the
text and also the text size. GUI also will need improvements as well as
customization for each page, although a master page will be used to
provide consistency. There are other components like images and tables
that will likely affect the layout.
ASPX items like labels, textboxes, tables (gridview) will be also added,
deleted or customized according to the specifications. Also on the code we
are aware that features will be added, errors will occur and fixes will be
SQL database also will be subject to change, new tables may be added,
users, columns and rows. Those items will affect the grid view displayed
on the website on its size. When the items are modified in the database
changes also has to be made on the ASPX code syntax so that the
website application recognizes the new items available in the database.
Our team is aware that any changes made to any of the components described
must be notified to the respective member so they can properly adjust to the new
changes and test the application, since most of the changes made can affect
other components of the application.

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DeVry University
CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Appendix A: Scheduled Activities from Section 3.2

Activity Name


Assigned to Start Date End Date

Project Planning

Information gathering
and planning stage of
the project.

All team

July 8/15

July 12/15


Deciding what
resources will be
required to fulfill the
project requirements.

All team

July 13/15

July 19/15

Interface Design

Designing the GUI and

front end of the


July 13/15

Aug 2/15

Database Design Designing the database TBA

and back end of the

July 13/15

Aug 2/15


Coding both the front

end and back end of the

July 13/15

Aug 9/15

3, 4

Segment Testing

Initial testing during

construction of each


July 13/15

Aug 9/15

3, 4


Integration of the front

and back ends of the


July 27/15

Aug 16/15

3, 4

Final Testing

Testing the application

as a whole.


July 27/15

Aug 16/15


Setting up the final

application for use.


Aug 17/15

Aug 23/15



Demonstrating the


Aug 24/15

Aug 25/15

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DeVry University
CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
application to the client.


Delivery of final product TBA

to the client along with
usage instruction.

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Aug 24/15

Aug 27/15


DeVry University
CIS470 - CIS Senior Project

Project Plan
Document Work Log:
To assist in assessing the contributions made by the individual team
members, the team must complete the table below:

Team Member - Primary

Team Member Secondary

1. System Overview

Maiquel Rodriguez

Tammy Templeton,
Malcolm Hyman

2. Project Development

Levi Welshans

Aaron Raby

1.1. Organization &


Tammy Templeton

Malcolm Hyman

1.2. Personnel

Tammy Templeton

Levi Welshans

Levi Welshans

Maiquel Rodriguez

1.1. Delivery Milestones &


Levi Welshans

Tammy Templeton,
Malcolm Hyman

1.2. Schedule, Activities,

Tasks, & Assignments

Levi Welshans

Tammy Templeton

4. Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Tammy Templeton, Maiquel

Rodriguez, Malcolm Hyman

5. Software Engineering

Aaron Raby

Maiquel Rodriguez

1.1. Standards &


Aaron Raby

Malcolm Hyman

1.2. Development

Aaron Raby

Levi Welshans

1.3. Development

Aaron Raby

Maiquel Rodriguez

6. Testing Procedures

Levi Welshans

Maiquel Rodriguez,
Malcolm Hyman

7. Configuration

Maiquel Rodriguez

Malcolm Hyman, Levi


3. Software Engineering

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