Clickbank+Sustainable Online Business+Webinar

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20,000 Times 5

Case Study

What well cover in this training

The power of Micro Continuity income and
why its important.
How you can quickly and easily set up your
own continuity income stream
And Ill show you behind the scenes of some of
my clients different businessesincluding my
Ex-clients John and Lisel.

What & Why Micro-Continuity?

Recurring revenue at a sub $10 price point.

It is an easy sell/high conversions.
Low expectations/easy to provide value
Impulse purchase price points.
Buy and forget price points
Volume of customers makes up for low price.

Despite What you May Think

(or have experienced)

Building a business and making money online does NOT

have to be complicated or hard.
It also doesnt require you to put in 25 hour days 8 days
a week.
And it doesnt have to be a long drawn out affair that
takes months or years to see results.
And most importantlyyou DONT have to be a
technical genius or computer wiz to have a successful
online business.

still t wor
e m y, they

Introducing my EX-Clients
John was a middle school English
Lisel was a part time Paralegal,
mother and hobby artist.
They decided to start an online
business because they realized
that their 401Ks werent going to
let them retire comfortably.

Where they started

First they Googled how to make money online.
Then they racked up $10K in credit card debt buying
ever shiny object under the sun.
Then they found a turn key system from a company
that charged them $7,000 upfront and $997 per
month to set them up with a fully functional
ecommerce store complete with guaranteed

The Result?
In the first 6 months they made a total of
$116.31 in sales and had paid their partner
company almost $12,000 of their life savings.
Their dreams were crushed and they were
ready to throw in the towel, when on a whim
Lisel sent an email to some faceless marketer
named Tanner Larsson asking him if he could
help them save their online business.

After talking with John & Lisel

I told them NO.

I also told them that if they were willing to
start over from scratch and follow my lead, I
would help them build a REAL online business
that could provide them with the extra
retirement income they wanted.
That was 3 years ago.

What They Did

Following my coaching to a T
Picked a niche they had interest in and could
work on together. (Poetry)
Decided to focus on recurring income rather
than one time sales.
Created a simple product.
Kept things simple
Ran with it.

Where they are now

John and Lisel have just retired and bought their
dream home in Florida.
Their simple little business just crossed over the
20,000 customer mark, and each of them are
paying $4.95 per month for access to their 1 and
only product.
What started out as a supplemental income
stream now earns them over $1.1 million per year.

Would you like to

have a business like

Before we go On
While John & Lisels results are Awesome, they
are obviously NOT TYPICAL.
Can they be achieved? Yes absolutely.
Is it going to happen for everybody? Obviously

But Thats not Important

What is important is that you understand that the
system John and Lisel are using is not magic and
that anyone, Including you can duplicate it in your
own business.
Realistic numbers:
10% success = $9,900 per month
5% success = $4,950 per month
Still not to shabby right?

How about A behind

the scenes look to
show you how they
did it?

Business Basics
They do it all from a single website.
Their niche is not popular, hot or trending.
They have only 1 product and it sells for $4.95
per month.
They have no back end or upsells.
They have no affiliates or JV partners.
**I told you business doesnt
have to be complicated

John & Lisels B.D.S. Business Structure


Front End



Lets Break It Down

B.D.S Continuity Business Model
5 Step System:

Continuity Offer

n it
D ep



Step #1: Traffic

Find your traffic source BEFORE you create your
Dont settle for trickle traffic for your main source.
Go where you can find hordes of traffic.
The number 1 place to find almost unlimited
amounts of traffic for practically any niche market is

Step #1: Traffic

What John & Lisel Do:
3 sources of traffic:
Facebook Fan Pages
Super Targeted PPC campaigns (FB and Google)
Basic SEO on their Blog

*Tip: Start with one source, make it convert then

build up additional sources.

Step #2: Continuity Offer

Develop your product based on what
your market (traffic) wants.
Dont guessASK them, DO Research
Determine what the minimum viable
product would be that would give your market what they
want on a recurring basis.
Based on your product idea, determine the content
delivery schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)

Step #2: Continuity Offer

What John & Lisel Did:
Their market wanted both art and poetry so they
created a product that would provide that on a
recurring basis.
Their product is a membership that provides a daily
dose of art/poetry in the form of an email.
Lisel creates the artwork, John writes the poem.

They priced their membership at $4.95 per month

Step #3: Structure

Determine if your product will be sold on the front end
or as an OTO.
Create low ticket front end product if needed.

