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Sart oF Mica lox swvoen EXECUTIVE OFFICE ‘BAAN CALLEY March 2, 2016 Ms. Eizabatn A, Zimmerman ‘Assosite Adminatrator Offce o Response and Recovery Federal Emergency Management Agency US. Department of Homeland Secury 500 C Sect SE. Washington, D.C. 20472 Through: Mr. Andrew Velasquez I Regional Admiisator FEMA Region V 598 South Clark St Chicago, iL 60605 Dear Ms. Zimmerman, Under the provisions of Tle V Secon 501 ofthe Robert T, Stafford Disaster Reset and Emergency ‘Assstance Act 42 U.S.C 9§ 5121 et seq, (Stafford Ac), and implemented by 44 CFR § 208 36.1 ‘espectuly appeal the decison in your ter dated January 2, 2016 on the ypes af aseistance that ‘Would be appropriate for EM-3375. I request that you overtum your decison to deny the Indivduas and Households Program (HP), the Hazard Magaton Grant Program (HGP), andl emergency protactve measures to direct federal assistance ‘After facing dacades of depopulation as one of America's older industial ie, the Cay of Flint continues to face chronic fecal and service delvery challenges. Inthe face of this overwhelming atlempto mann fiscal solvency the el is now confronted witha long-term publ health emergency. Tis emergency has ‘ready cost te cy tens of millons of dolar in emergency costs ands reskens' ong term sufeing in thei abit to nk ty water and potential long term heath impacts partuly fr chon age 6 and Lunde. The response tothe emergency continues to demand a significant quantty of porsonne! and ‘commodities resources This considerable undertaking wil require a continued eft from alloca, state, federal ana national partners. With te ation of tae ad federal partners ae well a thousands of ‘donors and volunteers, we have begun to provide the needed resources forthe cyto recover, but hiss Just the beginning Init Cause ‘On Apri'25, 2014, the City of Flin’ primary water source was switched from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (OWSD) te water om fs own water teatment plant araum fom te Fnt ver, “The diffrent characteristics of the water caused significant deterioration a the protective phosphate Coating onthe inside of he service ines. Thi, in tum, caused lead o leach into the water supply, which ‘exposed residents to potently negative health effects, Increased exposure fo lead can cause immediate ‘negative health effects, and mere important, harmful longterm health Impacts on chen such as {evelopment and cogntve delays, and behavera clsoders. Pregnant women with prolanged lead ‘exposure may be at rik for miscariage, premature chid ith, damage tothe developing fetus and learning dsabies or benaieral problems fo the chil. Increased water lea levels, and bioos lead levels n young chien, were observed in the City of Flint and confirmed by the Stale Chet Medical Executive, 1 CACONGEW. ROWNEY BLDEG » 111 STH CAPITOL AEE LANSING, MICHIGAN 8808 Ipactod 0a “The Cy of Fin covers over 94 square miles, mast of which are developed as resident, commercial, or Industral property. With a previous population a close to 200,000 the ty has an extensive water intastructure. The Fin water service atea covers aporoximately 3,730 residential parcels that have been identiied at habitable, 30,188 or 76% ofthe above residential parcos are ace water service subscribers, meaning thay actively pay fr water serves though the ely. Since September 3, 2015, the Michigan Deparment of Environmental Qualy has conducted close to 12,500 water sampling tess inthe iy. These samples have shown that approximately 7% of fhe sampled homes are testing above the ‘acon level of 15 pp, Due tothe unigue natu of hs Incdent and factoring in potential Not pots (atenment 1), weit net wuly nave sv Securte plete ul sent eats have take ate ‘quant of eoavoled samples. Intostucture Etocts ‘Across the affected area, the removal of he protective coating inthe pipes resulted in corosion onthe inside of the pipes. The corrosion damaged pipes in heey water infastructure. though Flint suited back te DINSD a8 a water source on Octobe 16, 2015, some af the damaged pipes have cotiied to teach lead int the water supply. On August 17, 2018 the ey of Flint was raced to provide cortosion contol treatment othe wate supply. On December 9, 2015, the Gy of Fnt began supplemental oresion contol treatment ebuild the protecve phosphate costing in the pipes. Inaction tothe Corrosion contol tealments (CCT) Ithas been determined that tis necessary to replace affocte service Shes, The Michigan Department of Envionmental Qualy along wah the US. Environmental Prtection| ‘Agency has estimated ha te plpes remain