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MS4 level

Exam 2

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Text :

What a holiday!
When I was a child, my family and I used to spend our summer holidays on my grandparents farm. I
used to have a lot of fun. My best holiday was last summer, when my family and I went to Spain. It was
the first time I had visited a foreign country. At first I felt excited but also a bit scared about the flight.
We used to stay in a fantastic hotel near the beach. It had a big swimming pool and the food was fine.
I had lots of fun and made some new friends. They spoke different languages: French, Spanish and English.
Sometimes it was hard to get them to understand what I was trying to say.
The weather was hot some days it was too hot for me. I used to stay on the beach most of the time.
Every night there was loud music and lights flashed on the pub and disco doors. I loved everything about
these holidays but I especially enjoyed being with my family.
Adapted from

Part One : A) Reading Comprehension (7pts)

Read the text then do the following activities

Activity One: Match each title with its corresponding paragraph (3pts)


1- Weather during holidays

a- Paragraph One

2-Trip to Spain

b- Paragraph Two

3- Hotel stay

c- Paragraph Three

Activity 2:Choose the correct answer to complete these sentence.(2pts)

1- The writer used to spend his : holidays with his grand parents
a- autumn

b- winter

c- summer

2- It had big swimming pool. It means:.

a- hotel

b- holiday

c- country

Activity 3: Lexis (2pts)

1- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
a) Worst =/=

b) cold =/=

2- Find in the text words that closest in meaning to the following :

a) Kid =

b) vacation =


by Mr Samir Bounab ( )

Part One : B) Mastery of language ( 7pts)

Activity 1: Supply the punctuation and the capital letters where necessary (2pts)

in primary school pupils did not use to study english

Activity 2: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (3pts)

When I (to be) a child I ( used to / to play)..marbles after school .
Now , I ( to participate ) chess competitions in my free times

Activity Three: Find in the text 4 words that have the following sounds.

/= past

- car





= two- loo

Part Two: Written Expression Integration ( 6 points)

Your friend sent you a letter talking about his/her past reminiscence ( memories and
Write a letter to your friend talking about your reminiscence
Write about :
Childhood ( home behavior)
Primary school memories ( school subjects/ school activities)
Leisure activities
Middle school souvenirs..

Good Luck

By Mr Samir Bounab ( )

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