Determine how your content will be delivered/

presented to your customers.
Email, web page link, private members area, forum, etc.

Create necessary web pages:

Sales letter, OTO Letter, Thank you page, opt-in page, etc.

Basic Structure Options





Front End
(Low Ticket)




Front End




Step #3: Structure

John & Lisels Structure:
Set up membership to be sold as an OTO.
Created low ticket ($7) front end product.
PDF Report: Kick Start Your Day Collection

Daily content will be delivered via email.

Pages Created: FE sales page, OTO sales page, Thank you page
with opt-in.
**This was John & Lisels original structure when they started out,
but have since modified it through the enhancement process (step

Step #4: Automation

Determine the easiest way to automate the
redundant tasks in your business.

Payment processing
Granting access to content
Sending out notifications
Answering common questions

No business is fully automated, but the more you

can legitimately automate, the easier it will be to
grow your business.

Step #4: Automation

How John & Lisel Automated:
They used PayPal for their payment processor.
They used GetResponse for their autoresponder to
automate customer content access and delivery.
They created a support email address with an
automated response containing a detailed FAQ.

Step #5: Enhance

Once your offer is live and you are sending traffic to it,
now its time to test and enhance your funnel.
This includes:

Testing headlines
Testing both higher and lower price points
Restructuring your offer if its converting poorly.
Use advanced strategies to increase sales.

Sounds complicated but, its actually a very simple

process that anyone can do.

Step #5: Enhance

What John & Lisel Did:
Tested their $7 front end product but could not get
it to convert. So they did the following:
Turned FE product into a giveaway
Turned sales letter into a squeeze page
Set the OTO to display after the prospect opted-in.

They added an exit pop up with a special 30 day

access freebie to capture people who left the
squeeze page without opting-in.

John & Lisels current Business Structure


Front End



Exit Pop



This is all it took for John and Lisel to build a 7 figure business

J & Ls Secret To Success

1. A proven system
2. Solid coaching with quality support
3. A willingness to work hard and not give up.

* Not quite the fancy secret

you were expecting huh?

John & Lisel are Not a Fluke!

I know this, because long before I ever began
teaching this system, I was using it in my own
business to bring home the bacon
I only teach what I know worksno guesses or
half thought out theorys with me.

When it Comes to Recurring Income, Ive

been There, Done That
900 people @17 a month

Cure Your Anger

$19.95 per month for 6 months
$9.95 per month daily anger & stress tips.

The Academy
97 month membership site

True Gunner - $4.95 per month / over 1k users

Heres How We Did It

True Gunner
2nd amendment newsletter style membership.
Weekly content delivered by email (GetResponse)
Content breakdown
1 newsletter, 1 training tip video, 1 expert interview, 1
month in review email (curated content)

4.95 per month

Sold to my email list subscribers that I get from my
Facebook traffic.

Lifestyle over business every time

If we can do this then so can you!

There is nothing magical about this formula.
Absolutely anyone, no matter where they are
at currently can duplicate this system and
achieve success.
And we know this for a fact, because we have
helped dozens of people achieve success with
their online business

Trey Lewellen
Struggled with IM, then after
working with us entered a new
niche and within 3 months was
making over $100,000 per month

Josh Kelly
Started from scratch and after 2
months of working together hes
bringing in over $1650 per month in
recurring revenue!

Does $3 Million per year and after
working with us was able to apply a
few simple strategies to increase
his income by over 30% per month.

Gary King
Increased income by over 300% after
implementing what he learned from our
FIRST call.

Joe Tremble
Earned $26,600 in 42 days after
starting from scratch.

Tom Sears
Had his first $1500 day after our
1st month working together. Now
he makes over 5-figures each
and every month!

I have testimonials up the wazoo From

Satisfied clients

5 months of part time effort

and now earns over $300 every day
from a boring little niche market!

A few more of our students

5 months of part time effort

and now earns over $300 every day
from a boring little niche market!

Being able to live life on your terms
Having a business that you can count on to provide
for you and your family
Having an income that is not tied to a trend or
Being excited to get up and work every day
because you love what you do.

STOP Imagining

This Isnt A Fluke!

Whats important is that these are regular people
just like you and me.
None of them are technical wonders.
None of them were experts in their niche when they
None of them were skilled at copywriting, traffic
generation or product creation.

Yet they all became successful following a proven


Obviously, I cant (and wont try to)

predict your success.