untouched the should be fy re-scaled by May 1, 2076. ‘Wh many developing plans to repair and replace pipes, it fs uncertain how this date woud be impacted ‘and potently extended. While we donot curenty know the extent of any permanent damage to the Cy flint’ wate infractuctre, the ety has estimate the replacement cost ofthe system tobe $767 419,500 Insurance Aspects ‘The Michigan Department of insurance and Financial Services indicates the potental loses experienced In Flint may not be cavered under propery insurance. Iis doubtul that here wil be any remedy under propery insurance fo assist wh tha replacement of lead service lines. The oll estimate would be Ealulated by mutplyng the final numberof nti lead servic nes (nin the study Is complete) by the MDEQ estimate of $4000 per service ne, Based on preiminay data from the Cy of Fint records we have identified 113 potenal lead service Enes, which wil cost approximataly $482,000 to replace. However, this number does not account for 13,767 unknown ines whieh coud cost an actor 365,088,000 Demographics “The Cy of Fin, Michigan is located in Genesee County, 8 mils (106 kn) northwest of Dato Funded a¢ a vilage by fur tader Jacob Smith in 1819, int became a major lumboing area onthe hetane Saginaw Trai during the 12" contr. Later becoming nearprated = yn IAS, lot hace 1 leading manufacturer of carrages and ater vehicles earning tthe name the "Vehicle City” The Entrepreneurial spit and wealth in the area contributes to te founding of the Buck Motor Company in 1003 folwed bythe incorporation of General Motors (GM) in 1808. Wit the api growth of he automotive industry came conceins for empioyee working conditons. This ld tothe ft automotive sit ‘dow strike n 1930-1037 in Fin After 44 days, the stTke ended flowing the fst union agreement with CGM. This gave ree tothe United Auto Workers (UAW), ‘The increase in weath fsterd a wel-respected educational system, Eatly automotive indus leaders sch as Gharies Stewart Mott and Wiltam C. Durant provided the vision to create a strong cultal *extimate provided by the Chy of int tothe Stat Emergency Operation Cate on anwar 7, 2015. ‘environment. Flt went onto become an automobile manufacturing powerhouse for GM's Buick and Chovrlat divisions, bot of which were founded in Fit. The ety prospered fom the 1990's to the early 4970's and was able to reach a population of 183,317 n 1870. Like many indus eles, however, the ‘economic vibrancy flowed with the dominance of the US. atomotve indus In 1978, GM employed ‘ver 80,000 Fint area residents. By 1990 the numberof employees decreases to 23,000, Itwas reported {ee 2s ow as 8,000 in 2006, By the ate 1980s, the city sank Ito deep economic depression after GM Closed and demsished several facores in the area, the impacts of which sl remain to this day In the. 14 20005, Fnt became known for is high cme rates. Since this time, Flint has been ranked among the ‘Most Dangerous Cities inthe United States" th a per capita lent erie rate seven times higher than the nabonal average. The combinaton of the above factors cause the cyto operate n'a major financial nes an was put under a State oftancial emergency forte second Le sites 2002 ‘Economie Impact ‘The Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development (MTED) has established thatthe most signiicant economic impacts ofthis incident wll be decreased property values, lost business activ lost. ‘employment and population loss (renters wil ave the cy). These impacts wil create an economic Sowniurn in Flt on asigifesnt scale hat wil seriously hamper any improvement to the current ‘economic est, With he above factors n consideration MTED has estimated that there wll be @ four percent lass persona income, which would equal an $16,000,000 per yer los tothe local economy. ‘ur evaluaton of the crect and indirect costs ofthis event is attached (Aachen 2), The attached ‘document takes a conservative approach in our estimate regarding eligible remoursement costs under (Category 8 ofthe Pubic Assistance program ‘+The economic sactors affected include restaurant, hots and other businesses that use water as partof their customer service. The contamination aa stigma ofthe water has caused business proprietors to lose revenue and scale back operations, Many ofthese employees ear low rages, and in the case of restaurant servers depend on tip to make a ving wage. The lasses for this emergency were severe enough fo warrant a Smal Business Administration (SBA) Economic Inury Disaster Loan Program for the affected area. Typical this suppor covers @ miniscule pation of the tll businesses inthe