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Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014



16 Skip Lacours Training Tips

November 2014



22 6 Muscle Building Mistakes

24 O-Bey-6 Taining System
28 Beautyfit Corner
30 Goal Setting
34 Top 4 Trap Movements

12 5 Best Compound
Movements for Maximum

36 Why Women Shouldnt Skip Chest

44 Research: Muscle Carnosine Loading

Savage Girls!

Top 4

46 Paleo: Cheddar Cheese Tacos

62 Fate of DE FEET

18 Fit Over 50!
20 Taking the Stage
26 Athletes of the TriFitness
48 Coach As Welcome
to my World
-Ellie Marie Gundelfinger

32 Fulvic Acid- 10 Important Things
We Need to Know

38 50th Olympia Expo,

according to Duke

38 Ayurveda: Oil Pulling for Detox

40 The Fit Gourmet
Penne` with Eggplanr,
Turkey Sausage and Feta
50 Dieting and Slow Digestion
54 Swan Diving off the Wagon
56 Stay Healthy
Rice Krispy treats!


Natural Muscle Magazine

64 Past the Pumpkin

November 2014

42 Model Universe


David Morin
(story, page 14)

Photo: Eva Simon

Cover Design
by Alex Gonzalez


Debbie Berkovits Baigrie

my two cents
Debbie Berkovits Baigrie

Alex Gonzalez

The Law
of Attraction

Shelly Dickson
Elizabeth Wozniak

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contained in this magazine or in any
advertisement. Copyright 2014
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rights reserved. Readers are advised
to consult their physician before
starting a diet or exercise program.
For mail inquiries:
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Tampa, FL 33606

e are almost finished with 2014.

Many people made their
resolutions and some
have kept them. If you
divide the Keep and the
Didnt Keep groups, you
could be rest assured that
the didnt keeps are still
sitting on the problem 11
months later. They are
talking about what they
dont want and what they
dont have. The keeps on
the other hand, are buzzing along focusing on the
Vanessa and Leon
new. It is where we focus
our attention that reaps
the result we want.
The more we focus on whats wrong, the more
wrong will continue to show up in our life. If you say
for example, I hate my physique. Guess what?
You are going to continue to hate your physique,
regardless of how it looks. That is until you start

Natural Muscle Magazine

a boyfriend who lived hundreds of miles away. If

Vanessa focused on her tough schedule and how
much she missed her boyfriend, she would not be
the success she is. It is where she chooses to place
her focus that allows her the live such a happy and
fulfilled life. Her boyfriend moved to New York, she
started working the day shift and they recently were
married in Hawaii!
If you are one of the didnt keeps, take a look at
what you are focusing on. Have you put the past
behind you where it belongs or are you holding onto
the injustices of the year. When you talk about your
goals, do you always end with a but? Do you really believe that by talking or thinking about whats
wrong, the good things will come? It is impossible
to be in two places at once. If you are still waiting
for the time, money, job, lover, etc, to make your
life easier so you can focus on feeling better, pull
up a comfortable chair, because you are going to
be waiting until 2020, or so, to be a keeper.
Change your focus, change your life. Sounds
simplistic and cliche`, but it the only tidbit of knowledge we really need to be happy.







saying, I love my
physique and how it
is always improving.
If our goal is to be
happy with our physique, we dont have
to wait for perfection. We can love it
right now ... and then
watch it improve! It
is where we focus.
I know a fitness model, Vanessa
Tib, who is a shining
example of a positive
attitude attracting a
good life. In the last
few years, she has made a huge physical transformation. She is excited about her muscle growth,
excited about her meal preparation, loves going
to the gym, and loves sharing her knowledge with
presently over a million fans on Facebook. She is
also a RN who worked the graveyard shift and had

November 2014




Our latest Facebook poll

We asked.
you answered.


1 bag (16 ounces) frozen cauliower orets
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 1/2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 cup coconut milk
salt and black pepper, to taste
1 tablespoon plus 2tsp dried
chopped chives



1 bunch rainbow carrots (1 pound)
4-6 scallions
2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. fresh thyme
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Peel the carrots and slice in half. If any of the carrots are
very small, you can leave them whole.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.
In a small bowl whisk together the honey, olive oil, vinegar,
and thyme. Toss the carrots and scallions with this and lay
in one layer on the baking sheet.
Season with salt and pepper.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, ipping halfway through.
Servings: 4 servings
Serving Size: 1/4 recipe
Nutritional Info: 88 calories, 3.5g fat, 14.7g carbs, .
7g protein
Tarah Andrews
-Optimum Nutrition Athlete and Figure Pro

Apple-Oat Crisp

This crisp works well with either tart Granny Smith apples or the
sweeter Golden Delicious variety; both hold their shape nicely
when baked.

Serves: 12
Total Time: 45 min Prep Time: 15 min Cook Time: 30 min
Oven Temp: 425
1 lemon
3 pound(s) Granny Smith and/or Golden Delicious apples, peeled,
cored, and cut into 1-inch wedges
1/3 cup(s) (plus 1/4 cup) packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoon(s) (plus 1/3 cup) all-purpose our
1 teaspoon(s) ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
1 cup(s) old-fashioned oats, uncooked
4 tablespoon(s) butter or margarine, softened



Natural Muscle Magazine

1. Cook the cauliower according to the package directions
until its very soft, but not waterlogged.
2. In a microwave-safe bowl or
small saucepan, heat the garlic,
coconut oil, coconut milk, salt,
and pepper, about 1 minute.
3. Meanwhile, pure the cauliower in the bowl of a food processor, scraping down the sides. Add the
coconut milk to the processor, along with 1 tablespoon of chives. Process
about 10 seconds. Taste and adjust seasonings. Sprinkle with remaining
chives before serving.
Lani Britt
-Bikini Competitor and Fitness Model

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. From lemon, grate 1/2 teaspoon peel
and squeeze 2 tablespoons juice. In 13 by 9 glass or ceramic baking
dish, toss lemon peel and juice with apple wedges, 1/3 cup brown sugar,
2 tablespoons our, ground cinnamon, and salt until apples are evenly
In medium bowl, mix oats with remaining 1/4 cup sugar and 1/3 cup our.
With ngertips, blend in butter
until mixture resembles coarse
crumbs. Press crumb mixture
into clumps and sprinkle over
apple mixture.
Bake apple crisp 30 to 35 minutes or until apples are tender
and topping is lightly browned.
Cool crisp on wire rack for 10
minutes to serve warm, or cool
completely (1 hour) on rack to serve later. Reheat if desired.
James Baigrie

November 2014

You don't have to forgo your holiday

favorites in the name of health. Just
sneak some good-for-you dishes
into your menu with these nutrientrich, lower-calorie holiday classics.


By: SJ McShane


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014


Making sure your perceptions are clear and focused to ensure your personal success.



The condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief.

The true & authentic you is waiting to be awakened. It only

requires you to be completely honest in identifying your weak
points. In training & life a pure vision of your perfect body can
only be realized using an honest look at where you really are.

While you are there, sign up for

a free group Flowin Friction
Training Workshop with David!

illusions we create. It becomes reality when we

act upon the illusion. Do we have to suffer consequences to change? Must we wait for misfortune
such as near death experiences to transform
ourselves into better people?
Each day, we are given is a huge opportunity to
look at life, not in terms of good or bad, evil or good,
but healthy and not healthy. This duel template can
keep us grounded in a reality aligned with our own
human nature.
This applies my physical training, as well. I could
create an illusion by lying to others about the
amount of weight I lift or the size of my arms. But,
when Im in front of the weights my dishonesty will
disempower me. The illusion I would be creating
will inevitably prevent my progress. If I am too busy
creating an illusion when would I be able to improve
the authentic me.
I believe that working out provides a healthy purging of illusion in a healthy way; envisioning the
weight as a present life obstacle, moving it and
gaining the power. Using the shock factor to create
self-propelled growth is a healthy way to empower
our lives and dispel unhealthy illusion. The result
would be a self fulfilling, authentic journey as
unique as your fingerprint.
We can go through life and find the path of ease,
playing part in illusions that will one day shock us
awake, realigning us to whats really important. Or
we choose to change and grow on our own terms,
Our family, our abilities and skills, our impact on
others, and our unlimited potential are not illusions,
It is who we are.
As the saying goes, Perceive and then achieve!

Photo by


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

EVA SIMON Photography

SuXess Home Gym fitness

accessories are now available

ome say that people dont change.

Others believe that we are not
set in stone and we can change
through our own free will,
I think that the belief is key, relative
and subject to the individuals self-perception,
awareness and connection to their immediate
environment. In simple terms, the impact you
make in yours and the lives of others is based
on your actions. Your actions are based on
your beliefs.
I was 16 years old and I wanted two things; attention from females and to party. I was heading home
from a summer night of illegal drunkenness when
an early morning rain storm hydroplaned me off the
road and into a ditch. I cant recall how many times
I flipped inside the VW Rabbit, but I remember waking up with the engine revving and motor oil dripping
through the floorboard onto my face. Feeling more
like a mouse in a trap then a young man in a rolled
Rabbit, I crawled out and prayed I didnt look drunk
enough to go to jail.
Thankfully, I wasnt arrested. Nonetheless, in my
desire to be popular, I almost ended my life over a
ridiculous ambition based on the illusion that one
must be reckless to be cool.
How was I living such a state of carelessness to
put myself in such a situation?
Why was I not giving proper attention to being
smart, safe, and sensible with my life? Why did
this happen?
I went through the accident over and over in my
mind wondering what got me to the point of such
disregard. It was because I believed the illusion.
Fear, doubt, weakness, and jealousy are also




by Skip La Cour



Six Time National Bodybuilding Champion

hat body fat percentage do

you think Im at right now,
bro? At what body fat percentage should a person be at to look
his best? What body fat percentage
should I be at when I start bulking?
What is the right off-season body
fat percentage? What do I need to get
my body fat percentage down to look
my best on stage for a bodybuilding
One common mental challenge that
many people working hard toward their
physique goals make is trying to have
everything they do fit into a neat little,
clear cut, concrete, black-and-white,
written-in-stone little box. Strategies
must be either right or wrong without any shades of grey whatsoever in
order for them to feel confident enough
to execute them on a consistent basis.
This is true when it comes to how important the
role of your body fat percentage plays when deciding upon the training and eating strategies you use.
Sure, youll find plenty of coaches and experts
who will give you what you mistakenly believe you
need to move forward. But trust me when I tell you
that the body fat percentage you are given by those
experts are merely estimates.
These very same estimates you can determine
for yourself just by looking in the mirror. You are
going to need to learn how to do this for yourself
eventuallyso you might as well start learning the
very same process that theyll implement on you


now. As youll soon realize, its not as mystical or

as black-and-white as you may currently believe.
Despite what you might have been told, every
single form of body fat testing isnt 100 percent
accurate. Of course, some are more accurate
than others. Some are really a complete joke
especially if the person testing isnt very good at
doing the tests.
Have you ever noticed that you can weigh as
much as five and even sometimes 10 pounds more
in the evening as you did first thing in the morning?
You certainly didnt gain a combination of rock-hard
muscle and body fat in such a short period of time,
right? There are many other factors that can cause
measurable fluctuations in your body weight too.
Some forms of testing just have you plug in your
current body weight into the equation to determine
your body fat percentage. A five pound fluctuation
on a 200-pound man makes a 2.5% difference.
Instead of an impressive 9.5% body fat percentage,
hell have a 12% readingwith exactly the same
amount of body fat.
So, if you know that body fat percentage testing
results arent 100 percent accurate, why would you
try to design a concrete, black-and-white, writtenin-stone, plan-of-attack centered around them?
How much sense would it make to change what
you are currently doing with the new information?
Whats my body fat percentage? I have no friggin idea. I can make a guess at what the specific
number might be but whats the point of that?
You either look good in the mirror, not-so-good in
the mirror, or somewhere in between. You either
have a little more work to do, a lot more work do,
somewhere in between, or youre just fine right
where you are.

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

But what if you are deciding upon your next

bodybuilding and training methods to take based on
your body fat percentage like some people advise?
Everyone has their own mental image of what
a certain body fat percentage looks like. If you are
discussing training or eating strategies based on a
certain body fat percentage, you better make sure
you have the exact same mental image as the
person with the advice you are following.
When I prepared for a bodybuilding contest,
I never made decisions based on whatever I
thought my body fat percentage was. I based my
decisions on whatever my body fat levels looked
like in the mirror. When people look at my contest
pictures with my extreme conditioning (low body
fat levels) highlighted in my deeply striated glutes,
one of the first questions they ask me is What
was your body fat percentage here? I have no
idea. I never measured it anytime remotely close
to a contest. Whatever that specific number was,
it didnt matter. I understood that, even if I did get
tested for a specific number, the findings would be
highly debatable anyway.
Im not really sure how reliable any information
given based on a specific body fat percentage is
anyway. The basic rule of thumb is, the less body
fat you have (whatever that number may be) the
more meticulous you have to be about your training and eating strategies. The lower your body fat
percentage, the more danger you have of dipping
into your hard-earned muscle mass for energy. The
more meticulous you are in the first place, the less
youll have to worry about that.
Whatever you look like when you are standing
in front of the mirror will determine if you are at the

right body fat percentage and what you need to

do to improve upon that. Body fat percentages can
be a good way to measure your progress if you are
consistent with the method you use to measure
and even the procedure you use when using that
exact method.
I think body fat measurements are really most
useful to coaches and trainers who use those
numbers to add credibility to the strategies they
outline for you. Astute coaches also understand
the overpowering dependence that the majority of
their angst ridden clients have to cling onto clear
cut, concrete, black-and-white, written-in-stone
strategies. The strategies must be outlined in that
manner in order for them to have the certainty and
confidence they need to actually execute whats
been presented. From my experience, the vast
majority of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts
dont function very well in the grey areas. It is a
very effective MENTAL strategy to make as many
things as black-and-white as possible. What the
client doesnt understand is that the strategies they
are given are oftentimes only cleverly camouflaged
as a clear cut, concrete, black-and-white, writtenin-stone strategies.
In my opinion, this approach is only a shortterm solution that works merely as a Band-aid
to a bigger issue that will eventually need to be
addressed if the bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast
plans to ever have a better understanding of the
process and achieve long-term success.
A great body fat percentage that you were
measured at might be an accomplishment that you
can be proud of, something to tell your friends, or
use as a general guide for someone else, but


not the concrete, black-and-white, written-in-stone

component to the equation that will lead to certain
bodybuilding and training success.
What exactly does that mean? It is often
preached that, the lower your body fat is, the more
precise you have to be with your weight training,
cardiovascular training, calorie consumption, and
tracking of macronutrients so that you dont use the
muscle youve already built as a source of energy.
The truth of the matter is, the more precise
you are with your weight training, cardiovascular

training, calorie consumption, and tracking of

FAT PERCENTAGE the more muscle youll build
and keep.
How badly do you want to put in this kind of effort? Well, that will depend on a persons physique
development goals and the drive to follow through
with their strategies on a consistent basis.
The muscle building and muscle preservation
process is still going on regardless of your body
fat percentage.


