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Tabitha Mattheson

5719 Cherokee Circle

Simi Valley, CA 93063
(206) 963-3359

February 5, 2016
Ms. Mary Schulte
Senior Project Advisor
Santa Susana High School
3570 Cochran Street
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Dear Ms. Schulte,
I want to thank you for being my senior project mentor. Your patience with me during this
process has been extremely appreciated, and has reassured me throughout the difficult times my
project has undergone. Thank you for helping me in such a kind way. Your lack of irritation with
me has given me the confidence I need to complete my project.
I understand that a number of stages in my senior project have occurred behind schedule. I
apologize for this. I also want to apologize for the number of major changes I have made
throughout my planning. Despite my indecision, you have helped me immensely, and I would
not be able to complete this project without you.
It really means a lot to me that you have taken the time to help me throughout my project. I could
not have asked for a better mentor. Thank you for your continued patience with me, and thank
you for dedicating so much time to this process.

Tabitha Mattheson

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