area. +Food establishments have been working with tha Michigan apartment of Agrcuture and Rural Development (MOARD) to meet health standards. Many of those actaolshments have Incurred ‘addtional costs by adding both inne ar faucet fies in err to meet the standarés set by health offclas. There are 615 food establishments inthe ety, to date, MDARD has completed ‘assessments of 379, Many businesses, especialy those serving food, continue to incur adtonal ‘Costs to provide assurances to hel customers tat no ultered tap waters being used in food preperation +The educational community has also been impacted by this incident. State agencies have been working with Schools replace older fodures and update water infrastructure to ensue the wator ‘wil meet EPA standards. The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Afairs has been Feplacing fhtures and estimate the otal replacement costs forthe affected fotures a he 40 area schoo's wil cost the slate approximately $2,000,000. The Michigan Department of Education| (HIDE) has taken stops to provide guidance and educaton tothe areas USDA Chid Nutrton Proprams to enaure they ae uaing the proper preparation techniques. The MDE has 246 cid hutton programs on the Fint water s)stm al programs have been contacted and provided ‘guidance and education as needed. ‘The US. Small Busines Administaton announced that wil provide an addtional $400,000 in funding Sis tance t the iy of Flin. Tis comes in the form of micrloan capa, traning and technical sistance, and supplemental funding fr Kettering Unversty Small Business Development Center. In ‘ion funding SBA wil also provide counseling and ouveach, host SBA roundtable ascussions, ‘convene contmunty economic group meetings, and wil encourage fund managers fo invest in small businesses nF State Responso Actes In cosponee to this water emergency, I ensured the State Emergency Operations Center was activated ‘nth Rey state agencies presen o monor ne event and coorlnate state resources fr the response. | took appropriate action unger slate law and drected the execution ofthe Michigan Emergency Management Plan on January 8". 2016, n accordance with Tae V of the Slafor Act. On that same date, Linder my authorty 28 Gavemar, | prclaimed a State oF Emergency for the County of Gonesoe andthe Cy of Fint ae requested to assist the counly and subdivision n responding to and recovering fom tis ‘emergency. | must note that numerous tate departments and ageneses had areadyiiatd response ‘actos pror tothe formal proclamation, in accordance wih ther assigned missions in the Michigan Emergency Management Plan. These actors neta bu were Ht ated. provide emergency proteslve measures, providing ahr appropiate crect assistance tothe afectd communities and Insivdvals; providing load lead testing forcitzene, an providing water samgling and testing tough fal laboratories. Voluntary Agency Response ‘The response by ou: pare voluntary rll erganizations to the Flint Water emergency has been both timely and aproptat. From the once ofthis eden, th United Way of Genesee County, The Food Bank of Eastem Nicigan, the American Red Cross, Catholic Charlies, Team Rubicon, Genesee Co, Community Aetion Resouree Department, the UA 370-Plunbers and Piefitrs, Southern Baptist Disaster Reif and many, many others have played acive roles responding to those n need. Activities lndertaken by these organizations dug the response and early phases recovery include but are not limited to ‘+ Distribution of water, water iter, iter carta Dietriuton, “+ Distribution of water, water iter, fterscartidges, tet kts and informational materials through ‘door-to-door canvassing “+ Estabishment and apeation of a Volunteer Reception Center forth processing and assignment of spontaneous evant bared voluntoes. The center has processed over 2,700 volunteers to date. “+ istrbuton of water, water fiers, titer carnage, and test ks to indvicals with Access and Functional Needs, ‘+ Estabishment and contnved participation in a Community Partners response and recovery troanzaton, including workgroups to develop a longterm recavery strategy for the area wth focuses on Educaton, Physical Health, Mental Heath, Resource Devery, Communication, and Coordination and Aavocacy. ‘and tet though the 5 fire station Points of ‘The aly, voluntary axganzations, county and state have combined to dlstibute extensive commas, ‘many in addition fo known stes. The folowing table isa combination state Point of Distribution Sites, anc {itrbutons ofthe Fint Waler Respanse Teams ta date Figure 1: Water Resources Distributed To Date Wier Liters 4.763.548 Water