Its How A Person EXECUTES a Training

Routine That Makes The Biggest Difference

Remember that its NOT the sets, reps, or exercises that make a training routine effectiveits the PERSON
doing that training routine that makes the biggest difference.
Too many people put far too much pressure on themselves to use the perfect training routine NOW.
Dont get too hung up on this!
Youve seen that guy who is brand new to training using the very same training routine and style as you.
Just because hes using the same training routine as you certainly doesnt mean hes going to get the
same level of PRODUCTIVITY out of it as you will, right?
Youve EARNED your current level of expertise through time, experience, and metal toughnessand he
hasnt (yet).
Well, just think how much more you will get out of your current training routine THREE YEARS FROM NOW
with the amount of focus, drive, attention to detail, never-satisfied mentality, and commitment you are putting
into every session now. The number of next level mind-muscle distinctions youll earn will be staggering!
Its not the training routineits the PERSON doing the training routine that makes the biggest difference.

See more at


Check out more of the

"Quotes By MEN" image series


I worked for nutritional supplement and sports
nutrition companies for over 25 years and
worked out regularly ever since being on the
swim team in high school. After starting my
own sports nutrition company, Clean Machine, an all-natural sports nutrition supplement company, I decided to do something
I had never considered before - compete!
At the age of 51, I entered my first natural
bodybuilding competition and took first place
in Masters! In my second show a few months
later I placed 2nd in Masters 50+. I was
hooked. I will be heading back to the stage
next year to try for my Masters Pro Card.

I will be heading back

to the stage next year
to try for my Masters
Pro Card.

Geoff Palmer, CEO

Clean Machine

Practices What He

Being a lifelong natural and 30 year vegan,

I feel great showing that I can compete,
and win, without compromising my health
or values. I credit my success to a healthy
vegan diet, clean nutritional supplements and
consistent, smart training. I look forward to
competing for many decades to come.




Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014



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IN 2 0 14

Me & Mack Roesch (overall male winner)
at a shoot by Thomas Oed.

I won 11 medals
& had 3 personal
(obstacle course,
true grit & box jumps)
in 12 years competing.

Check out Dr. Zumwalts monthly article on page 62

Dr. Mimi Zumwalt

June14 Worlds TriFitness Challenge Grace & Physique round
I placed Top 10 Overall in all 5 events:
Obstacle Course, True Grit, Fitness Routine, Fitness Skills,
Grace & Physique)

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014







By: David Robson for ALLMAX

Bodybuilding is largely a game of trial and error. The steps we must take to build a physique covered with shredded
and proportionate muscle are many and varied and, as such, the mistakes we are likely to make along the way are

equally great in number. With training, nutrition, supplementation, and recovery factors forming the basis of any good
bodybuilding plan of attack, and with a great many individual requirements to be considered concerning each of these
categories, the training newcomer faces the daunting task of bring all aspects together to produce the results they desire.
Now, couple the above with any adjustments that must be made as we become more gym savvy and our bodies begin
to adapt to our training and eating strategies, and long-term bodybuilding progress can be fraught with frustration. The
intention of this article is to save you much trial and error, to make the process of gaining muscle and losing fat an
easier proposition. Rather than learning from your mistakes (which can take much time and effort), learn from those
featured below to achieve quality gains, faster.

Mistake 1:


A big mistake that is made by prospective bodybuilding champions

eager for maximum gains in the fastest possible timeframe is to assume that they can reach their full muscle building potential before
they have put in sufficient time and effort. It just doesnt work like this.
Even the phenomenally gifted physique champions who routinely
populate pro bodybuilding stages around the world have had to
work many years, in some cases decades, before reaching such
lofty heights of physical excellence. Some, despite their diligence in
the gym, are still yet to fully maximize their size-building capabilities.
Yet they do not quit. They continue, committed to the task of training,
eating, resting and repeating this process indefinitely, with consideration to any necessary modifications to be made along the way.
They acknowledge the fact that there are no shortcuts to bodybuilding
excellence. And so must you.
Requiring great metabolic demands from the body and drawing
significantly from all available energy resources, any muscle mass
beyond that needed to enable the completion of our daily tasks is
viewed as extremely costly from a biological standpoint. As a species
we are simply not programmed to carry over 200 pounds of grainy,


Natural Muscle Magazine

shredded muscle. Thus, to build, and maintain, such size takes

tremendous discipline in the gym and at the dinner table. Therefore,
as bodybuilders we must be committed to experiencing small gains
on a consistent basis. As soon as we take our foot off the gas and
become complacent in our training efforts, our muscle reserves are
likely to become depleted. So be content with any gain, however
large or small. Be patient and consistently focused on your mission
and the results you are training for will come.

Mistake 2:


Preached often by trainers, writers, and elite-level-bodybuilders is

the unquestioned requirement for serious bodybuilders to maintain
an optimum nitrogen balance through optimal protein consumption.
Regular feedings of between 30-40 grams of high biological value
proteins spaced throughout the day at 2-3 hourly intervals (to where
1.5-2 grams-of-protein-per-pound-of-bodyweight is achieved daily)
is one of the most important of the non-negotiable bodybuilding
laws, so much so that the protein supplement industry has become
overwhelmingly lucrative for the many companies who supply the
most convenient form of this key building macronutrient.
However, despite the importance of getting enough proteins from a
wide range of foods to supply the amino acids needed to facilitate
the rebuilding and development of new muscle fibers, many aspiring physique champions fall way short of the mark with their protein
intake. Whether due to a poor estimation of our protein requirements
or through sheer laziness, many of us, upon reviewing the protein
composition of our diets, might be surprised to learn that we are simply
not getting enough on a consistent enough basis.

November 2014

Forget the notion that our protein needs can be fulfilled with a regular
diet. While certain health writers may pontificate on the dangers of
too much protein and the excessive amounts the average person
consumes daily, it must be remembered that with the muscle damage
incurred through your brutally hard training sessions and the recovery
needed not only to repair these muscle fibers but to grow them larger
than ever, you will need every gram of protein you can get as per
your individual protein requirements. Without sufficient protein in our
systems, our body may, in an effort to compensate, leach it from our
muscle tissues. To ensure this does not happen to you, do not make
the mistake of missing a scheduled high protein meal.

Mistake 3:


Without devaluing the importance of hoisting heavy poundages en

route to massive muscle gains, there are several major considerations
that must be applied before we run the risk of developing a potentially
progress-stalling lift-heavy-at-all-costs mentality. Muscles require
ample signaling to respond to the heavy iron we lift; it is not nearly
enough to get the weights up without injuring ourselves, irrespective
of how much stress we feel this places on our muscles and how
drained we are afterward. No, to fully recruit a maximum number of
muscle fibers to signal as much muscle hypertrophy as we can, we
must be in control of all poundages lifted, at all times.
Provided continuous mechanical tension (which can be defined as the
amount of force that is placed on our muscles as their myosin and actin
filaments work to contract against the weights we lift) is maintained
on all working muscles from extension to complete contraction for a
sufficiently long period, we may lift as heavy as we can. This is to be

Mistake 6:

encouraged as greater muscle microtrauma will invariably result from

heavy weights lifted with proper form. Correct mechanical tension so
disturbs the integrity of skeletal muscle that hypertrophy-inducing
molecular and cellular responses in myofibers and satellite cells will
occur each time we complete an all-out set encompassing such form.


A most difficult balancing act for many bodybuilders involves achieving

just enough cardio to gradually strip body fat while ensuring muscle
depletion does not occur. Some try to overcome this dilemma by
forgoing all aerobic activity, figuring that the extra rest will facilitate
more muscle gains. Others aim to get as lean as possible through
daily cardio training while hoping to retain as much muscle as they
can. Both approaches are wrong.

Another point worth noting here is the role the mTOR pathway (an
intracellular pathway which, in its role as a key regulator of muscle
protein synthesis, contributes to hypertrophic muscle growth) has
on muscle gains via optimal mechanical tension. The more tension
we place our muscles under, which also includes the time under
tension (TUT) we subject them to, the greater the mTOR stimulation; the more mTOR stimulation we can achieve, the more protein
synthesis that occurs.

As bodybuilders, cardio is important on many levels: it helps to keep

fat down to boost testosterone production, improve health, and reveal
hard-fought muscularity; assists with nutrient transportation into
muscle cells through increased blood circulation; enhances waste
product removal from muscle cells to speed their recovery; and boosts
our psychological wellbeing and mental acuity so we may feel good
and have more mental energy to train. Excessive cardio, however,
may contribute to overtraining in that our muscles require extended
periods of complete rest from all activity to fully heal. Too much
aerobic work may also deplete muscle protein (especially pre contest
when caloric intake is low; though primarily a fat burner, cardio may
also target carbohydrates and proteins as additional fuel sources).

So if you find you cannot perform an exercise properly, your back

arches, you lose control of the bar, or you cannot complete an entire
set without the help of a spotter, chances are you are lifting too heavy
and your muscles are not getting the proper tension they require for
superior muscle growth.

Mistake 4:


The human muscular system is remarkably resilient and will quickly

adapt to the trauma we inflict upon it in the gym. Provided we achieve
adequate recovery and consume a nutritious diet,



Progressive Giant Sets for Colossal Pumps

pathway? The harder we train, the greater the mTOR stimulation
and the more protein synthesis we can expect. Bottom line: we must
always be looking to increase our training intensity, a quality that may
diminish the older we become.

Mistake 5:


Just as not applying enough effort in our workouts may curtail our rate
of muscle growth, completing the same workout over and over may
lead to training stagnation and a diminishing of returns. Similarly, by
by becoming larger and stronger in an effort to ward off further chalnot hitting each muscle group from enough angles we may limit its
lenges to their structural integrity.
many of us have
growth potential. One trick to countering the above is to determine a
a tendency to hold back onAndre
our training
intensity, as if working our
wide range of different movements which, through trial and error, you
muscles too hard may promote an irreversible degree of damage
have found your muscles respond well to and incorporate a range
which we may not fully recover from. In addition to reducing their
of these for a certain number of weeks before switching to another
total training volume, such individuals may also quit each of their
selection. Keep 1-2 key exercises in each workout (for example squats
sets before they have fully recruited a maximum number of muscle
and deadlifts, which few lifters can really go wrong with) and vary
fibers. Since it is the final few reps of a set that are the most growth
the others periodically. Likewise: alternate intensity methods such as
provoking, such lifters are, in essence, stopping before they have
rest/pause, descending sets, supersets, and partials from workout
even really begun.
to workout. Keep training intensity the same throughout: ultra-high.
Because of the limited time we have to train and the effort we do
Once our physique has reached a certain level, additional gains
apply during our training sessions, it makes sense to maximize our
tend to come at a comparative snails pace; it is then we must become
time by going that little bit further in each workout. If pressed, most of
creative in our workout design to force further progress. Getting
us will discover that there is often more that can be done to increase
back to basics and drilling 2-3 heavy compound lifts for 6-8 reps per
our training intensity: if forced, we could almost always squeeze out
set per workout may, for a week or two, work well to promote fresh
an extra rep of two with good form.
gains before we again switch it back up to incorporate a selection of
Aside from implementing various intensity methods, all great for
single-joint movements with our favored mass builders. Experiment to
accentuating the stress we may place on our muscles, truly effective
find the training approach that works best for you, keep your muscles
workouts really come down to lifting the heaviest weights possible,
guessing and growing, but do not fall into the trap of following the
maximizing muscular tension on each rep, and training to complete
same protocols week after week. To be constantly challenged is to
failure on all sets. If approached in such a way we need not spend
grow. Whether such adaptation takes place in a psychological, social,
one or more hours pounding away; in fact, our sessions may last no
emotional or physical sense, imposed conditions which signal change
more than 45 minutes (should we average 10 reps per set, three sets
are needed for personal growth: in relation to training adaptation may
per exercise, and three movements per muscle group).
mean the difference between stalling in your progress and advancing
Remember that all important regulator of muscle growth, the mTOR
at an exponential rate.

As with training volume, the exact amount of cardio needed to promote

its desirable effects while avoiding its deleterious consequences can
be determined only on an individual basis. No fewer than three, and
no more than five, 45 minute steady-state cardio sessions per week
when shredding is often quoted as being sufficient to burn fat while
preserving muscle. For some, these sessions may need to be reduced
to 30 minutes, while for others one hour will get the job done best. The
key take home point here is that cardio must factor into your training
plan. It is both valuable and necessary. Dont become swayed by
what others are doing. Find a cardio schedule that works best for you.

Even with the greatest of training advice, many of us will struggle to
build our dream physique. Indeed, knowing what to do and applying
these insights are two entirely separate matters and only the truly
dedicated, those who are willing to persistently apply sound advice,
will pass the test. In this article we have discussed the importance
of nutrition-planning, and many an integral training factor. However,
only consistency of effort will ensure that all you have learned above
will help to produce the gains you seek.
In this article we have
touched on
some critical
muscle-building mistakes
that you will
need to avoid
to keep the
gains coming.
There are many others. Keep checking in with us at ALLMAX Nutrition
as we continue to uncover the most commonly made training errors.






Q. Hey Eric, I am an avid user of

PRRS and FDFS, and have been on
those two programs (cycling back
and forth) for the last few years
and making awesome progress.
However, because of work and
family obligations I need to cut
back to three (from my usual 5)
workouts per week for the next
several months. During this time
I would like to switch things up a
bit, and hopefully still make gains
on a very abbreviated program.
What would you suggest?

Eric Broser


A. Well, I am vey glad to hear that you have been

using my training protocols, FDFS and PRRS, for
such a long time and have reaped the rewards. Normally in a case like yours I would say to continue
utilizing both of my systems, but to simply group
your body parts into a 3-day split, while doing less
overall volume for each muscle. However, you
mentioned that you want to switch things up a bit,
so I am going to take this opportunity to introduce a
new program that I designed earlier this year and
have been implementing very successfully with
some of my more experienced clients (that are in
a similar situation to yours). I call it O-Bey-6 and
although I will soon write a full article about this
system, here I will just give you the Cliff Notes
version since I have limited space. Still, you will
have more than enough
information to get rocking
and rolling on my latest
muscle making method!
First, the name, OBey-6, reflects the two
main parameters of the
system: 1) that I recommend sticking to the
basics (hence Bey-6),
as in mostly free-weight,
compound lifts and 2)
that you will be obeying

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

the 6-rule of exercises, rep tempo, and rep

count. To clarify, this means that you will utilize six
movements per workout; that each rep will take six
seconds to complete; and that each set will contain
a total of six repetitions (with the goal of reaching
momentary muscular failure on the final rep). There
will be no direct arm, calf or abdominal work, but
because we are focusing on basic exercises your
core/bis/tris/calves will still receive ample stimulation to progress.
At each of your three weekly gym sessions you will
choose one form of squats (or leg press), deadlifts,
chest presses (or dips), overhead presses, pullups,
and rows. You can use the same movements at
all three workouts or can switch things up each
time. However, if you decide to stick to the same
movements for a full week, I suggest making
some changes the following week. Similar to my
PRRS system, some people will prefer to vary the
movements as much as possible, while others
like to concentrate more on specific exercises.
Another important point, as you will see in my
examples below, is that while all repetitions will
take six total seconds to complete, the tempo (as
in negative/mid-point/positive strokes) will change
at each workout during the week. This is where the
magic really happens! The same exact movement
can feel totally different when performed with a
unique tempo!


