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Christian_or_pagan_legal_fiction - Google Docs



Anyone with the link


Are you a Christian or pagan legal fiction?

I keep coming across articles discussing the theory that the capitalization of names is a conspiracy that takes
away all of our God-given unalienable rights.
The sad thing is that these articles by conspiracy theorists, Sovereign-ists and Patriots are completely
missing the real truth which is hidden in plain sight in front of everyones eyes. There is only one Authorized
Bible and it is the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible and in it God tells us that some people will not
have ears to hear or eyes to see.

Take note that the word Law and Lawyer come from the root word Lie. You have got to give Satan the
Devil credit for his mischievous deceptions since the truth is out in the open and nobody sees it. Can it be
that the "Devil's dvocates", also known as lawyers, have conveniently used plausible deniability to hide the
truth from men so that they could plunder for their own selfish, greedy, corrupt, unconscienable benefit
because they deny God and they deny our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, in favour of their god, Satan
the Devil? These Grammarians use words to cast spells and to decieve people. It is called the curse of the
law (see the OLD Covenant in the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible) ! Or, did we simply deceive

There are two things missing from articles that discuss the theory that people have been deceived
into thinking that they are a legal fiction (also known as the Name, or the Title, or the Strawman,
or the Legal Fiction):

(1) The real cause of the problem. And, (2) The remedy.

(1) The Real Cause of the Problem:

In order to understand the effect of anything we need to understand the cause. We need to go back to
square one to see the foundation of the problem if we are to comprehend how to avoid or fix the problem.

Absolutely everything is based on your belief or your faith. You can be sucked into all kinds of convoluted
and hypocritical beliefs that cannot possibly be proved because there is no proof for them. One such belief is
the theory (not proof) of evolution in which we are supposed to through out logic and reason and accept the
Big Bang theory that nothing exploded and created something, leading to primordial soup that evolved into
life from a rock, and eventually man evolved from a monkey! Even the rocks and monkeys are laughing at
that theory.

On the other hand there is plenty of empirical evidence supporting the existence of one Creator, God our
Father, and Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, and our Lord and Saviour. Everything in our lives is based
on faith and you are either a believer in God and Jesus Christ (Christian) or an unbeliever (atheist).
Remember, everything is based on your belief and your faith, or lack thereof. For the sake of argument, give
me the benefit of your doubt and consider the following proof based on thousands of years of knowledge
which was witnessed, written down and passed down by men. Consider that there could be just one God that
created everything and let us explore Gods word and Gods will as recorded in the 1611 Authorized King
James Holy Bible. Notice that this Holy Bible is Authorized by the secular authorities, perhaps because
God ordained it to be so. Perhaps this is also why the Holy Bible can be found in every court and every
parliament of mans laws. Note also that mans charters (Constitution) recognize the Supremacy of God.[7/25/2011 4:28:38 PM]

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