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University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Course Repetition Policy

University Policy
Each unit has established its own For the purpose of assigning
policy regarding repetition of graduation with College Honors,
courses. Refer to unit information both the original grade and the
below. replacement grade in repeated
courses will be included in the
Additional Unit Policies expanded grade point average.
This policy also applies to grades
College of Arts and Sciences
earned in semesters for which
Students who receive a grade of F, academic bankruptcy has been
D, or C may repeat a maximum of approved.
four such courses for which only
the last grade attained will be Permission usually will not be
calculated in the grade point granted for a student to repeat
standing. A course in which the lower level courses after a higher
grade was D or C may be repeated level course in the sequence has
only once. Each attempt of a been passed.
repeated course in excess of the
four permitted by this policy will be College of Business
calculated in the grade point
Students may repeat-to-replace a
standing. A repeat form must be
maximum of four (4) courses with
filed with the Arts and Sciences
grades of "F", "D", or "C". For these
Advising Center to activate this
four courses, only the last grade
option. For courses retaken for
attained will be used in the
which this option is not requested,
University GPA calculation. Courses
both grades will be used in the
in which a grade of "D" or "C" was
grade point calculation.
originally attained may only be
repeated once under the repeat-to-
It is not necessary for students to
replace option.
repeat courses they have failed
unless those courses are
Students are not required to repeat
specifically required for graduation.
an "F" grade unless the course is
Since C and D are passing grades
specifically required for graduation.
and may be applied toward
Students should be aware all
graduation requirements, students
grades are displayed on the official
are advised to weigh carefully the
transcript even after the repeat.
possible advantages of improving
The COB will honor any previously
their standings versus the possible
granted repeats from other Schools
disadvantage of discarding hours
and Colleges within the University.
already earned.
For example, if a student uses
three (3) repeats in Arts and
Students who elect to repeat a
Sciences classes, that student will
course under the above regulation
be eligible for only one (1)
should understand that the course
additional repeat-to-replace option
can count only once as credit
in the COB. A repeat-to-replace
toward graduation and that all
form, available in the Reinhardt
grades earned for the course will
Academic Center, must be filed to
be shown on their transcripts.

University Policies Course Repetition

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

activate this option. For courses required for the degree.

retaken for which this option is not
requested, both grades will be used The authority to grant permission
in the University GPA calculation, for a student to repeat a
but students cannot receive double professional course lies with the
credit in hours required for the Dental Hygiene Academic
degree. Since "C" and "D" are Achievement Committee.
passing grades and may be applied
toward graduation requirements, College of Education & Human
students are advised to weigh Development
carefully the possible advantages Students may repeat to replace a
of improving their standings versus maximum of four (4) courses with
the possible disadvantage of grades of F, D, or C. For these four
discarding hours already earned. In courses, only the last grade
addition, the hours from the attained will be used in the grade
repeated course(s) are used to point average calculation. A course
determine academic standing. The in which a grade of D or C was
last grade attained for any originally attained may be repeated
repeated course determines the only once under the repeat-to-
applicability towards degree replace option. Students are not
requirements. required to repeat an F grade
unless the course is specifically
Dental Hygiene Program required for graduation. Since “C”
Students may repeat to replace a and “D” are passing grades and
maximum of four (4) courses with may be applied toward graduation
grades of F, D, or C. For these four requirements, the student is
courses, only the last grade advised to weigh carefully the
attained will be used in the grade possible advantages of improving
point average calculation. A course his or her standing versus the
in which a grade of D or C was possible disadvantage of discarding
originally attained may be repeated hours already earned.
only once under the repeat-to-
replace option. Students are not The student who elects to repeat a
required to repeat an F grade course under the above regulation
unless the course is specifically should understand that the course
required for graduation. Students can count only once toward
should be aware that all grades are graduation. Students should be
displayed on the official transcript aware that all grades are displayed
even after the repeat. All Schools on the official transcript even after
and Colleges within the University the repeat. All Schools and
will honor any previously granted Colleges within the University will
repeats from other Schools and honor any previously granted
Colleges within the University. A repeats from other Schools and
repeat form must be filed to Colleges within the University. A
activate this option. A course repeat form must be filed to
retaken for which this option is not activate this option. For courses
requested will allow both grades to retaken for which this option is not
be used in the grade point average requested, both grades will be used
calculation; but students cannot in the grade point average
receive double credit in hours calculation, but students cannot

University Policies Course Repetition

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

receive double credit in hours unless the course is specifically

required for the degree. Permission required for graduation. Students
will not usually be granted for a should be aware that all grades are
student to repeat for higher grades displayed on the official transcript,
lower level courses in areas, which even after the repeat. All schools
are sequential in nature. and colleges within the University
will honor any previously granted
School of Music repeats from other schools and
Students may repeat to replace a colleges within the University. A
maximum of four (4) courses with repeat form must be filed to
grades of “F,” “D,” or “C.” For these activate this option. For courses
four courses, only the last grade retaken for which this option is not
attained will be used in the grade requested, both grades will be used
point average calculation. Courses in the GPA calculation, but students
in which a grade of “D” or “C” was cannot receive double credit in
originally attained may be repeated hours required for the degree.
only once under the repeat-to-
replace option. Students are not Speed School of Engineering
required to repeat an “F” grade Undergraduate students may
unless the course is specifically repeat to replace a maximum of
required for graduation. four (4) courses with grades of C or
below. Students in Graduate
Students should be aware that all Studies may repeat to replace one
grades are displayed on the official course with a grade of C or below.
transcript even after the repeat. All For these repeated courses, only
Schools and Colleges within the the last grade attained will be used
University will honor any previously in the grade-point average
granted repeats from other Schools calculation. Courses in which a
and Colleges within the University. grade of C or D was originally
A repeat form must be filed to attained may be repeated only
activate this option. For a course once under the repeat-to-replace
retaken for which this option is not option. Students are not required to
requested, both grades will be used repeat an F grade unless the
in the GPA calculation, but students course is specifically required for
cannot receive double credit in graduation. Students should be
hours required for the degree. aware that all grades are displayed
on the official transcript even after
School of Nursing the repeat. All Schools and
Students may repeat to replace a Colleges within the University will
maximum of four (4) courses with honor any previously granted
grades of F, D, or C. For these four repeats from other Schools and
courses, only the last grade Colleges within the University. A
attained will be used in the grade repeat form must be filed to
point average calculation. Courses activate this option. For courses
in which a grade of D or C was retaken for which this option is not
originally attained may be repeated requested, both grades will be used
only once under the repeat-to- in the grade point average
replace option. Students are not calculation, but students cannot
required to repeat an F grade receive double credit in hours
required for the degree. Permission

University Policies Course Repetition

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

will not be granted for a student to

repeat lower level courses after a
higher level course in the sequence
has been passed.

University Policies Course Repetition

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