(using maximum exercise variation).
BB Squat: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
Stiff Leg Deadlift: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
Incline BB Press: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
WG Pullup: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
CG Seated Cable Row: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
Seated DB Press: 2-3 x 6 (4/1/1)
Leg Press: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
Deadlift: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
Bench Press: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
Underhand Grip Pullup: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
WG BB Upright Row: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
Seated Military Press: 2-3 x 6 (3/0/3)
Hack Squat: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
Partial Rack Deadlift: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
Dips: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
CG Pullup: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
One Arm DB Row: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
Single Arm Standing DB Press: 2-3 x 6 (2/2/2)
Do you have questions on this program or any
other training topic, I would be happy to answer
them in a future column. Just shoot me an email to





Each month we will feature Tri-Fitness athletes who have competed and performed at the highest level. What is an athlete? Well, a Tri-Fitness athlete is
one who demonstrates strength (bench press), speed (obstacle course and shuttle run), flexibility (routine), agility (shuttle run and obstacle course), and
endurance (box jumps, obstacle course, routine, shuttle and bench). Through a healthy diet (eating as an athlete) and extreme training, these athletes
achieve a fit, athletic physique which enables them to succeed in our event.
This month we will feature Carol Anthony (South Africa) and Jennifer Kirkpatrick (Tampa, Florida) who have achieved success in the Tri-Fitness World

Carol Anthony
CAROL: I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I am a
conditioning coach. I also own a wholefood and gourmet raw cafe
called Cafe Raw. I have trained since I was 16 years old. After
following body building for 25 years I decided to start competing in
figure shows when I was 41. I have
competed every year for the last
7 years. I also do a bit of cycling,
entering the 94.7 cycle race each
year, one of the biggest time cycling
races in the world, over a distance of
58.8 miles.
CAROL: I have always read
Oxygen magazine where I first
came across Tri-Fitness. I knew I
had to enter this event. I contacted
Al Rosen and he kindly invited
me to compete. My family and I
travelled to Florida last year where
I competed in the Tri-Fitness World
Challenge at St Pete Beach for the
first time. Unfortunately, during the
obstacle course, I tore ligaments in
my foot. My husband Rodney, being
ever positive and South Africas
national powerlifting coach said:
you didnt come here to watch. He patched me up and sent me
out to complete the box jumps and shuttle run. I had completed
Tri-Fitness World Challenge 2013 and knew Id be back in 2014. I
had found a sport I had instantly fallen in love with. My family and I
returned this year to compete in Tampa. I was thrilled to place 10th


Natural Muscle Magazine

overall and came home with 7 medals. I was ecstatic and I have
just started my prep for 2015.
CAROL: What do I like most about Tri-Fitness . . . There is
so much to love about Tri-Fitness. Al
and Bernadette Rosen have become
our American family. The athletes are
amazing and I regard them as my fit
family. Everyone is so encouraging. I
have made such special friends. TriFitness is an amazing event. It is all
about challenging yourself, overcoming
your own obstacles. I love the variety of
the events, it requires you to be a well
rounded athlete, fast, strong, agile, fit
incorporating the Grace and Physique
round which requires discipline to be
able to present an athletic toned body
on stage. I definitely rate the Tri-Fitness
World Challenge as the Best Fitness
challenge in the world!
CAROL: I would encourage everyone
to compete in Tri-Fitness World Challenge
at least once. I can guarantee it will be a
life changing experience. I only started
competing in Tri-Fitness at 47. Anyone
can do it. You can do it. Dream big. Then live your dream. Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to share my journey with the
readers. I am privileged indeed. Al you have changed my life. I
am forever grateful. Looking forward to the 18th Tri-Fitness World
Challenge in May 2015!

November 2014

By Bernadette Schimnowski-Rosen
Photos By: Ed Johnston, Greg VanderWel, Thomas Oed

Jennifer Kirkpatrick
JENNIFER: Im a 30 year old Florida native with a zillion
and one food allergies. Im in sales, and I loooove being active! I
had a period of time where I was unable to participate in any
sports or any sort of working out aside from physical therapy due
to a motorcycle accident that took about a year for recovery. I
developed a much greater appreciation for the gift of the ability
to be active, which is something I wont take for granted. That
experience made me realize how important it is to take care of my
body and to enjoy life. Anything that includes both of those is the
ideal activity for me!

JENNIFER: I have been

practicing and competing in
Tri-Fitness for almost two
years. Ive always loved
sports and anything athletic
or active, but didnt always
consider myself an athlete. In
high school I played soccer
and ran hurdles in track and
I participated in some coed
sports during and after college,
but I discovered that I really am
athletic when I started Brazilian
Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. Then
I met Jen Rosen who talked
me into trying this thing called
Tri-Fitness ... I was hooked after
my first practice! I love being
challenged and having fun,
Tri-Fitness is exactly that!
JENNIFER: I love the
physical challenge; I love
the camaraderie; I love the
awesome coaching and
motivation we get from Coach
Al and each other and most
of all, I love the fact that I
get to run around on a giant,
adult sized playground and
climb over walls, cargo nets,
and monkey bars! How could
anyone not love that?!
JENNIFER: If anyone is
ever looking for an awesome
workout, a fantastic time, the
chance to challenge yourself,
and a bunch of awesome new friends, I highly recommend
giving Tri-Fitness a whirl! The Tri-Fitness World Challenge is an
event where athletes of different skill levels can come challenge
themselves while competing in numerous events. At the end of the
weekend, we all say wow we came, saw, and conquered!


Have you ever stopped to wonder how many times a day we make
choices about food?
For some of us, the way we eat is also our way of life. Most people struggle when it comes to
dieting because they think of the word diet and correlate that to deprivation or they eliminate
a lot of certain foods because the associate them with being bad, especially when it comes to
carbohydrates. When we deprive ourselves of particular foods then we just crave them more.
Deprivation and extremely restrictive diets dont work because most people focus on what they
cant have. This can sometimes create an obsessive compulsive behavior with the foods they
cut completely out, even if they are not the typical good foods.
So if you can have food you enjoy in moderation without the guilt and still reach your goals
wouldnt that make a diet sustainable long term? With most individuals wanting results, the sustainability of a diet is something that is overlooked, but extremely important for By:
long term
There are many fad diets out there in which you will lose scale weight fast, but they are typically
not something you can do for the rest of your life. You have to look past instant gratification that
most seek and look toward a more balanced approach to keep you healthy not only physically,
but mentally and emotionally as well long term.
My goal is to teach clients how to have a more flexible and not extremely restrictive approach
when it comes to their food. This is where the concept of being mindful is very important. Whether
your goal is to maintain your weight, lose body fat or gain lean muscle mass then you have to be
mindful of what you are fueling it with. My rule is that you make sure your meals are comprised of
85-90% nutrient dense unprocessed foods. Then you are allowed to have whatever you like for
the other 10% as long as you fit the macros (protein, carbs, fats) in your plan and keep calories
in a controlled situation. This way you are fueling your body with proper nutrients for health and
controlling your calories for results. Always remember in a calorie controlled situation your body
will not store fat from any certain macro.
The term if it fits your macros has become very popular. Some like to take this to extremes
and eat anything they want as long as they reach their macronutrients totals for the day. This approach will work for just scale weight loss, but in terms of health and fueling the body to maintain
lean muscle mass its not optimal and falls short.
The macronutrients represent the fuel you give your body. But its important to understand that
not all calories are created equal in that the breakdown of the macronutrient you are eating. If
your diet was made up of 2000 calories and
1500 calories came from processed foods
like pop tarts and sugary drinks then your
insulin levels would be compromised and
you could possibly become insulin resistant
and develop diabetes but still lose 10 lbs. If
your 2000 calories were made up of mostly
natural unprocessed foods like potatoes,
rice, turkey, coconut oil then insulin levels
would stay under control and health would
improve along with losing 10 lbs. Always
weigh the cost to benefit ratio in terms of
health and longevity to just indulging 24/7.
Be mindFUL and not mindLESS of what
you put in your body every single day.
Nourish yourself with good food and apply
a balanced approach as weve discussed.
Remember this is an ongoing journey! For
more information visit my blog at

Be MindFUL
not MindLESS


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

By Nicole Cress
Photos By


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By: Frank Gigante
Natural Pro



Set the Goal an ultimate long-range goal that may take a year or so to complete and
is beyond your current grasp
Shorter Time Frames set shorter goals that will lead to achieving your ultimate goal
Specific Action focus on the actions and details necessary to accomplish in each
day and not on the ultimate goal
Monitor and Adjust build on strengths, improve weaknesses

n a very short time we all be bombarded with ads, messages, and

programs touting that January 1 will be the time to start making
great progress, set new goals and accomplish great things. My
question is why wait until January to start setting goals? There
is no magical fairy dust that descends with the confetti when the clock
strikes midnight on New Years Eve. There is no reason that goals for
the new year, the new month, next week, this week or today cannot
be set and begun now.
Often the problem with goals setting isnt in the goal itself, but
in the execution of how to achieve the goal. We all have goals to
strive for, things we want to accomplish for ourselves with varying
time frames to reach these achievements. As we see each year, in
January, many people start out with great enthusiasm and motivation
to reach their New Years resolution but as time goes on, many of
those goals become distant memories and are chalked up to trying
again next year. Why? Were the goals too unrealistic? Probably
not. The issue was most likely in the execution of the plans to
reach those goals. Lets consider a blueprint to achieve goals.


The idea of setting a long-term goal to be achieved over a year
or more is a great first step. This goal should be beyond our current
skill level, abilities, and something we will truly have to work towards
achieving. Our long term goals should be the driving force behind
our actions, but we must realize that those goals are large and will
require a journey and a process that will take considerable time. To
think we are going to focus our attention on a long term goal and
keep that attention for over a year is a remedy for failure before we
begin the process. There must be a better way.
Long term goals are great but once set, can be almost forgotten
about. For most people, long term goals are slightly more than just
a wish if there is nothing behind it. If we take the example of setting


Natural Muscle Magazine

a goal for the upcoming year, there are many goals people want to
achieve by the end of next year. However that is over 12 months away
and the thought of working towards such a goal for 400 days or so
is way too long and somewhat unrealistic. The goal is great, but we
need a path of how to get there. Simply putting down, losing weight,
is not enough. We need to examine how to accomplish losing weight.


Setting the long range goal is just the first step in the process. This
goal must be broken down into more specific and shorter outcomes.
For example, if your largest goal is a one year plan, what does that
goal look like at 9 months, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month? Where
do you need to be at each of those points along the way in order to
achieve your goal in one year?
While your long term goal should be out of your reach, the
strategies and short term goals you set in order to get there must be
achievable and realistic. They must be within your reach and within
your ability level. This should be your focus as you work on the
process. These smaller goals and strategies will help you execute
your plans and drive your actions on a daily basis.
By breaking down the overall goal into smaller intervals, it begins
to narrow the focus on what needs to be done along the way. It adds
direction to our road map to get from where we are now to where we
want to be in a year. This serves to narrow the focus. Our largest
goal is purposely out of our reach. But what needs to be done in
the next month or 3 months is well within our control. By putting
together a plan of action to move us forward over a short amount
of time will help keep us on track and keep our goal attainable.


With a long term goal set high and now broken down into
measurable outcomes and checkpoints we can turn our attention

November 2014

to an even more specific level in order to ensure success. Your

immediate action plan is hyper focused on the present and very near
future. I suggest breaking down your shortest goal into an action
plan that stretches no longer than a week, and then further breaking
it down to what you can and will do daily within that week. Working
under the premise that there is always something you can do, what
is that you can do that day that will move you closer to where you
want to be? It may be as simple as making healthier meals, even
just one, but if it is manageable and moves you forward toward your
goals for the week, month, and so on then it needs to be done today!


When working from such a focused perspective each day, there

comes many opportunities to see and feel success in the smallest
of accomplishments. Each day as you successfully fulfill your goals
take a moment to recognize it as success. Use those successes to
build upon with each new day. Over time these add momentum to
your plans, add life and energy, to your goals and begin to prove to
you that reaching your long term goal is not only realistic and possible,
but that you are more than capable of going even further.
There is no need to wait for the New Year to start mapping out the
path you need to set and accomplish your greatest of goals. With
this guide you can start now, today and have a clear cut action plan
to execute and achieve.
In my coaching experience, as we work with people who
want to improve their health, both through fitness and through
nutrition, we spend a considerable amount of time helping
them set realistic goals and then breaking those into smaller,
manageable components that are specific and achievable, with an
action plan to get there. For more information and help with goal
setting, contact me through

Jenniffer Merida of photo CHICA Photography


10 Important Things
We Need To Know

By Linn Carlton

Nature has provided us with every nutrient that we need to live

a long, healthy, and active life.
Unfortunately, we're no longer
able to enjoy all of the earth's
goodness because of the way we
process our already fragile foods
to death. It doesn't help that our
soils have been ravaged and that
the animals we eat are regularly
given steroids to artificially stimulate their growth.
Doctors have known for years
that ever yone needs at least
90 nutrients to maintain their
health. These nutrients include
a minimum of 70 minerals, 18
amino acids, and three essential
fatty acids.
If you are currently supplementing with minerals labeled ionic or
colloidal, the discovery and understanding of fulvic acid should
excite you.

Scientists have found that fulvic acid is the

element that makes nutrients absorbable,
which gives it the ability to make a dramatic
impact on all kinds of diseases and
health problems that afflict us today.
They call it the elixir of life!

bioactive, bioavailable, and organic. Thus, when

elemental minerals are transformed into an organic
state, through a natural chemical process involving
fulvic acid and photosynthesis, they are safe to be
used by both humans and animals.

Fulvic acid has the ability to dramatically detoxify

herbicides, pesticides, and other poisons that it
interacts with - this includes many radioactive elements. The presence of fulvic acid also acts as an
important protective agent whenever toxins are
used to reduce the insect population that often
besiege non-organically grown crops. This detoxification process may extend to animals and humans,
since we are the end-users of these plants.

Digestive Enzymes are activated by Fulvic Acid.

Whenever we eat, our body sets into motion a
complex series of actions designed to break down
the foods that we've eaten. It then converts these
digested foods into energy and building materials.
The actions that take place on the foods
that we ingest would not be possible if it
were not for enzymes. Without enzyme
activation, food would simply rot in our
stomach, elimination could not take
place, thought would cease, and
we would die. Enzymes are the
'life-force' behind vitamins
and minerals.