cases" 300,02 Filters Favcet 107,563 Faplasament Fier Cariidges 223.048, ‘Water Tast Kes 30,750 “waters prasenied in ters and cases fr comparison buts the carne valu, Faith Based Organizations “There has been an exceptional trong responce fom falh-based organization in the community even piorto the Gly, County and State Declarations. St Mack Baptst Churen, Emanuel Bapist Church, El. Shatddal Church of God in Crist, Dvine Revelations Church, Asbury United Methodist Church, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Prince of Peace Missionary Baptst Church, Greater Holy Temple Church of Godin Crist land many others have been aevel providing supplemenial assistance with response and recovery ‘peratons. They have been activ partner In dtbulng water, Water resources, and have been active partipants in te community partner workgroups. Despite the continued hard work fom the voluntary and fath-based organizations, thas not been stele to meatal he recovery need of al afected ndvdvals and families. Signfeant needs sl eit inthe areas of lead service ine replacement and home fature replacement homes with high lead levels. Adeltonaly, fod, nuttion and mental and physical healt impacts exceed the capacty of voluntary organizations to maet all oeds, many of which wil be ongoing for years to come. Also, Eratagies trland use tives. and iasiucture, wich would hep rigs agus ae yeences Bucha disaster need fo be implemented at love higher than can be achieved by individual ‘organizations or agencies. his appeal for additonal federal assstanco fs ranted, hese neds could most approprately be met through the Individual and Households program, and the Hazard Mitigation Gran Program, Loca! Government “The affected local government als took appropriate action under stato law in response to this ‘emergency. Pursuant tothe Michigan Emergency Management Act, No. 300 of he Michigan Publec Acts ‘9f 1976, aa amended, Micnigan Compl Laws (MCL) 30.410 0), the County of Genesee and the Cy of Flint both declared a local state of emergency’ in response tothe water contamination atfectng ther juadictone. The folowing area listing ofthe Local Decaraions and Requests fora State Dectartion: + Genesee County Heath Deparment and Board of Commissioners ~ Public Heath Advisory Garrats) + Gity of Flint ~ Local Sate of Emergency (12/1872018) + Genesee County ~ Stato of Emergency (1/4/2016) ‘Genesee County Request or Governar’s Emergency Declaration (14/2016) “These juriesicions implemented the response and recovery laments oftheir Emergency Response Plans ina timely manner, In accordance wi sate law and ssscclated administrative procadure. They ‘alc tok a numberof ether appropiate actions to cope wth the stuation, ncucing but nt ited to ‘seuing puble information ana warnings, ad taking emergency protectve measures to protect public ‘ea and efay. Tha affected local governments tok al he aeons required by state law and procedure, an ected by incident ceumstances. They responded sutaby fo he severty and unique ‘ature ofthe incident andthe eignfiean threats to publ neath and safely created by the damaged, Infrastructure and extremely high ead levels in the affected community. Previous incidents Unfortunately, this disaster i the latest n a string of major incidents that have occured recent in [Mshigan. Inthe past 12 months the state has had two Gaverno's decarations, the Portland Tornsdo in June 2016, and the Grand Traverse and Leelanau Sraight Line Winds in August 2015. Additonal, the Site confines to work on Pubic Aasntanes and Lang Term Rezovery trom the Couthoostrh Necigan Flood (OR-4185) of August 2014, The sates so managing tho Public Asistance program and the ‘submited hazaré maigaton projects for sping 2013 statewide flooding (OF-4121) of May 203. In ‘esponse to hese disasters, in aaston fo Stafford Act asistance rom DR-#195, the Stat has made Disaster and Emogancy Contingency funds fortis event avaiable through Pubic Act 360, the Michigan Emergency Management Act Siale and local agencies may use funds that provide reimbursement fo repair fo puble ullings and inattcture,conracs for emergency response actvils, overtime for ‘response efforts and shelter supplies. ‘While the responses tothe aly of Partand and Grand TraverslLeelanau counties have successfully ‘Sddresced te impacts, the Lang Tem Recovery Southeastern Michigan continues to face many Challenges. Several vountary organizations wotking in Dero continue reoulling efforts and even muck- ‘outs from the foeing of 2014, Reeurgent back mald plagues many households, and the rescurcas necessary fo contnue rebuild efforts continue