Light Blue Eyes

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Light blue eyes.

Those pair of eyes were a big part of my days, back then in sophomore
year. 300 days to be exact. From the first time I shook her hand, to endless
conversations we built from scratch. She was more like a dream came true
to me.
We would go around our neighbourhood (her house was just a block away)
and talk about things. About the stupid government, her twin baby sisters,
our grades and how we should study to make up for the upcoming tests.
How we would go to Coachella later that year (which didnt happen), or
the trip to San Fransisco that didnt happen either.
She left the country. A small Post-It was the only thing she left for me. It
was a cold, harsh goodbye. I deserve more than that. Way more. I thought
I even deserve a kiss.
So here I am, five years and 200 miles away from my small town, making
a new beginning as a consultant in New York. My job will start next week,
but I decided to get here faster. I was too excited when this company said
that I was qualified to fill one of their empty slots.
This city was rad. The streets were filled with cars. The pavements were so
full of people. The city lights were so pretty and I cant wait to see this city
from my office in the 45th floor. I am 22, a fresh graduate, and still a little
boy in the heart.
Still the 17-year-old geek that loves the girl that went away with no
Im Milla.
I looked at her cluelessly, then looked behind my back to see if this pretty
new girl is talking to anybody else. But her right hand was right there in
front of mine, which was holding two thick Calculus textbooks (yes, I was a
geek, and I still am).
Yes, Honey, I am talking to you, her light blue eyes were showing pure
interest. And I can saw just how eager she was. I was confused.

We were in the same class for every subject. So she sticked with me pretty
much through the whole day. And the next day. And the next day. She was
very talkative, and we were interested in the same things. She became the
highlight of my every day.
I have never been to a dance before, Milla said one evening, when we
were out in the diner, eating pancakes while doing our homework.
Really? The gentleman inside my head was really happy to hear that. I
have never been to a dance either. Then go to the homecoming with
me, I said, almost immediately.
Milla shook her head. Naah I dont have a dress.
It was my second week working in my new office. I loved everything about
it. The people were fun, and the tasks were not really that hard. I pretty
much enjoyed my job. It was Tuesday and my Boss sent everybody home
early, so I went to Central Park to eat a burrito. It was spring but the
weather is still cold. I ate my food and watched some birds flying above
my head. Little kids were running around, chasing each other. They were
so cute.
There were 9 little kids. Boys and girls. It was a small kindergarten class. A
brunette girl came running to the kids. I assumed that she was the
teacher, because the kids squaked happily and soon approached the girl.
Miss, I want a bird. A little blondie said to the girl. They were only a few
steps away from me so I can hear their conversation.
Well if you can catch one, you can bring it home.
But they flew right away when I came near.
The girl put her right hand inside her coat and came out with her hand full
of corn seeds. Open up your hands, she said, and I looked at her
curiously. There was something familiar with the girl.
The little blondie opened her hands and the corn seeds soon filled her tiny
palms. If thats so. you should give the birds food. They would gather
around you real soon. The little girl smiled so wide and quickly throw
some of the corn seeds. Birds soon flew down and the other kids asked for
corn seeds to the Miss.

I smiled. The scene was so adorable. The Miss stood up and as I get to
see her face, my smile starts to fade.
Funny, how after years of convincing myself that my feelings about Milla
was pure stupid childish crush, my heartbeat rose instantly. That moment
froze. I could saw that she was also surprised. I couldnt stop myself from
hugging her as tight as I could.
Her sweet scent of musk and a hint of lavender brought back my deepest
memory of her. When we lie down in the meadow and read our novels and
talked about what were going to be when we grow up.
..I missed you, she whispered in my ear.
O, I missed you too, Milla. So much.

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