Fulvic Acid contains the 70 essential minerals. Whenever minerals

come into contact with fulvic
acid, in a water medium, they are
naturally dissolved into an ionic
form. These minerals literally become part of the fulvic acid itself.
Once the minerals meld into the
fulvic acid complex, they become


Natural Muscle Magazine

Fulvic acid has the ability to

dramatically reduce the oxidative effects of free-radicals.
Fulvic acid is a very powerful antioxidant. Harmful free
radicals are known to circulate
throughout the body, injuring

November 2014

tissue, altering genes, disrupting crucial processes

in the body, forming cell mutations and making
cells susceptible to infections and diseases. Free
radicals are a major contributing factor to nearly all
situations of non-ideal health. Fulvic acid is known
to bond to these free radicals, transforming them
into organic, usable substances, or if the cell is too
damaged, it is eliminated as waste.

Fulvic acid is effective at

neutralizing and detoxifying a wide range
of toxic materials,
heavy metals
and other pollutants. It is essential to wash away
the waste and toxins
that cells produce.
In addition to carrying
essential nutrients to
the cell, it has been
shown that fulvic acid
may be an excellent
natural chelator of tox
ins and can reduce them to a harmless state.

Fulvic acid is reported to relieve oxygen deficiency

and increase the vital activity of cells. New energy
will be gained just by providing your stressed out
cells with the nutrients and oxygen needed. Also,
if you can restore individual cells to their normal
chemical balance and electrical potential, then
you have given those cells life and the potential
to function at peak performance. Fulvic acid has
been reported to "induce revitalization" to the cells.
Flooding nutrients into your cells gives new vitality
and energizes the entire body.

Fulvic acid has been shown to be one of nature's

most powerful organic electrolytes. All cells have
electrical potential, when the electrical potential of
a cell is reduced, progressive weakness and illness
may occur. A person's electrical potential may be
lowered by loss of blood or fluids, overwhelming
emotional stress, accidents, lack of sleep, surgical
shock, lingering infections, fatigue or an unbalanced diet. Cells disintegrate when their electrical potential is reduced to zero. Scientists have
learned that electrical and chemical balances at
the cellular level can be created and
controlled by electrolytes
(substances that are
soluble in water and
are capable of conducting electrical

Organic fulvic acid

electrolytes charge, recharge and restore the potential
that is or once was normal to the
cell, and in doing so, balances and supercharges
cellular life. The fulvic acid electrolytes are thought
to greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals,
nutrients, vitamins, herbs and amino acids into
the circulatory system.


Fulvic acid is considered by many to be one of

the safest and most powerful antiviral substances
known. Although not an antibiotic in the technical
sense, they provide an antibiotic-effect. A generally
accepted benefit of fulvic acid supplementation is
that it can be used indefinitely without fear of creating antibiotic resistant strains of disease

Get more intense &
get more
out of yourPB

Get more intense &
Tire flips
get more
out of yourPB



Top 4 Trapezius Movements

By David Robson For ALLMAX

When to Train Traps

Trapezius training features in both shoulder and back training sessions. For my money, because
the traps are part of the back, they should be trained with the back so as to avoid potentially
overtraining this area (if we work traps with shoulders and train shoulders and back twice
weekly, our traps are effectively hammered four times per week). Also, by training traps with
back we may lift heavier on all traps movements, and avoid injury, because the spinal area will
be better lubricated and adequately warmed from the preceding back work.



By Derek Tresize for Sunwarrior

12 Week Trap Building Program

For the purposes of the specialized traps training program to follow, the traps will be worked
once a week with back and additionally in their own separate workout.

Dumbbell Shrugs

Probably the best traps movement of all time, the dumbbell shrug, when properly performed, targets the
entire traps, from the upper to lower regions. Be sure to keep the elbows behind the body, rather than
to the front, to work all three sections of the trapezius. To perform, shrug dumbbells as high as possible
as if to touch shoulders to earlobes, squeeze hard at the top, and slowly lower, feeling the negative all
the way down.

Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs

An excellent all-round trap builder (and a favorite of eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney), this movement
builds complete trapezius size and shape. To perform, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip from behind
the back (rest bar on bench and bend at the knees until bar can be grabbed). Move bar further back
a fraction to avoid contacting the backside and pull bar as high as possible without bending the arms.
Squeeze at top and slowly lower to starting position.

Close Grip Barbell Upright Rows

Adopting a close grip and keeping upper arms parallel to the ground, pull bar to nose-level and forcefully
contract the traps, before lowering bar to starting position. This movement hits the upper traps and the
hard to reach frontal trap area above the clavicle region.

Wide Grip Dumbbell Upright Rows

Another upper trap builder, this movement allows for a greater range of motion on the upward phase. Not
employed specifically to target the upper traps, as is the close grip barbell version, it nevertheless puts
tremendous pressure on this area and the middle trapezius region. Begin with dumbbells at your sides
with palms facing back, pull weights to just below the front deltoid region, and squeeze traps. Slowly
lower to starting position.
Note: with all traps movements, maintain the momentum, in a controlled fashion, from the beginning of
the set to the end. No swinging and no resting at the bottom of the movement (though a slight squeeze
and pause is to be achieved at the top). If the weight you are using forces you to rest at the bottom, drop
down to lighter dumbbells and continue the set until the prescribed rep range is achieved.


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

s/w = super set with

Monday: Back & Traps
Schedule traps first in this workout and pick a back training regimen of your choosing (but,
if possible, be sure to include deadlifts and chins ups, which work all major back muscles as
well as significantly targeting the traps).
Dumbbell Shrugs s/w Wide Grip Barbell Rows 3 x 8-12
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs 3 x 8-12
Tuesday: Arms
Biceps/Triceps/Forearms Exercises of choice
Wednesday: Chest & Shoulders
Exercises of choice
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Traps
Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs s/w Dumbbell Upright Rows 4 x 8-12
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 Drop Sets x 8-12
Wide Grip Upright Rows 3 x 8-12
Saturday: Legs
Exercises of choice
Sunday: Rest

PBSissy SquatsNatural Muscle

May 2013
One leg on bench squat PB

PBSissy SquatsNatural Muscle

May 2013
One leg on bench squat PB



By: SJ MacShane

Why women shouldnt skip


heres a quote floating around that caught my eye it

reads My dream is to see the weight room filled with
women. Throughout history women were hardly ever
seen in the weight room, but fortunately, times are changing
as more women recognize the benefits that lifting weights
has on the female physique. Victory aside, when it comes
to lifting weights, the chest (or pectorals) remains an often
neglected area regimented by women. This muscle group
seems to take a back seat to the much desired set of rock
hard glutes or toned abs-but more profoundly, the pecs have
been at the forefront of some of the biggest fitness myths out
there! Myths ranging from of getting super bulky to the fear of
going flat; these fears have deterred women for years from
building a strong chest. Pushing those myths aside, lets look
at why training your chest is as needed as any other muscle
group on the human body.


What you need: Dumbbells or a Kettlebell and a Physio

Ball. Choose a weight that is challenging but does not compromise proper form.
What is worked: Chest, triceps and core

So now that youre convinced, lets talk about building a strong

chest. Although there are many benefits to using a bench you
dont have to start there, you can utilize a physio ball and still
reap the same benefits. Not to mention being in the comfort
of your own home. For beginners, start with a weight you
can get 15 reps with and work your way to a heavier weight,
then go for 10-12 reps. Remember; when I say 15 reps, that
means your 15th rep is within 3 to 5 reps of all you could do.
With that said, give this chest workout below a try!


Not all chest muscles are trained equal. Womans chest

muscles are very different from a man; the muscles are a
bit smaller, only attaching about 1/3 the distance down the
sternum/chest bone; a mans muscle attaches all the way
down the sternum. This unique female anatomy allows us
to build a sleek, figure shaping upper chest, without losing
our feminine appeal. In fact, developing our chest muscles
will only serve to improve our figure and can add perkiness.

*Perform 3 sets of 10 reps with 1 minute rest in between. I

recommend at minimum a 5 minute warm up that includes
active stretching of the chest and rotator cuffs.
1- Alternating chest press on ball (10 reps per arm)
2- Chest pullover
3- Elevated ball push-ups


Neglecting chest training can create bad posture and leave

your ligaments and tendons open for injuries due to their
under development. If your workout routine consists of training all other muscles while omitting chest, this off-balance
training routine could end up creating muscular imbalances
in your body, further leading to the inability to perform other
exercises correctly, even daily tasks. Another important reason
to strengthen the pecs is to protect vital organs such as the
heart and lungs. Think of it like your building a protective wall
against accidents and injuries, this is something that everyone
can benefit from.


Movements that involve chest engagement arent just used

on the bench press -as these muscles are used frequently.
Whether its pushing a lawn mower, baby carriage, or grocery
cart; a strong chests help us perform tasks like these. Your
chest muscles are used in so many ways you may not realize;
getting up off the floor, closing a sliding door, even giving a
hug with a squeeze of love! You will be surprised how chest
training will make life easier.


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014



By Honey Young
use a pre choppedSalad
veggie salad from Trader Joe's
3 Med. Cucumbers Peeled and Sliced 1/4"
1 Med. Onion sliced and separate into rings
3 Med. tomatoes cut into wedges
The problem
with hosting a BBQ or being a guest at one is that typically
1/2 C. Vinegar
the incredible smells
of grilled meat and vegetables, comes
/ Nutrition
C. SugarISSA Trainer
MuscleCoach May 2013
PB equally unhealthy cold
the Magnum
bowls of
1 C. water
Combine allsnacks
in a large
1/4 C.
oil Athlete toss making sure everything is


2 tsp.salt
for atwill include indulging
I believe
whole heartedly
in lifewell.
1 tsp. ground pepper
least 2 hrs before serving.
in some
of this is that is what your are craving at the end of your week,
a couple sprigs of dill (optional)

but for those of you who maybe indulged too much over the fall and
spring and need to stick to plan 110% or maybe for those of you who
have big fitness goals for the summer, here are some of my favourite
HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES to the typical BBQ treats.

Ayurveda - Oil Pulling For Detox

ating back thousands of years, the practice

of oil pulling was a popular Indian Ayurvedic
treatment. Oil pulling is the process of swirling and pulling oil around the mouth and in between
the teeth. When done, the used oil is spit out and
then one rinses their mouth with water. The purpose
of oil pulling is to remove toxins, contaminants, and
bacteria, and infection pus from inside the mouth
and in between the teeth.
A person will use one tablespoon of oil and
rinse their mouth one to three times a day for about
20 minutes. As the oil mixes with the saliva, the
composition will change from its thick consistency
to thin, foamy, and a yellow color. The gargling
action will trigger enzymes to activate and they
will pull out toxins from the blood. You will know it
is working because as you continue swishing and
swirling, the oil gets thinner and becomes white.
Those who study oil pulling report that movement
of oil in the mouth causes the sublingual muscles
to expel toxins. However, others say the saliva
mixing with the oil stimulates the release of stored


toxins. It is important not to swallow the oil when

done because it contains the toxins and bacteria.
Organic, unrefined sunflower, sesame seed
and cold pressed oils are the most recommended
oils to use. Experts state that oil pulling should
be performed on an empty stomach because you
may vomit if you have a full stomach. As well, the
recommended time to perform oil pulling is in the
morning and a couple of other times throughout
the day and evening.
Oil pulling is a component of the Ayurvedic custom of holistic medicine. Health conditions it is used
for include: strengthening the jaw, gums, and teeth,
as well as for bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth
decay, dry throats, and cracked and chapped lips.

After a few weeks of use,

one will normally notice
such results as whiter
teeth, a pink tongue, and
better breath.

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

Indications that oil pulling is working is that one will

experience an increase of mucous flow from the
sinuses and throat. As it builds up, you can spit it
out and start again with a fresh tablespoon of oil.
It is normal to feel a little nausea because your
body is experiencing the toxins being removed.
Your body is actually being cleansed and detoxified. These symptoms will gradually diminish as
you get healthier. That is, there is a reduction of
toxins in the body.
There have been some astounding benefits
reported such as bleeding of the gums will stop,
loose teeth will tighten, whitening of the teeth occurs as stains are removed, and there is a reduction
in migraines. As well, oil pulling treats the whole
body and there have been improvements in such
conditions as blood disorders, kidney disease,
women's hormonal troubles, leukemia, bronchitis,
meningitis, arthritis, eczema, Intestinal disease,
peritonitis, heart disease, and illnesses such as
cancer, AIDS, and other long term diseases.

Another benefit of oil pulling is that it is inexpensive and easy to perform. It is completely safe for
people, that includes children, elderly, and pregnant
women. For one looking to embrace a healthier
lifestyle by pulling out toxins, pus, bacteria, and
other unhealthy elements from the body, oil pulling
may be a way of working to achieve that lifestyle.
After oil pulling, we recommend rinsing your
mouth and cleaning your sinuses with Himalayan
salt water to help rid of bacteria and clean out
remainder of build up.
Solay Wellness
hand crafts and imports fair trade earth friendly
lifestyle products including salt crystal lamps,
gourmet Himalayan salt products, organic skin
care, natural hair care, SLS free oral products,
natural pet products, salt pipes, salt therapy aids
and more. Read our blog for quality health information at

use a pre choppedSalad

veggie salad from Trader Joe's
3 Med. Cucumbers Peeled and Sliced 1/4"
1 Med. Onion sliced and separate into rings
3 Med. tomatoes cut into wedges
The problem
with hosting a BBQ or being a guest at one is that typically
1/2 C. Vinegar
the incredible smells
of grilled meat and vegetables, comes
/ Nutrition
C. SugarISSA Trainer
MuscleCoach May 2013
the Magnum
bowls of
equally unhealthy cold
1 C. water
Combine allsnacks
in a large
1/4 C.
oil Athlete toss making sure everything is


2 tsp.salt
for atwill include indulging
I believe
whole heartedly
in lifewell.
1 tsp. ground pepper
least 2 hrs before serving.
in some
of this is that is what your are craving at the end of your week,
a couple sprigs of dill (optional)

but for those of you who maybe indulged too much over the fall and
spring and need to stick to plan 110% or maybe for those of you who

have big fi tness goals for the summer, here are some of my favourite
HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES to the typical BBQ treats.



Penne with Eggplant,

Turkey Sausage & Feta


4 cups cubed peeled eggplant (about 1 pound)

1. In a large skillet over medium-high heat

1 large yellow pepper, cut into inch pieces

cook eggplant, peppers, sausage, and garlic

pound turkey sausage

for 5 minutes or until sausage is browned and

4 garlic cloves, minced

2 tablespoons tomato paste

By Danielle Singh, APCA

Personal Chef
Nutrition & Natural Health Advocate
Fitness Professional

The Hindi word for eggplant, baingan, is actually derived from

another word that means without merit, since the eggplant has
for long time been misunderstood as a non-nourishing food.
Whoever floated this idea, should be eating their wordsand
more eggplants! Heres what the humble eggplant can do to
help you live healthier:

1 tablespoon dried oregano or 1 teaspoon fresh chopped oregano

- teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
6 cups hot cooked penne (about 10 ounces uncooked tube-shaped pasta)
cup (2 ounces) crumbled feta cheese

continue cooking over medium heat 5 minutes,

stirring occasionally.
2. Place pasta in a large bowl. Add tomato
mixture, cheese, and parsley; toss well.