tobe dificult to obtain at best The Southeastem Michigan Flood Recovery Group (SEMIFRG), in cooperation with the Urban Studies Center at Wayne Stats Unversity, estate that there remain 14,992 homes in need of intervention resulting em the 2014 ‘toad with estimotes repairs reaching as much 2s $44,477,500, Whle we were fortunate to receive {edorl funding for Disaster 4195-DF-M, the cher two sat-deciared indents above didnot quai for federal rll assistance under the Stafford Act because incident response and recovery costs didnot ‘ee the established per capita tveshold levels required for Public Assistance funding consideration. AS 2 resut, the Slate and affected lcal governments have been forced to absorb these costs, reducing our Caletve abit to fund other essental programs and servees inthe process. Disaster and Emorgoncy Contingency Fund Michigan has a Disaster and Emergency Contingency Fund (DEOF) under Public Act No. 380 of 1976 for ‘ounites and ocal politcal subdivisions for pata rembursement of eligi pubic damage and response ‘este: However, he DECF has very mted funding tat canbe replenished evary budget cycle it ‘Spproved by the Michigan Legato. Stale law only allows the provision ofthese funds io ebgile pubic tnties for noent-eated responce operations, Funds cannot be used to reimburse individual citzens for damage fo ther home, Business, or property, and the state currently does nat have anther funding ‘mechanism in place dedicated to the provision of postncident assistance forall indvivals and families ‘nth unmet needs. Afough there arerelef programs avaiable through the Michigan Department of Heath and Human Services, eigibly is general Iimted to ow income Indvduals and househois that ‘nour extaocanaryinisentselted expences In Grder to maintain a survvr centric spproach for those ho are not Insured or are under insured, again! te unique hazard ofthis emergency, we must have ‘2008s to supplemental rel assistance provided by the federal government andlor voluntary organizations. ‘As | previously naiated, our volunteer ree parners have done an exempiay Jobin addressing many of the needs stemming fom ths water contamination amergency. However, the tcope and magnitide of this Incdent is beyond our collecve capability to provide necessary recovery services. Federal elit ‘etistance ls undenably needed to adress the unmet needs of those who most soverly affect bythe water contamination, ‘in aditon tothe DEGF, the state has made several appropriations tothe Gy of Fnt over the past § ‘manthe for he response and ecovery ears. The sum of he appropiaions come oa received tla of {347,278,500 | have aleo proposed a additonal $16,000,000 in the FY 2017 budget These accion {unde willbe used forthe foloing items: safe drinking waar food and ntriton physical, ment, social {2nd educational wellbeing, and wator bil ee Esimatod PDA and City of Ft Costs While this incident is unique in that wo ae unable to conduct traditional preliminary damage ‘sessment signlicant cost ware Incurred by the Ct of Fit pir tothe October 1, 201S public health ‘dvisory. Prior that date the cy of Fint incurred $18,427 858 In costs to atept to stabze the water Sharactoratie Auctions Recognizing tel responsibilty to make ther community 28 resilient a possible, the County of Genesee ‘developed 8 Hazard tigation pan thats curent in place and includes the Cy of Fint. Simla, the “State of Michigan makes a strong comment to mitigate hazards and meets al applcable federal ‘Standards. The Michigan Hazard bitgaton Pn was approved by FEMA on Apri 23, 2014, a8 2 ‘Standard State Hazard Mibgaton Plan under the Disaster Miigaton Act of 2000, Hazard Mitigation funding provided under tis emergency il provide an oppertunty to implement hazard miigtion ‘roject tat wll edu the Impacto future dleastars or emergencies of fis natu. = igre obtained fom the House Fal Agency eof February 17,2036. ‘Per Capita Costs “The financial impact of this event significant and widespread. The esimatod $15,000,000 economic lots noted above aldo tothe total mpact nated on the attachment 2 excoed §140,068,707. also does not include the donations of commode fr dstibuton that add over $2,000,000 fo the otal, The total ‘timated costs and losses ar eqUal to a $398 28 per capita mpact on the 412.959 indvduals nthe ‘County of Ganesea, and a $1,367 38 impact onthe 102,434 inaiidualsin the Cty of Fit recy fected by this emergency Poputation Shit and ts fects In 2010 the US. Cansus Bureau reported the fourth decade of significant declines in the population of Fin, Mi, From 3000 to 2010 the Cty experienced a decine of 18% In