Tur n up the HEAT!

Pan Roasted Salmon with
Barbecue Beurre Blanc

Worlds Hottest Chili Pepper Is Indian


Four Indian scientists have discovered that a type of chili pepper

grown in the countrys northeast has the highest Scoville units of
2 T. vegetable oil, divided
pure capsaicin a measure of hotness.
11/2 pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined
Called the Tezpur chili pepper, after the area where it is grown,

3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
scientists say the pepper has beaten Mexicos Red Savina Ha1/4 teaspoon black pepper
banero, widely acclaimed as the hottest chili pepper in the world.
a banks
great of
is constantly
Tezpur lies
the river
Brahmaputra about 112

T. fresh
andwhich is better
miles from
Guwahati, thevegetable
main city ofbroth
1/2 cups onion,
not totealetthan
for itscareful
chili peppers.
1 cup red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
to simmer
a slow
to bring
chilli wasat
Scoville units... the
1 1/2 T. curry powder
the previous page
units of pure
& Natural
1 T. mustard
Leal, Stay
: Healthy
said one of the
peppers in India are called chillies.
1/4 teaspoon ground
1. scientists
Heat aTime
Add 1 tablespoon oil; swirl to
in 2014
red pepper, cayenne
coat. Sprinkle shrimp with 1/8 teaspoon salt and black pepper. Add shrimp to pan; cook 2
1 cup low sodium vegetable broth
on each
or until after
from panWilbur
and set aside. (Avoid overcooking
is named
1 cup frozen peas and carrots
will become
the fiorrstthey
to measure
the heat
component in chili peppers.
1 fresh lime, quartered
India is the worlds top producer of chili peppers, exporting an
1 T. coconut, grated
2. Reduce
to medium; add remaining oil; swirl to coat. Add onion, red pepper, garlic
35 tons
a year.
2 T. chopped fresh cilantro
and ginger;
cook 2News
minutes, stirring constantly. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, curry powder, and
ABC World
Ingredients for coconut rice:
next 3 ingredients (through cayenne pepper); cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Slowly
1/8 teaspoon salt
add vegetable broth to curry paste, stirring constantly. This brings out the flavor! Next, add
1 cup light coconut milk
peas and carrots; bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 15-20
1 cup uncooked basmati or jasmine rice
minutes or until sauce begins to reduce. Return shrimp to pan; stir and cook 1 minute.

By Danielle Singh, APCA

Your Summer
Natural Muscle
April 2013
DIRECTIONS Curry with Coconut Rice
and Shrimp
Some Extra Calories, Too!

3. Meanwhile, while curry cooks, bring coconut milk to a boil in a saucepan. Stir in
remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt and rice. Cover, cook according to rice directions, and
remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.
4. Place approximately 1/3 cup rice on each plate, top each serving with 1 cup shrimp
mixture then sprinkle each serving with fresh lime, coconut and cilantro. Serves 4-6.
If you like it hot, try adding a hot chili pepper, seeded and diced, to the pan when sauting
the onionsThat will definitely do the trick!

The heart-healthy benefits of eggplant dont end with

limiting cholesterol. Eggplants are high in bioflavonoids, which
are known to control high blood pressure and relieve stress.
Regular consumption of eggplant helps prevent blood
clotsthanks again to Vitamin K and bioflavonoids, which
strengthen capillaries.

Natural Muscle Magazine

paste, oregano, pepper and diced tomatoes and

cup chopped fresh parsley

The iron, calcium and other minerals in eggplant supply

the essential nutrients required by the body. All this, while
relishing a highly flavorful veggie, is a good deal, indeed!
Stuff, grill, bake, roast, stew your eggplantstheyre delicious
in most avatars!
Eggplants contain certain essential phyto nutrients
which improve blood circulation and nourish the brain. But
rememberthese nutrients are concentrated in the skin of
the eggplant, so dont char and throw it away.
They provide fiber, which protects the digestive tract. In
fact, regular intake of eggplants can protect you from colon
Eggplant is low in calories, with just 35 per cup. It contains
no fat and its high fiber content can help you feel full.
For centuries, eggplants have been used for controlling and
managing diabetes. Modern research validates this role,
thanks to the high fiber and low soluble carbohydrate content
of the eggplant.
Eggplants have a role in heart care, too. Research studies
show they can lower bad cholesterol. But you must cook them
the right way to get these benefits. Fried eggplant soaks up
a lot of fat, making it harmful and heavy. Instead, bake it at
400 degrees, which brings out glorious flavor and gives you
all the goodness an eggplant holds!


eggplant and peppers are tender. Add tomato

November 2014

Pan Roasted Salmon with

Barbecue Beurre Blanc

Worlds Hottest Chili Pepper Is Indian


Four Indian scientists have discovered that a type of chili pepper

grown in the countrys northeast has the highest Scoville units of
2 T. vegetable oil, divided
pure capsaicin a measure of hotness.
11/2 pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined
Called the Tezpur chili pepper, after the area where it is grown,

3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
scientists say the pepper has beaten Mexicos Red Savina Ha1/4 teaspoon black pepper
banero, widely acclaimed as the hottest chili pepper in the world.
a banks
great of
is constantly
Tezpur lies
the river
Brahmaputra about 112

T. fresh
andwhich is better
miles from
Guwahati, thevegetable
main city ofbroth
1/2 cups onion,
not totealetthan
for itscareful
chili peppers.
1 cup red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
to simmer
a slow
to bring
chilli wasat
Scoville units... the
1 1/2 T. curry powder
the previous page
Scoville continued
units of purefrom
& Natural
1 T. mustard
Leal, Stay
: Healthy
said one of the
peppers in India are called chillies.
1/4 teaspoon ground
ect onpan
1. scientists
Heat aTime
Add 1 tablespoon oil; swirl to
red pepper, cayenne
coat. Sprinkle shrimp with 1/8 teaspoon salt and black pepper. Add shrimp to pan; cook 2
1 cup low sodium vegetable broth
on each
or until after
from panWilbur
and set aside. (Avoid overcooking
is named
1 cup frozen peas and carrots
will become
the fiorrstthey
to measure
the heat
component in chili peppers.
1 fresh lime, quartered
India is the worlds top producer of chili peppers, exporting an
1 T. coconut, grated
2. Reduce
to medium; add remaining oil; swirl to coat. Add onion, red pepper, garlic
35 tons
a year.
2 T. chopped fresh cilantro
and ginger;
cook 2News
minutes, stirring constantly. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, curry powder, and
ABC World
Ingredients for coconut rice:
next 3 ingredients (through cayenne pepper); cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Slowly
1/8 teaspoon salt
add vegetable broth to curry paste, stirring constantly. This brings out the flavor! Next, add
1 cup light coconut milk
peas and carrots; bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 15-20
1 cup uncooked basmati or jasmine rice
minutes or until sauce begins to reduce. Return shrimp to pan; stir and cook 1 minute.

By Danielle Singh, APCA

Your Summer
Natural Muscle
April 2013
DIRECTIONS Curry with Coconut Rice
and Shrimp
Some Extra Calories, Too!

3. Meanwhile, while curry cooks, bring coconut milk to a boil in a saucepan. Stir in
remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt and rice. Cover, cook according to rice directions, and
remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.
4. Place approximately 1/3 cup rice on each plate, top each serving with 1 cup shrimp
mixture then sprinkle each serving with fresh lime, coconut and cilantro. Serves 4-6.
If you like it hot, try adding a hot chili pepper, seeded and diced, to the pan when sauting
the onionsThat will definitely do the trick!



$' 2 , # 1 1






Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014



Muscle carnosine loading

more pronounced in


Dr. Paul C. Henning PhD CSCS

arnosine (-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide synthesized from
the precursors L-histidine and beta-alanine (BA) by carnosine
synthase [1]. It is stored in high concentrations in human
skeletal muscle [2]. Oral ingestion of BA, which is the rate-limiting
precursor in carnosine synthesis, has been shown to elevate muscle
carnosine content by 40-80% [3]. Its been demonstrated that muscle
carnosine loading is ergogenic in high-intensity exercise [4].
We know that the absolute increase in muscle carnosine is
dependent upon the total BA amount supplemented over a certain
period of time [5]. There is also evidence that coingestion of BA
with meals can beneficially influence muscle carnosine loading,
suggesting that insulin could play a role in muscle carnosine loading.
Exercise training may also facilitate muscle carnosine loading,
similar with creatine, for which a higher increase in creatine
concentration was demonstrated in the trained compared with
the untrained leg after creatine supplementation [6]. The effect of
concomitant training during BA supplementation on the carnosine
loading efficiency is poorly understood.

The following research investigated the effects of training on BAinduced muscle carnosine loading. This research investigated the
effects of BA on carnosine content in arms and legs in nonathletes
vs. athletes who trained either upper body or lower body, or both [7].
Participants (nonathletes, cyclists, swimmers, and kayakers) were
supplemented with 6.4 g/day of BA for 23 days.


Beta-alanine (BA) is equally effective in raising carnosine
concentrations in upper vs. lower body muscles in nonathletes. In
light of this finding, athletes from different sports were compared
to examine carnosine loading in specifically trained and untrained
muscles (swimmers, kayakers, and cyclists). Kayakers almost
exclusively train upper body, cyclists the lower body, whereas
swimmers train the entire body. There was clearly an effect of
training on carnosine loading with nearly a doubling of the increase in
muscle carnosine content after supplementation in specifically trained
muscles compared with the untrained muscles (78% vs 43%). The
different groups of athletes had much higher absolute increases in
carnosine concentration compared with nonathletes. Cyclists were
able to accumulate more carnosine in their leg muscles than arm


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

and deltoid muscles, whereas the reverse pattern was observed

in kayakers. These results confirm that trained muscles are more
efficiently loaded with carnosine than untrained muscles.


The finding from this research can be translated into attractive
implications to athletes. It seems quite wise to supplement BA
during a period of substantial training, rather than in a rest or
recovery period, in order to optimize supplementation effectiveness
throughout a training season. In addition, the physiological carnosine
loading mechanism is probably more effective in trained vs. untrained
individuals. It is clear that training is a possible determinant of
carnosine loading, but it remains to be determined whether these
effects are due to the acute exercise effects and/or to chronic
adaptations of training. More research needs to be done to elucidate
the underlying mechanisms. What is very clear is that you will get
more out of beta-alanine supplementation during an intense training
regimen! Besides getting more of it in your muscle during a trained
condition, beta-alanine allows you to train harder, longer and recover
faster between sets and workouts.

Sign up for Dr. Hennings FREE Fat Loss E-Course at
1-Boldyrev, A.A., G. Aldini, and W. Derave, Physiology and
pathophysiology of carnosine. Physiol Rev, 2013. 93(4): p. 1803-45.
2-Derave, W., et al., Muscle carnosine metabolism and beta-alanine
supplementation in relation to exercise and training. Sports Med,
2010. 40(3): p. 247-63.
3-Baguet, A., et al., Important role of muscle carnosine in rowing
performance. J Appl Physiol (1985), 2010. 109(4): p. 1096-101.
4-Hobson, R.M., et al., Effects of beta-alanine supplementation on
exercise performance: a meta-analysis. Amino Acids, 2012. 43(1):
p. 25-37.
5-Stellingwerff, T., et al., Effect of two beta-alanine dosing protocols
on muscle carnosine synthesis and washout. Amino Acids, 2012.
42(6): p. 2461-72.
6-Harris, R.C., K. Soderlund, and E. Hultman, Elevation of creatine
in resting and exercised muscle of normal subjects by creatine
supplementation. Clin Sci (Lond), 1992. 83(3): p. 367-74.
7-Bex, T., et al., Muscle carnosine loading by beta-alanine
supplementation is more pronounced in trained vs. untrained
muscles. J Appl Physiol (1985), 2014. 116(2): p. 204-9.


Cheddar Cheese Tacos

This recipe is great for those people
following a low carb, ketogenic or
grain free diet as the shell is made
with cheese instead of flour


Yields: 4-6 servings
Prep time 5 mins.
Total time: 20 mins.



Yield: about 4-6 servings

1 lbs of ground beef

Prep time: 5 mins.

bit over cup chopped green peppers

Total time: 6 mins.

bit over cup chopped red peppers

1 cup chopped white onion


3 tbs of minced garlic

2 diced roma tomatoes

2-3 tbs of cumin

cup chopped white onion

2 tbs of garlic powder

1 tbs chopped fresh cilantro

2 tbs of onion powder

1 tbs fresh squeezed lime juice

2 tbs of dried cilantro

1 tsp of olive oil

1 tsp of fresh ground black pepper

1 pinch of white pepper

2 tbs of olive oil

Salt to taste

Salt to taste

Yield: about 4-6 servings
Prep time: 5 mins.
Total time: 5 mins

2 small hass avocados
2 tbs white onion
2 tbs red peppers
2 tbs green peppers
2 tbs fresh cilantro
1 fresh clove of garlic
1 tbs of fresh squeezed lime juice
1 pinch of jalapeo powder
Salt to taste

Place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse
until the desired consistency is achieved. Set aside in
the fridge while you make the taco shells.

Yield: 4-6 servings


Prep time 3 mins.

Add the olive oil to a large skillet and saut the minced

Total time: 2 min per taco shell

garlic, the onion and the red and green peppers until
they start to soften. Add in the ground beef and stir so it


breaks apart, cook for about 5 minutes. Add all the spices

2 lb block of sharp cheddar cheese

to the beef and stir again making sure to combine all

Parchment paper

the ingredients well. Stir occasionally to breakdown any

Round plate (optional)

meat that has stuck together. Cook for about 15 minutes

at medium heat or until the beef is golden brown. Cover
and set aside while you make the guacamole.

In a bowl mix all the ingredients together making sure that
the lime juice evenly distributes. Place in the fridge while
you make the seasoned beef.

Recipe by Carolina Villalon, you

can follow her on instagram @

Slice cheese about inch thick (2 oz).
Line the plate with parchment paper and place 1 slice
of cheese on it. You dont need to use a plate but I nd
it makes the shaping easier.
Microwave for about 2 minutes, or until you see that
the cheese is no longer actively bubbling. You can
also cook the cheese in an oven, it will take about 20
min at 400 degrees.
Carefully grab a piece of each side of the parchment
paper to shape the shell (it will be extremely hot).
Dont be too worried if your shell doesnt come out
perfect, the avor will more than make up for it.


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

Grace & Physique

Event (Women)



wto my WORLD

If you have the chance to meet Elle Marie Gundelfinger, I promise you, you are going to like her!
A few years ago at Hitch-Fits WBFF competition in Kansas City, a tall, slightly shy, beautiful young lady
signed up to do a shoot with me. From that moment, if I were to use one word to describe Elle, it would
be HOME! Instantly, I felt that Elle had always been in my life. We talked about posing: what was best
for her, what accentuated her features and mostly about life in general. That moment, I became Elles fan
and have been ever since. I am so pleased to introduce NMM readers to her. Elle Marie is an outstanding
lady, inside and out. My Name is Coach A, Welcome to MY WORLD!

Ellie Marie Gundelfinger

What do you consider your greatest lesson learned?
My greatest lesson learned is to always go for
it, even if you know you will fail. Failing is not a
negative. Every time you go for it and fail, you
learn a valuable lesson. Those lessons will create
the path to your goal.
Is there anyone you would like
to thank?
There are so many people I would like to thank. My
parents have always been there for me. My mother
taught me strength and persistence, and my father
taught me patience and values. They made me who
I am today. My fianc, AJ Ellison, has truly been
my rock. He has been there for me through it all,
and never let me give up. Also, I would like to thank
my family at Hitch Fit.
Last meal?
Roasted chicken, green beans and lots of sweet
Last cheat food?
Blue-cheese burger.

One thing you would like to

improve about yourself?
I would love to improve my cooking skills. I can
cook the basics, but would love to improve my
skills in the kitchen.
Least favorite workout?
Running. I dont mind cardio, but running does not
like my body. Im a very long and lean person so it
takes quit a bit to get all my limbs moving.
Favorite workout?
Legs. My lower body has always been a weakness. Ive vowed to turn it into a strength. Now, I
love training my lower body and seeing the small
Favorite body part?
My shoulders and back. Ive been a volleyball
athlete my entire life. From years of training on
the court, Ive managed to build some lean mass.
First thing you do tomorrow?
Have breakfast. I usually wake up thinking about
what I get for my first meal.

On a guy?
Confidence and patience are two of the sexiest
characteristics a man can have.


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

Person who influenced you the

My mother. I tell my Mom everything, and sometimes I feel like she knows me better then I know
myself. She never pushes a decision or opinion
on me, but rather lets me talk myself though it so
I come to a decision on my own. So in a way she
influences me to be the best version of me I can be.
Favorite fitness athlete?
I love to follow Paige Hathaway. She is a beautiful,
classy and intelligent woman.
How have you contributed to the
fitness industry?
I have competed with the WBFF for 5 years.
While training at Hitch Fit Ive transformed multiple
athletes to the stage. Its a beautiful thing to watch
someone start from the beginning and earn the
way to the stage.
What do you consider your
greatest triumph?
Achievements/award(s) One of my best achievements is transforming myself. About 6 years ago I
decided that I wanted more out of life, both physically and emotionally. I hit the floor running and
never looked back.

List your competition(s) awards

and/or athletic achievements?
2011 Bikini Tall Top 10 (7th place)
2012 Bikini Tall Top 10 (7th place)
2013 Bikini Tall Top 10(6th place)
2014 Bikini Tall Top 5 (4th place)
What do you do for a living?
Im a personal trainer for Hitch Fit in Kansas
City, MO
How/Why did you get involved in
I have been an athlete my entire life. Not until I
decided I wanted to compete in 2011 during my
transformation did I truly fall in love with the sport.
Who influenced you the most
athletically, Academically?
My Dad has always been a huge influence on
my athletic career. He never missed a game and
always pushed me to try harder and be better.
Who do you admire the most?
Male? My fianc, AJ Ellison, has the best work
ethic of anyone Ive ever known.
Female? Diana Chaloux-LaCerte is an amazing
woman, inside and out.


What did you think about your first competition?

I absolutely loved my first competition. The moment I stepped off stage
I couldnt wait to do it again.
Coach A?
I cant thank Coach A enough for all the kindness he has shown me. Both
he and his wife are terrific people
How do you want to be remembered as an
I would like to be remembered as athlete that never gave up their dreams.
Ive lost more than Ive won, but I wont stop!
What traits do you value the most?
Kindness and honesty.
What do you see that is good in Fitness today?
Honestly, I see a ton of good in fitness today. The most rewarding experience is helping someone from start to end, from completely out of
shape, to tackling their goals and ultimately becoming a completely new
version of themselves.
What would you like to say to the readers of
Fight for your dreams!


If you could thank 3 people in your life, who are

they and why?
Im lucky enough to have one of the best support systems any girl could
ask for: AJ Ellison who is there for me day in and day out; And one of my
best friends, Sonja Tanner. She is my fitness rock! My parents, of course,
they made me the person I am today.
What is your passion?
My passion is people. I absolute love to help people set their sights on a
goal, go after it and reach it!
Tell me something that I dont know about you?
I am a serious homebody. My favorite nights are the ones that we rent a
movie and cuddle up with our dogs on the couch.
Sum up your philosophy of fitness/athletes in one
sentence, what would it be?
KEEP on Keepin ON!

Where were you born?

Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Marital Status
Engaged to A J Ellison
NASM Certified Trainer
Licensed Esthetician

To contact Coach A

Age: 29
Height: 58
Weight: 135 Lbs.


By Steve Marteski



Getting Back in the FLOW

major challenge for dieting females is digestive

irregularity. Digestive issues are a problem that
affect millions of females even in the absence
of restricted diets, add in all of the variables of
dieting and it creates more or less the perfect
storm for irregularity. With non-dieters, the remedy
is simple, eat more fiber and food and take some
laxatives and the temporary problem will usually be resolved. With
added fiber and food though, generally come added calories; which
are a no no. Correcting the situation in the dieters case is a bit more
complicated than eating a couple loafs of bread and some Ex-lax, but
a combination of strategies will get things moving again.
First, understand what causes irregularity and constipation.
Hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone, play a large role
in digestive regularity. Most women notice digestive changes when
these fluctuate, which is often around menstrual cycles. Changes
in these hormones slow or speed up the digestive process and
wreak havoc on consistent digestion. On top of that, calorie and fat
restricted diets cause even more hormonal turmoil and exacerbate
the problem. Not only does your bare-bones diet manipulate these
hormones, but also affects unrelated hormones of the thyroid, which
are directly responsible for metabolism. Restrict the diet and what
the body thinks it needs to survive and it tries to conserve everything
and hold on to the limited resources it gets. Above all, though, the
minimal volume of food eaten on a restricted diet is to blame. Less
food equals less poop and what limited amount is in the digestive
tract tends to remain until there is a critical mass that needs to be


Natural Muscle Magazine

expelled. All the while the tensing of the colon is compacting it into
diamonds, in this case not a girls best friend.
So, what can you do to alleviate this issue without abandoning
the diet? Generally, digestive issues accumulate over the course of
days or weeks as the result of diet and lifestyle choices and in turn, it
takes equally as long to correct them. The use of laxatives is generally
discouraged as while they work short term, over time they can make
the issue much worse. Once the body adapts to them, you get more
compaction, less flow. These regular and habitual strategies to relieve
constipation will get you regular and healthy sooner than later:
Increase your water intake around meals: Constipation and
irregularity is quite often related to lack of ample fluids. Even though
the majority of dieters drink plenty of water, we also use a lot more
through the course of workouts. Also, once the body becomes
accustomed to a certain amount of water intake day after day, it
learns very quickly to expel that water and achieve its programmed
level of hydration, even though this may be less than ideal. A great
way to offset this is to spike water intake during times of irregularity,
particularly around meals. Drinking additional water with meals
as opposed to between meals will further volumize the food and
contribute to better intestinal flow.
Reduce or eliminate fat burners and pre-workouts: Even though
stimulants like caffeine (i.e. coffee) can promote bowel movements,
when taken regularly, over time, they tend to have the opposite effect.
Stimulants trigger your body to release water and in turn leave you
less hydrated. Further, stimulants tense your muscles and can cause
compaction. Taken chronically, the pre-workouts and fat-burners we
take leave us dryer and tenser. Cutting back or eliminating them for

November 2014

a period of time with relax the muscles and promote hydration which
will in turn promote intestinal flow.
Take a soluble fiber supplement- A pure soluble fiber supplement
like Metamucil or Benefiber works in conjunction with the liquids
we drink at meals. These will serve to volumize the food we eat
and also, hold more water in the digestive tract which encourages
proper digestion. Not only are they calorie free, but also will help to
alleviate hunger.
Increase low-calorie fibrous carbs Eating more fibrous carbs is
perhaps the best way to promote regularity. The problem for dieters,
however, is the added calories of doing so. Foods like Brussel sprouts,
asparagus and particularly celery are extremely volumous, loaded
with fiber and extremely low in calories. Also, being that these are so
fibrous and require such active digestion, most of the calories they
do contain are used in the process of just digesting them. It has been
said that celery, being so fibrous and so low in calories is actually
a net negative calorie food, meaning it takes more calories for your
body to digest calories than it has. Try replacing some of your other
carb sources with more of these three.
Digestive challenges are a frustrating wrinkle in dieting for most
women. You want to eat the right foods, but you dont want to hold onto
them for three or four days. Following these few guidelines regularly,
as opposed to just when a problem arises will keep you regular. The
use of medicinal laxatives should be avoided for other consequences
to dieters unless absolutely necessary. Incorporate the above
strategies into your program will leave you feeling and functioning
better, which means you will ultimately look better at the end.

Photo by Eva Simon


seen on our


Golden Milk:
The Simple Drink

That Could Change

Your Life

lright fans, the contracts have been signed, the

venue has been set and it is official: Magnum Nutraceuticals' first official AB-OFF is November 12,
2014. It is a Heavyweight bout - Markus "The Mad
Lithuanian" vs Mike "Titan" O'Hearn. 3 weeks
to shed as much fat as
possible and bring striations that legends are
made of. Future generations will be speaking of this epic event
as the day the world
saw a clash of two
overly-ripped, intensely-shredded, striatedglutius-maximused
beasts. They will be
speaking in Lithuanian
(or some Lithuanian /
Chinese half-bread),
but the message will
be clear - this was the
day abs were defined.
with Bert Neibergall,
Alain Gosselin Wbff
Pro, Heidi Cannon Wbff
Pro and 45 others.


Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014


Golden Milk is a wonderful beverage to have in the
evening and the benefits are extraordinary. The
main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric
contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as
its primary active component and which exhibits
over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which
include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

Additional benefits:
Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,.
Boosts immunity.
Helps maintain cholesterol levels.
Promotes digestive health.
Liver detoxifier.
Regulates metabolism & weight management.
High blood pressure.
Memory and brain function.
Various skin conditions.
Neurological disorders.
Lowers Triglycerides
Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmericspiced food enhances curcumins bioavailability
by 1,000 times, due to black peppers hot property called piperine. Yup by mixing turmeric and
black pepper together, you increase your bodys
absorption of the turmeric by 2000%!

Step 1: Turmeric Paste:
1/4 cup of turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
1/2 cup of filtered water
Mix all ingredients in a small a small sauce pan
and mix well. Turn the heat to medium high and
stir constantly until the mixture is a thick paste. This
does not take long so dont walk away from the pan.
Let this mixture cool and then keep it in a small
jar in the fridge.
Step 2: Golden Milk
1 cup of almond milk (hemp or coconut are also
good options)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon or more of turmeric paste
Combine all the ingredients, except honey in a
saucepan. Turn the heat to medium. While heating
make sure to stir constantly and do not allow the
mixture to boil. Add honey to taste.





Swan Diving off

the Wagon...



Natural Muscle Magazine

hats how I describe what I did on the date of September 21st,

2014, after what was close to 9 months of contest, photo
shoots and Olympia prep.
Now theres a variety of published educated instructions written
about reverse dieting and getting back to normal post show... I
chose not to read them.
I chose not to read them because Ive always had an easy time
sliding back into normalcy, whether it be post comp or post photo
shoot. I have always counted myself lucky to not have the urges
to binge.
I allow scheduled treat meals in through my entire prep, so I am
never left feeling starved of anything.
Maybe it was the length of prep this time, I mean 9 months is a
LONG time, I had 2 competitions just a few months apart and 5 big
photo shoots this year, 3 of which were going to be in Las Vegas
with my team Magnum at the Olympia.
As soon as that last shoot was done, the Kyla I knew somewhat
disappeared and I literally couldnt say no to food. I had never
experienced this before, and to be completely honest it lasted over
a week, and left me feeling heavy (oddly, I didnt gain any weight
over my normal pre show weight, so that was a miracle) I felt puffy,
tired and really worst of all, disappointed in myself.
We could argue this two ways, one is to relax and allow the
indulgences, after all I had worked so hard all year.
The other is to recognize that anything that makes you feel any
of the above isnt healthy and finding an alternative would be greatly

November 2014

beneficial, both to our physical and mental well being.

Again like I said earlier, Ive never had to worry about post show
rebounding, so I may not have the best scientific answers for you,
but what I do have is my honesty and my intentions for next time.
Maybe you share my feelings.
When the show or shoot or event is coming to an end and the
light of normalcy is beginning to shine, think of your top breakfast
food you have been yearning for, your top lunch and your top dinner
(okay, add in a dessert too).
Allow yourself three days of satisfying your cravings. Have one of
these items on each day, filling the rest of the day with wholesome
clean normal food.
After three days, you will have satisfied all cravings while
maintaining a pretty good balance in the rest of your day.
Avoid buffets and large takeout orders for large parties..This was
my downfall. TRUST ME.
Your body will assume its never getting fed again, and the war
of how much can I eat begins ...and you will lose this battle ... Im
laughing now, but it felt awful.
I am now 2 weeks post Olympia photo shoots, 4 days back on
plan, and beginning to feel like myself again.
I, like you am human, we simply can not be perfect all the time.
Heck, we shouldnt try to be perfect at any point.
Its important to sit comfortably in happiness with each choice we
make, dont do as I did.
Dont swan dive, the water simply isnt deep enough.




Rice Krispy Treats

Who does not like the simple sweet goodness and crunch of the favored Rice
Krispy treat? It is so important to be in control of what we put in our face and allow
our kids to eat as well. We are all striving to be healthy and a big part of that is
cooking and baking at home. The best part about this healthy Rice Krispy treat is
I created the recipe without using marshmallow and adding Organic Brown Rice

The Health Benefits

of Baking at

Home baked goods and cooking can take a back

seat with the convenience of processed products and
ready-made meals at our fingertips. There are many
great reasons to bake at home but lets consider the
top five:
1. Home Baked Goods. Nothing beats the
freshness and taste of a baked item made with TLC
straight from our own oven.
2. Home Cooking Ingredients. There is
no secret to what is used to bake a product at home.
This eliminates eating any processed, mystery and
usually unhealthy ingredients that are used to shelf life
baked goods in the store. Baking at home is healthier
overall due to the simplicity of the ingredients and if
you go Organic, even better.
Place the bars into the freezer to cool for 45 minutes, then
remove the pan and bring the bars to room temperature.
Recipe yields approximately 16 treats. Store additional
treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

2/3 cup brown rice syrup
1/4 cup organic butter or coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups organic brown rice crisp cereal
Combine the brown rice syrup and organic butter or
coconut oil in a saucepan over medium heat, and bring the
mixture to a rolling boil. Boil for one minute, remove from
the heat, and stir in the vanilla extract. Pour the cereal into
a large mixing bowl and stir in the boiled syrup mixture until
the cereal is well-coated.
Use organic coconut oil and coat a 9-inch baking sheet or
cover with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Spread the
coated cereal in the pan. Rub coconut oil on your hands or
use an additional piece of parchment paper over the top of
the cereal to keep your hands from getting sticky. Press
HARD to pack the cereal tightly into the bottom of the pan
and this ensures that the ingredients will be firmly packed
and stuck together.