populstion to 102,434. This ‘osely flowed by the 1970 census, whin revealed decine h population of adatonal 17.4% In ‘Sener this long-term popuiatondecine has been associated wih estucutng inthe domestic auto Industry, Specialy, the restructuring of General Motors as been a major factor i the population fetusaonn the Cy of Fit Due to thi ateady decine in population sinc th 1870's we have seen repercusslens in ater areas Figure 2: City Population City of Flint, Population, 1940-2010 2,000 "0.000 | sao | asa0 | 1350 i570 | 300 | i560 [Poosaton|as6.45)35154| 69.34 [19694] 19331 355,61] 10.76 ‘Source U.S. Gensus Bureau Housing “The rate of housing abandonmentin the Gly of Fint presents numerous longterm structural budget ictuge: Housing vacancy inereagad fam 8.2% in 19 a9 19 In 2080 acu ne LS. Cass Bureau: Due to the las n population and housing base the ct is seeing an approximate per capa tax base of $7200. study in 2005 aderssed housing abandonment in Flint recognizing tas a problem that affects oer older indutral es in the United States, Ade fom loss of revenue and property vals, ‘he authors cite numerous impacts on munllpal budgets, These include increased municipal maintenance, poice pal, re protection, and other costs to preserve health an human Safely Home ownership is slo associate wit the stength ofthe communi’ property values. According to the 2010 censte, owner occupied housing Inthe Cty of Fn represents 447% of the oocupied housing Uns, The fng-teim rend is cremate. In 1960, ewer ooeupod housing represented 73.1% of occupied housing unis. The American Dream has essential been lotto the residents of Fint due to structural fd eoonomic desing thst bagan inthe 19708 {Unemployment “The Gly of Fit’ jobless rat or he 2014 annual reporting period was among the highest in the state at 28.0% Countywide unemployment was a 1.5%, In ea 2011, tha County's unemployment rate was at 40.8 ranking 41 out of € count in the Stata of Michigan. The Cy of Fln’s median household income inthe 2014 American Corsmunty Survey was just $24,679. That Income levels 41.1% less than Genesee County a8 a whote. While the curent economy as futher negatively impacted the City of Fink ‘eslden's employed persue! ane nay decades of high poverty rates Sigel long-term fal ‘tres, In 1090 the level of poverty was 30.5% By 2014, the American Cortmunly Survey performed by the U.S. Census, estiated that amount had risen to 41.6% Jobs “The industria representing the Cit’ ten largest employers have dveritid over the past decade due to Toes of approximate 10,000 obs Inthe automotive Indust. Most notable ithe expansion of higher ation, which has helped fl rough hal of the jobs lost nthe automate industry. According othe Gy of Fintan etimate total of 30,000 students attend Kettering University, the University of Meng Fin Mott Communi Cotege, ané Baker Colage, The che argest employers i the flds of healthcare, banking, and gavenment have helped fil approximately 30% ofthe jobs lost across the ten largest employers Dsepta those advances, to number of employees working in the City is down 46% from whera twas ten years age “The Cty hae concentrated its efforts to encourage new development. though most new projects include property thats ether tax-exempt or requires a property tax incentive, they have brought empoyees tothe Enyrwnich increases the non-resident income tax revenue. Recent redevelopment efers have focused ‘on marketing the 452-a0re vacant "Guick Cy” propery, The Environmental Protection Agency has ‘commited up $7 millon for Phase | cleanup ofthat property. The total commitment to Buick Cy is ‘proximately §30 mllon. Funding fr the remodiation is rom the Revaliing Auto Communes Environmental Response (RACER) Trust hat was created through the GM bankruptcy. Because of budget shortfals the Count of Genesco was forced to implement ve furlough days this ye ‘which wit clase al county ofces and courts. Recent furlough days have been implemented despite the Current stuaton wih he Water contamnaton. These closings have hindered the efechness of the response with county departments, including the heath department, being closer Contingency Fund Payout and Limitations By state lw, Michigan's Disaster and Emergency Contingency Fund is capped at $4,500,000. Grants to Individual juried cannot exceed $100,000 or 10-percent ofthe jusdetio’s previous fiscal year ‘annual operating budget, whichever Ie ees, The state curreny has 22 milion eft ofthe 3.8 millon dolar ‘nginaly inthe fund. Thi fund used pray for personnel overtime anc stato agency resource Proviremant ete Uh the rn of aaplton for dunime and