Natural Muscle Magazine

Stay Healthy Fitness has updated their website which now features
Darlas Stay Healthy recipes ready to view and print. Her updated Stay
Healthy Fitness Blog is full of motivation, personal stories, and helpful
resources on adopting a healthy
lifestyle. Stay Healthy Fitness is
now accepting submission for Ad
Space and will host a giveaway in
support of growing your business.
Check out all that Darla and Stay
Healthy Fitness has to offer at the
following links:

November 2014

3. Experimenting with Baking. Baking

at home opens the door to modifying recipes in
cookbooks or on the web to create a healthier version.
Home baking allows for creativity and fun with
experimentation, and overall enjoyable new challenge
for the beginning baker or even the most seasoned of
home cook.
4. Save Money with Home Baking.
Once the baking ingredients are purchased, home
baking costs less in the long run. One packaged
baked item costs about the same as the baking
ingredients which will yield several batches of home
baked goods.
5. Home Baking Caters to You. Home
baking caters to special diets such as gluten free,
diabetic, or lactose free for example and allows more
control of what fits best in your daily food intake. For
these reasons and considering the conditions, it is
always best to trust an at home baked item over
anything purchased or processed.


Photo By: James Patrick Photography

The market is exploding with products claiming to improve the health and wellness
of individuals using vitamins and nutritional supplements. People are now seeking
the same products to complement the health of their pets. The benefits of appropriate nutritional supplements are overwhelming and can add several healthy years
to your life, as well as your dogs.

A surprisingly authentic
tasting raspberry
cheesecake, but
without the unhealthy

Dogs Age Faster Than People

Longevity is attributed 30 percent to genetics and
70 percent to lifestyle. Up to 90 percent of diseases
in dogs are due to the degenerative processes
associated with aging.

Does Your Dog Act His Age?

Because dogs age seven times faster than people,
major health changes occur in a short amount of
time. Dogs are considered puppies for about one
year, adults from age two to six, and seniors at
age seven. Giant breeds, like Great Danes, age
even more quickly and are considered seniors at
age five. Signs of aging in dogs occur slowly, but
generally begin at maturity, somewhere between
age one and two.
Dr. Denham Harman's Free Radical Theory of
Aging, applies to people and pets, including dogs.
This universally accepted theory states that aging
is a process in which the body's systems deteriorate
faster than the body can repair them.
The changes occur due to oxidative damage
caused by harmful compounds called free radicals.
Free radicals are toxic, electrically unstable molecules. As we age, they are produced more quickly.


Free radicals damage your dog's body similar to

the way oxygen causes iron to rust. They are detrimental to your dog's genetic material, his DNA and
RNA, his cell membranes and enzyme systems.
Free radicals are formed each time we take a
breath. Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, as
well as to environmental toxins, pollution, heavy
metals and stress contribute to free radical formation. Your dog's diet and drugs, such as antibiotics,
are also factors.
Free radicals weaken your dog's natural
defenses and have been associated with the
development of up to 90 percent of the age-related
degenerative conditions we associate with aging:
Cancer, Heart disease, Arthritis, Diabetes,
Cataracts, Premature aging
Our life span, as well as the length of your
dog's life, is ultimately determined by how quickly
free radicals cause harmful oxidative changes to
occur. Therefore what you feed your dog, as well
as the supplements you choose for your dog are
both very important.

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014


Your Dog's Diet
You are what you eat, and that's just as important for people as it is for dogs. What you feed your
dog directly affects his health and wellness. The
longer and more consistently you give your dog an
optimally balanced diet, the greater his chances are
of living a longer, healthier life.
Dogs, like people are omnivores and can naturally exist on a diet of meat, fruit and vegetables.
Consult with your vet to determine the best diet for
your dog. Commercial varieties worth looking into
include organic, natural diets such as Prairie made
by Natures Variety.
Homemade, natural diets take more time and
effort but in many cases are well worth the extra
effort. Vegetarian and raw food diets are another
option that, with careful supervision, may provide
complete and balanced nutrition for your dog.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, a
Border Collie in England named Taffy, lived to the
spry age of 27 eating an all-natural, organic diet.

Healthy Dog Snacks

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, low calorie
snacks many pets enjoy. Those rich in antioxidants
are especially beneficial for your dog:
Sweet Potatoes
Asparagus Tips
Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, tomatoes are filled
with Lycopenes and sweet potatoes are a source
of Vitamin E and Beta Carotene. Carrots and cantaloupes also provide Beta Carotene for your dog.

Antioxidant Supplements for

Your Dog: Sooner Not Later
Recent research documents that antioxidants provide very bright prospects for increasing the quality
and length of your dog's life. In addition, scientists
have found that sooner is better than later as far
as your dog's potential health benefits. Antioxidant
supplementation started as a puppy, before free
radical damage has occurred, can increase the
healthy lifespan of your dog by up to 20 percent.


Antioxidant supplements, including Vitamins

A, C, and E, the minerals Selenium and Zinc, and
the nutrients Alpha Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme
Q10, are the body's natural defense against free
radical damage. They can help to protect your dog
by neutralizing free radicals and decreasing the
resultant levels of oxidative damage.

The proper balance of Fatty Acids helps to reduce

wear and tear on your dog's body by decreasing
stress triggered increases in cholesterol and the
stress hormone Cortisol. Research indicates that
the ratio of 5:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids
seems to provide the greatest clinical benefits,
surpassing that of any individual Fatty Acid alone.

Essential Fatty Acid Supplements for Your Dog

Amino Acid Supplements for

Your Dog

Essential Fatty Acids are vital to life and support all

bodily functions in your dog. They help to keep cell
membranes soft and pliable, so your pet's cells can
absorb dietary nutrients. They enhance your dog's
skin and hair coat and are needed for the normal
development of the nervous system and brain.
Fatty Acids are vital to brain health and help to
preserve mental clarity. They decrease the risk of
Alzheimer's disease and dementia in dogs, cats
and people. Fatty Acids may reduce the risk of
heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, as
well as provide therapeutic effects in your dog for:

Arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory bowel disease,

Cancer therapy, Kidney disorders
Flea allergies, food intolerances and bacterial skin
infections can often be relieved by providing your
dog with fatty acid supplements.

A surprisingly authentic
tasting raspberry
cheesecake, but
without the unhealthy

Glutamine is the most abundant Amino Acid in the

body. It is the major energy source for the cells
that line the digestive system and strengthens
your dog's natural defense system known as the
immune system.
Glutamine promotes healing of the digestive
system thereby reducing bowel disorders. It spares
protein and reduces muscle loss during periods
of injury, stress and high endurance activities.
Therefore it is especially beneficial for pets recovering from trauma and for working and show dogs.
Glutamine also has many anti-aging effects.
It helps to preserve memory and to prevent the
harmful effects of Cortisol, the hormone that is
responsible for accelerating the aging process in
people and in your dog.
Glucosamine and MSM: Promotes normal
healthy bones, joints and cartilage for your dog.


Vitamin A/Beta Carotene: Antioxidant enhances immunity, essential for your dog to utilize
protein in his diet
Vitamin C: Antioxidant, needed for tissue growth
and repair, enhances immunity, needed for your
dog's body to utilize Vitamin E.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, prevents heart disease,
promotes wound healing, needed for your dog's
body to utilize Vitamin C.
B-Complex Vitamins: As a group, B vitamins
help your dog to maintain healthy nerves, skin
and muscle.



Coenzyme Q-10: A powerful, newly discovered antioxidant. Essential for immune function,
beneficial in heart disease and gum/dental disease
for your dog.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Antioxidant. Helps
your dog to restore energy metabolism.

Nutritional Supplements for Your Dog's Bones, Joints & Cartilage

Glucosamine is an amino sugar naturally produced in your dog's body from glucose, which is your dog's
blood sugar, and the Amino Acid, Glutamine. It helps the cartilage between the joints retain water so
the cartilage can act like a cushion to absorb shock and withstand compression. Glucosamine is vital to
protecting the health and integrity of your dog's bones, joints and cartilage. It helps to:
Decrease joint inflammation and pain, Promote cartilage repair, Aid healing of damaged joints, Increase
mobility in dogs with arthritis and hip dysplasia
Glucosamine is also a normal component of the urinary bladder in dogs and cats and may help to relieve
urinary disorders.
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is a natural source of sulfur that works along with Glucosamine to help
protect the health and integrity of your dog's bones, joints and cartilage.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Carol is a pet health researcher, a Board Certified Anti-Aging Health Diplomat, a published author and
a practicing, integrative veterinarian in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. She offers traditional and natural, alternative
therapies for dogs and cats. Visit Dr. Carols blog at

Glucosamine and MSM: Promotes normal

healthy bones, joints and cartilage for your dog.
Digestive Enzymes: Essential for your dog
to utilize and absorb nutrients from his/her diet.
Melatonin: Immune modulator, antioxidant,
triggers restful sleep for your dog.
Ginseng: A metabolic tonic to promote brain
health and overall wellness for your dog.
L-Glutamine: Amino acid needed for your dog
to energize the cells of his digestive system so
dietary nutrients can be properly absorbed and
Colostrum: The first milk your puppy receives
from his mother. Provides your dog with antibodies
to protect him against disease and aid immune
Exercise: 20 minutes twice a day minimum for
your dog.

Selenium: Antioxidant. Works with Vitamin

E to help your dog fight infection. Beneficial to dog's
skin and hair coats. Deficiencies linked to cancer
and heart disease.

Balanced, natural diet: Feed your dog at

least two meals daily. Fresh organic and natural
sources are best.

Zinc: Essential mineral your dog needs for protein

synthesis, promotes healthy immune system, aids
wound healing. Critical for hundreds of biological
processes in the body.

Relaxation: Stress and anxiety affect pets

and people adversely. Set aside an hour a day
to relax and enjoy your dog. Consider massage,
yoga and music.

Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids: Essential

component of cell membranes in your dog and is
needed for healthy heart, brain function and skin
and hair coats.

Positive mental attitude: The mind-body

connection is a potent promoter of well-being for
you and your dog.

Bioflavinoids: Enhances absorption of Vitamin

C, has antioxidant effects and promotes normal
blood circulation for your dog.

Pure water: Fresh, non-chlorinated water is

essential for people and for your dog.


Chest and Triceps

Skip La Cour is a six-time

national champion bodybuilder.
What's your premier exercise into having that really wide, thick back
to help your v taper?
Also: Dumbbell vs. Barbell Rows, which is better for mass development?
If there were a series of the "best exercises" that give you a "V taper" a hard-working Mr. Olympian champion like Jay Cutler would have done
all of them a long, long time ago and would have an incredible "V taper". He does NOT (compared to many other bodybuilders) because there
aren't any special exercises that will do that. He has to do the same basic back exercises just like everyone else--and be the very best HE
can be. Jay Cutler doesn't have the best V-Taper but he did develop his overall physique quite well, I'm sure you'd agree.
Your job is to execute all of those back exercises with the utmost effectiveness and efficiency. Then, you let your muscle size, shape,
density, maturity, and genetic structure take
over from there.
If you are using your back muscles during
an exercise, then it will come down to the how
well YOU, YOURSELF, EXECUTE the exercise
that will determine if dumbbell rows or barbell
rows are the best for mass development. A
good argument could be made for both of them
but, when it comes down to it, it's how well the
person doing the exercise performs the exercise.
Personally, I prefer barbell rows because
i feel a person can be much, much more efficient with their strength and energy when they
stay away from single-limb movements like
dumbbell rows.

What is the best way for a natural

bodybuilder to train in terms of the
best type of split? (details please if
you can..sets/reps)

Training Split
Day 1 (Sunday) - Rest
Day 2 (Monday) Chest and Triceps
Day 3 (Tuesday) - Legs

The best* training routine for

natural bodybuilders pay
special attention to:
1. Intense training sessions
that progressively overload the
targeted muscle group with heavier weight.
2. Complete recovery from their intense training sessions.
One major body part each session that body part and train just
once per week.
*Of course, everyone has their own opinions of what is "the best.)


Natural Muscle Magazine

Day 4 (Wednesday) Back and Biceps

Day 5 (Thursday) Shoulders and Traps

Flat Barbell
Bench Press
Incline Bench
Bench Press
Lying Triceps



4 to 6

4 to 6


4 to 6
4 to 6

4 to 6


4 to 6
4 to 6
4 to 6

4 to 6

4 to 6

4 to 6


4 to 6
4 to 6


4 to 6
4 to 6

Leg Press
Leg Curls
Stiff Leg

Back and Biceps

Barbell Rows
Pull Downs
(in front)
Low Pulley
Row (V-Bar)
Barbell Curls

Shoulders and Traps

Shoulder Press
Side Lateral
Bent Over
Rear Lateral
Barbell Upright
Row (medium grip
straight bar)

4 to 6

4 to 6


4 to 6
4 to 6

4 to 6

Day 6 (Friday) Calves, Abs, and Forearms

Calves, Abdominals, and Forearms

Day 7 (Saturday) Rest

Seated Calf
Standing Calf
Weighted Leg
Swiss Ball
Wrist Curls
Reverse Curls


November 2014

4 to 6

4 to 6

12 to 15

4 to 6

12 to 15
4 to 6


Mimi Zumwalt, MD
Sports Medicine Specialist

oot structure comes in three

shapes, formed to support our
bodies in the standing position:
pes cavus is the rigid type with high
arches; pes planus/flat feet (rigid
or flexible) with flattened arches;
and the Mortons foot with a shortened,
excessively mobile big toe plus longer 2nd toe.
Dependent upon certain activities i.e. walking
to running, high impact loads a few to several
times bodyweight
can be generated,
transferred from the
ground to different
points on our feet
then upward through
other weight bearing
joints of the lower
limbs. For example,
initial contact in
sprinters usually
involves the forefoot.
So solid supportive
shoe wear is one
factor which really
helps to minimize
impact forces through our feet, as long as
the shoe fits our unique anatomical shape i.e.
do not try to force a rectangular shaped object
into a triangular reservoir! If the foot inside
the shoe is not anatomically compatible,
biomechanically differential forces will
concentrate on certain spots thus causing
pressure, blisters and pain.
Plantar fasciitis is a frequent
overuse condition involving the bottom
surface of the foot, affecting the plantar fascia
which functions to stabilize the longitudinal
arch. Repetitive pulling of this fascia at its
attachment on the calcaneus (heel bone)
causes inflammation; overstretching and
even micro tears, resulting in swelling/pain
with weight bearing, especially in runners. A
recent, rapid increase in mileage or training
on hills usually precedes this problem. Shoes
without good arch supports, flat feet, and tight
Achilles tendons (heel cord), also contribute


What NOT to Wear
toward painful symptoms, since mid-foot
motion is altered and ankle motion is limited.
Heel pain usually comes on slowly, begins
after rising in the morning upon taking the
first few steps, gets better throughout the day
then becomes worse again (with swelling)
in the evening. Pain becomes more intense
when attempting to stand up after prolonged
sitting. Pain can also radiate toward the toes
or up the leg. This condition may involve a

heel spur, but is the result of and not the

main cause of pain, unless its extremely
large. Management of plantar fasciitis begins
with relative rest. Training should decrease
in terms of intensity and duration of impact;
or cross train with low/non-impact activities
such as swimming, running in water, or biking.
Institute other first-aid measures such as ice
after activity for swelling and NSAIDS for
inflammation. Institute stretching exercises
for the fascia and Achilles tendon; use rubber/
gel-like heel cups/pads along with medial
shoe inserts/orthotics. In severe cases, night
splinting with the ankle past 90degrees or a
month of bracing/casting may help alleviate
symptoms. More invasive measures such as
steroid injections can be tried, but beware of
fat dissolution causing chronic foot pain due
to loss of heel padding. With these treatment
measures, 90% will resolve but may take up
to a year. Thus be forewarned that recovery

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

takes time, so have patience and try not

to aggravate the condition, otherwise it will
take even longer to heal, and then a surgical
procedure may be needed to address the
intractable pain.
Turf toe (forced hyperextension/joint
sprain/subluxation of great toe) is another
common overuse injury, occurring during
athletic activity on hard surfaces (especially
artificial Astroturf), while wearing shoes with
extremely flexible soles. Besides improper
shoe wear, other contributing factors include
flatfeet, rigid big toe, and stiff ankles.
Degrees of injury will guide treatment. Minor,
Grade 1 type responds to compression, ice,
elevation, NSAIDS, and taping. Grade 2 may
take a couple of weeks to heal. Severe Grade
3 type may require a hard-soled shoe and
crutches for walking, and may take 4-8 weeks
for complete recovery. Orthotic fitting with a
fabricated rigid, insole/spring steel plate in
the forepart of the shoe can help to support
the great toe, protecting it from further injury
during the healing process, especially upon
returning to athletics.
Mortons neuroma is an irritating
condition involving the forefoot caused by
nerve inflammation; commonly between
the 3rd and 4th or interspace of the 2nd/3rd
toes. Symptoms include gradual pain and
numbness or hypersensitivity of the involved
spot upon standing up, which disappears by
massaging the foot. Upon squeezing then
letting go of the forefoot, a painful click is
elicited. If more severe, pain may travel
up the ankle or leg. Initial management
includes shoe modification, from wearing
heels to flat soles. The shoe should also
have a wide toe box and padding under the
ball of the foot to take pressure off of the
affected nerve. If conservative measures
fail, steroid injection(s) can be used, but
this treatment only provides relief in 30%
and temporary improvement in 50%. Again,
use this medication judiciously since it could
make the sole of the foots fat pad dissolve.
As for surgery, although 80% are successful,

75% will end up needing to wear a special

accommodative shoe after the procedure.
-----------------------------------------------------As for footwear, three types are available:
cushioning shoe, stability shoe, and motioncontrol shoe. In reference to the three feet
types, again it is best to match the shoe
with the foot to prevent overuse and other
injuries. For the rigid, high-arch foot, wear
the cushioning shoe with a curved sole and
flexible shell to fit properly, plus a pair of
softer, shock absorbing prescription orthotic
inserts. For the flexible flat foot, wear the
motion-control shoe with a fairly straight sole,
heel counter plus stiffer outer shell, and semirigid arch to provide medial or inner support.
Finally, the normal foot should feel fine in a
pair of stability shoes.
In summary, feet, although most often
ignored, are extremely important in that they
support our body weight in all sorts of daily
and sporting activities. In turn, we must try
to take excellent care of our feet and wear
appropriate shoes so they can continue to
hold us up throughout our lifetime!

Dr. Mimi Zumwalt is the Head Sports Medicine

Surgeon at Texas Tech University Health Sciences
Center, Tri-Fitness competitor/team physician,
AFAA certified personal trainer, ACSM group
exercise leader, and textbook co-author/
contributor (The Active Female and The Female
Athlete). She also holds a national benchpress
record in NASA natural powerlifting and was the
top ranked Womens Tennis Champion in Arkansas.
She has delivered numerous lectures on health,
fitness, wellness along with writing countless
magazine articles on training and musculoskeletal
issues. She can be contacted at



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a little





Summers leaves have vibrantly turned and

tumbled. The air feels like air conditioning.
Pop-up pumpkin patches are cleared for
Christmas trees and the thoughts of nonstop holiday gatherings now fill our heads.

You thought Halloween

was scary?
Fitness females get a first-rate fright between
Thanksgiving and Christmas, when many
Americans can gain between 5 and 15 pounds
of fat as they pack on the winter weight. And the
truly terrifying part is that we know its coming.
So, do we break out the stretch pants and just
give in to plates full of dressing and dessert?
Thats one idea, but heres another: What if we
can have our cake and stay fit, too? It can be
done with a little common sense and a game
plan. Even Santa Claus has a plan. He doesnt
just start hitting houses at random to get all those
toys delivered. Neither will we.

Lets start with the leftover

pumpkin. What to do? Didnt
you hear? Pumpkin is the
new ....skinny.
Its not just for Halloween!
Pumpkin is not only a super-healthy treat, but
it is also one of the greatest weight-loss foods
around. Pumpkin is often overlooked as a source
of fiber. The truth is, it offers 3 grams and only
49 calories in a one-cup serving. Because it is
fiber dense, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer
than other foods. And since fibrous foods take


longer to chew, research shows it gives the brain

more signals that you have eaten. That leads
to quicker feelings of being full. A fiber-rich diet
seems to help people eat less, and therefore,
shed pounds.
No matter how health-conscious your eating
habits, everyone (including myself) needs a little
dessert sometimes. Pumpkin is a fruit belonging
to the squash family; it is super low in calories
and saturated fats, making it a perfect healthy
treat. With pumpkin, you can have the enjoyment
without the guilt. So, you can have your cake
(maybe pie) and eat it too.
Pumpkin is high in protein, potassium,
magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and essential
fatty acids. Its distinctive bright orange color
also indicates it is loaded with the vitamin betacarotene, which helps fight free radicals. Also,
pumpkin is a great immune system booster and
rich in fiber, preventing one from cancer and
heart diseases.
Workout warriors can also benefit from
pumpkin. Have you ever heard that bananas are
natures energy bar? It turns out that one cup
of cooked pumpkin has more of the re-fueling
nutrient potassium, with 564 milligrams, versus
a bananas 422 milligrams. So it makes a great
post-workout option. A little extra potassium
helps restore the bodys balance of electrolytes
after a heavy workout and keeps muscles
functioning at their optimum.
Obviously you wont be eating the pumpkin
that has been sitting on your front steps for two
weeks, but fresh or canned versions are the best
How do you pick the best pumpkin? First,
check the stem. Long or short, the pumpkin
stem should be firmly attached. A pumpkin with
no stem, or with a loose stem, will spoil quickly.

Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

Next, examine the outside. Surface blemishes

are fine as long as they are firm to the touch. But
soft spots are to be avoided. Thats an indication
the fruit is a bit past prime. Some people say you
can tell by how a pumpkin smells, but human
noses are not our best sense. Follow your
instincts as a good-looking melon is probably
good. Cant say that about all good looking
people, by the way.

Sunflower seeds might be more popular, but
pumpkin is also tasty and nutritious. After you
have carved your Halloween pumpkin, you will
have plenty of seeds and innards left over. Too
many people toss those in the trash. Find your
strainer, head over to the kitchen sink and save
those seeds.

Heres a four-pack of fat fighters

to make this a fabulous fall:
The flavor of pumpkin is synonymous with
autumnal baking. Pumpkin puree actually serves
as a healthy alternative year-around. It is a great
substitute for oil or fat in recipes. And its easy
because the ratio is 1 to 1. If the recipe calls for
one cup of oil, use one cup of pumpkin puree
This is a good alternative to the usual holiday
side dishes and dips. Not easy to find in stores,
but there are many recipes on the internet.
Hummus stores well in the fridge and is packed
with nutrients. Youll probably need olive oil and
garlic to complete the recipe. Sprinkling toasted
pumpkin seeds on top is a nice touch.
How would like to basically have a slice of
pumpkin pie, in a to-go cup? Thats close to
what a smoothie offers. The internet offers lots of
amazing recipes to try. Most versions will call for
cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.

and seeds,
including those of pumpkins, are
naturally rich in certain plant-based chemicals
called phytosterols that have been shown in
studies to lower cholesterol. Pumpkin seeds can
also help to give you a boost in energy if you
have been feeling tired and sluggish. This makes
them a good snack for pre or post workouts.
Raw pumpkin seeds are easy to digest and they
are also a good source of protein.
Preparation is easy. Boil in salted water for
10 minutes. Then bake in a preheated oven at
400 degrees until brown. Careful, smaller seeds
can take as little as 5 minutes but larger seeds
can take as much as 20 minutes. Keep an eye
on them so as not to overcook. Seasonings are
They are easy to store in a reusable
container and that makes them great on-the-go


Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie

3/4 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk


Adapted from LCBO Food & Drink, Autumn 2011 issue

1/4 cup Fat-free plain Greek yogurt

1/4 cup Pumpkin puree (canned or fresh; NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Pumpkin spice
1/4 tsp Vanilla extract
1 tsp Honey, agave nectar, or sweetener of choice
1 scoop Vanilla protein powder
4-5 Large ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Enjoy!

Makes about 2 cups of hummus

1 can Chickpeas, rinsed and drained
3 Garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons Lemon juice
2 tablespoons Water
3 tablespoons Tahini
1/2 cup Pumpkin puree (canned or fresh;
NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 teaspoon Cumin
3/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne pepper or to taste
3 tablespoons Olive oil


Pumpkin Pie
Protein Balls

By Monica Winn

Place chickpeas, garlic cloves, lemon juice,
water, and tahini in a food processor and
blend until smooth. Add pumpkin and seasonings and blend until well incorporated.
With the motor running, drizzle in olive oil
until blended.
Taste, and adjust any seasonings to your
taste (I added a bit more lemon juice, salt,
and cayenne).

Protein Pumpkin Muffins



cup canned pumpkin

Blend the cashews or almonds and oats

maple syrup (or sugar-free syrup)

Combine pumpkin puree, maple syrup

cup natural peanut butter

and peanut butter and stir well

tsp baking soda

cup oats

Add oats/nut mixture, Vanilla Isoflex, flax seed, chai

tsp baking powder

almonds or cashews

seeds, pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon to pumpkin


1 tsp stevia

2 scoops Vanilla Isoflex Whey Protein

2 tbsp ground flax seed

Refrigerate dough for one hour to reduce sticky

2 tbsp chai seeds


2 tbsp pumpkin pie spice

Form into balls and roll into coconut flakes or topping

1 tsp cinnamon

of choice

Coconut flakes

Keep refrigerated

By Monica Winn

3 scoops Vanilla Isoflex Whey Protein

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp chia seeds
cup oat flour
cup walnut pieces
2 tbsp natural peanut butter
cup, unsweetened applesauce
cup non-fat Greek yogurt
cup egg whites
2 cups canned pumpkin
Combine ingredients and mix well. Pour batter into sprayed muffin tins.
Top each muffin with additional walnut pieced and coconut flakes.
Bake at 350 for 25-30 mins (adjust according to strength of oven)



Professional Writer and Photographer, personal trainer
and coach looking to help
People call him Coach ATo
contact Coach A for photography: ateamx@patriotnet


Jason Aaron Baca of Los
Gatos California. Played high school and college baseball After being discovered by a photographer on location for the movie I Know
What You Did Last Summer where he was a double, Jason decided
to give modeling a go.
Jason has appeared on over 190 romance book covers in the
US and Europe. He writes columns on staying fit for the book covers as well as other ideas to help the body stay in great shape. He
continues to write and model. He resides in Saratoga, California. For
more info on Jason visit
Please visit
com to subscribe
to the B-Built Program, purchase
Erics books/DVD,
or to learn about his
many personalized
services, including
online training, diet/
nutrition consulting
and contest preparation coaching for ALL physique athletes.

Frank Gigante is an All Natural
Professional Bodybuilder and
author. Frank has co-written The
Everyday Warrior - a comprehensive e-book that serves as
a complete guide to incorporate


Natural Muscle Magazine

basic fitness, healthy eating,

and healthy cardio into our
already busy lives. The Everyday Warrior is available on
Also, for more interaction and
daily motivation and information connect with Frank on
facebook at www.facebook.
He can be contacted at

Her training has spanned over 20 years in the fitness industry with AS
degrees in Biological/
Life Sciences, Human Anatomy focus,
specialized Nutrition
courses, International
Fitness Certifications
through the Aerobics
and Fitness Association of America
(AFAA), AFAA Member in Good Standing,
Advanced Massage
Therapy Courses,
Womens Tri Fitness
Coach, Published Fitness Expert & Nutrition Writer, Intensive Medic
First Aid Training, CPR Certified, Licensed and Insured.
SJ McShane is a published author,
fitness writer, personal trainer,
and holistic/sports nutritionist.
She chose this field eight years
ago after losing almost 30 lbs.
and realized she wanted to
help others do the same.
Her desire to help people
succeed drives her to
bring out the best in each
individual. As her passion
grew in health and fitness,
her love for writing on those
topics grew as well. Over the
past seven years she has
published a book, Shedding for the wedding, as
well as contributed her

November 2014

writing to magazines internationally.

Steve Marteski has lived and
worked in the fitness and nutrition industry his entire life.
His career in nutraceutical
marketing and new product
development has seen him
design, produce and launch a
multitude of nutritional supplements geared to both health
and athletic performance. Steve has a Bachelor of Science in Finance
and also a Masters in Business from the University of Florida; where
he graduated Cum Laude. He currently lives and works in Tampa,
Florida as a Sales Executive for Allmax Nutrition and is also a trainer
and nutrition coach for bodybuilding, figure, bikini competitors
and other athletes and fitness
enthusiasts. He can be reached
via email at

Marzia is a spokesmodel for
Sunwarrior products. She also
competes in bikini/model competitions for the IFBB and won the
2007 Ms. Bikini Universe. She owns her own business as a fitness
specialist, The Fit Chic.
She is an eco-friendly
trainer who believes in
the vegan/vegetarian/raw
food lifestyle.
A respected health and
fitness writer, David has
been published in industry publications such as
Status Fitness Magazine,
Muscle & Fitness and With 20 years in the personal training trenches, the insights he has gained through practical
experience, alongside degrees in psychology and sports science,
have enabled him to go beyond the surface to provide educational
articles that have informed thousands of health and fitness devotees
the world over. Contact David at: at



Natural Muscle Magazine

November 2014

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