procuring resources for Tis emerpency. (we wl undoubtedly use the remainder ofthe 2.2 milion, Ths il ot begin fe cover the damages Incurred by he affected jurscicfons ‘Need for Supplemental Assistance With the health conoems ofthe water contamination, heath oils have recommended tht ciizens ‘rink only fitted or botled water unl 3 months felloning the successule-ecaling ofthe pipes. As ‘entonet above, the MDEQ and U.S. EPA have estimated tha ifthe pipes are undsturoeé they should be rescaled by May 1, 2016; however, repair and replacement of lead or lead containing pipes coud fextond this dale weit the flure. The U.S, Department of Health and Human Services nas aso stated {hat pregnant and nursing women and ehiléon under the age of choulé contrwe to dirk bated water until futher note, With tis in min, the State of Michigan will continue to need federal assistance ‘beyond the original estate of 80 days until at least August 1 to ensure the clizens have the necessary commodities ‘Duet the nature ofthis Incdent, the Gy of Flint, County of Ganesee and the state wl implement long term Blood tasting program. Wile some have Neath insurance tat provides coverage fr testng at ow ‘orna cota there ate notable to so this approach. Medical wil caver the ina blood test for chien ‘Covered under Madiaid who are 18 yeas of age and dona tess the ital tst results show levated blood lad loves, However, ezens over the age ofS are nat elgie fr Medicaid blood lead test coverage, In detore disasters, the Emergency Prectpton Assistance Program (EPAP) can be used o provide temporary preserfpion assistance for ieaetor eves, This assistance program supplements existing preserpion coverage to lamporarly assist hose who have no insurance coverage. The mee can be ‘odied to provide bleed leas testng trough pharmacies inthe affected ares, This program would utize Dlrehased boo led analyzers at partcpaling pharmacies to provide esting for cizens. “The EPAP would cost approximately $2.5 milion in otal program administration and equipment costs, ‘excluding te $4.95 above costs foreach test These costs would normaly be absorbed by the US. Department of Health and Human Services under a Major Disaster Declaration. However, since ony an Emergency Declaration was granted, fhe US OHHS would naed te agree to fund this program for kt be possible “This unique incident has impacted a oy thats ready struggling to maintain tr day ocd actives in the face of igiiant odds. With the acded pressure ofthe declared emergency, the Cty nas been ‘verunelmed wih the commadtle, response. and persoana costs to sucoesstly manage and recover ‘eam this emergency With the response of state and feral parners we have been able to start down the road to recovery Holever. whut the contrued support af federal parners we willbe unable 10 ‘ensure the continued heath and safety of cftzens of Fint ‘Determination and Requestod Programs This ncdant eof euch severity and magotude that effective recovery s beyond the capable of the Site of fichigan andthe effect cal Qovernments, and supplemental federal aif asistance I Ciieally necessary. speciealy request thal you approve the Individual and Household Program (IMP), the Hazara itgation Grant Program (HMIGP), and approve reimbursement for smergency proactive measures (Category 8) ‘Capt Chr A. Kelenske ofthe Michigan State Polce, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, continues tobe my designated Stale Coordinating Oficer fortis request He wil work with FEMA on program Implementaton ané provide further information or justiicaton on my behal, as requested Sincerely, FLL Eig Richard D. Shyer ‘Governor ‘Astachmente ‘tacrment I: Residential Water Sampling by Block Lead ‘Ntacrment 2: EM-3375 Category B Assessment Works Cited ‘Scorsone, PhD, E, (September 2011). Long-Torm Crisis and Systemic Failure: Taking the Financial ‘Stress of Amorca’s Older Cis Serously, East Lansing: Michigan State Universi. _sinsey Suydweg peor ot) pee - y901g Aq syinsay Buljdieg JayeM lenuapisey 7 [eavoawae serene | orano we no, EU cosuier $s} sovees $ | evevec OL suoneiedo foussiow, = 3 = s Tenet __-§ [sores _—__$ | erever 1 sepusiy sie “HRI lon edo ERT = 3 = $ = 3 wore S| — 3 [sore s pasty oie [oman Bonsai pooja A0o1wpr] se eH seas $s] S [see's S| seiorpieren eo : = BLEED WORN Taree 3 Tarees 3 ELT = Seswvom —s cese08 e360 § asaest—¢ Sleccrwost —$ woseert §| ersaer 5 136065 evo $| reve s [essay une 29555129, eeesece_§| eeewa_$ | 00 000% ge FD wetestT ——§ Fits __$| spay es amg poe aOR sausunoy re, ‘edu uaReY aby oes wa aS g MORE SLEEVE

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