Heres What I Do Know

You signed up for this webinar.
Youve stayed on the whole time and are still
watching which shows your perseverance.
Youve listened and learned about how these
Micro Funnels work.

And YOU know that what Ive

shown you today is the best way to
create a sustainable online
business with reliable income.

And you have two choices.

Do NOTHING and keep trying

to figure it out.

Go it alone.

Do it together.

Ive created a very special

and unique system for you
called the SOB Masterclass

Its not like anything youve

seen before.

Its an in-depth training thats

designed to help you


income streams
from complete scratch.

Have a new income stream set

up weekly or even daily.

Build an e-mail list, give away a

free product that you dont create,
AND sell a product for profit,
without pissing off your new

Start SMALL and grow

FAST without becoming
overwhelmed and confused.
Were right by your side.

So if you want

Regular Residual Income

that you can depend on

From simple monthly

membership products

That pay on autopilot with minimal

effort and minimal content


Heres what youll get.

SOB Masterclass
Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly
membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
Retail Value: $297

SOB Masterclass
Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly
membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
Retail Value: $297
End-to-end guidance on how to build sales funnels that
turn one sale into three with virtually no extra effort on
your part.
Retail Value: $297

SOB Masterclass
Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly
membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
Retail Value: $297
End-to-end guidance on how to build sales funnels that
turn one sale into three with virtually no extra effort on
your part.
Retail Value: $297
How to build an e-mail list without creating a product,
and how to immediately turn subscribers into income.
Retail Value: $297

SOB Masterclass
Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly
membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
Retail Value: $297
End-to-end guidance on how to build sales funnels that
turn one sale into three with virtually no extra effort on
your part.
Retail Value: $297
How to build an e-mail list without creating a product,
and how to immediately turn subscribers into income.
Retail Value: $297

Total Retail Value: $891

This should be
WAY MORE than $891.

ListenWe Charge No Less

Than $2,000 Per Hour For
Coaching & Consulting.

And People Happily Pay It,

Because We Get Them

Our 2 Day Masterminds

Regularly Sell Out At A Price Of
$7,000 Per Seat.

In fact when we first released

Simple Micro Funnels we
charged $5,000 for it.

This should be
WAY MORE than $891.

Because We Want You To Get
To Know Us and See What
CBLabs Has to Offer

You get a Huge Discount and

wont have to pay anything
near our normal prices.

SOB Masterclass
(Total Retail Value: $891)

The Cost Today Only $497

Now, It Gets Better!

You Can Get Started RIGHT NOW

SOB Masterclass
(Total Retail Value: $891)

The Cost Today Only $497

ONLY $297

SOB Masterclass
(Total Retail Value: $891)

The Cost Today Only $497

ONLY $297

ONLY $97

Heres What To Do Next:

Go to:
Setup your members account
Start the training

Now YOU have 2 choices

Option #1 Do Nothing & NOT Take This
Leap of Faith (Which is 100% Risk FREE)
Option #2 Pony Up this Small Investment
Today (Compared to all the value youll be
receiving in return and just give it a shot!)
If we cant make you money than we dont
deserve yours

And thats why we are

putting our money where
our mouth is

100% Money Back Guarantee

RISK FREE: 30 Days To Test For Yourself!
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Make Your Low $297 Investment
No Questions Asked 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Heres What To Do Next:

Go to:
Setup your members account
Start the training

If Youve Got Questions,

Weve Got Answers!
What You Get Inside The SMF Masterclass:

Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly

membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
End-to-end guidance on how to build sales funnels that turn
one sale into three with virtually no extra effort on your part.
How to build an e-mail list without creating a product, and
how to immediately turn subscribers into income.
12 different training Modules to help you achieve success.


The Price WILL be Rising

Youve watched
this entire presentation.

You Wanted to Know

How you can quickly and easily set up your
own continuity income stream.
So get our complete, step-by-step training
on how to build monthly membership
communities for reliable, automatic income.

And you know this an


Take advantage of this

incredible discount and 100%
money back guarantee.


Extremely Limited



Ryan Moran
Host Top podcast
Will reach 8 figures in his business This


Nathan Latka
Host of #1Podcast in business
Just Sold His Company for undisclosed

Jesse Itzler
Best Selling Author
Sold his company to Coca Cola
Owns Marqui Jets and Atlanta


Event Ticket $500

The Cost Today Only $497
Free With SOB Purchase Today

SOB Masterclass
(Total Retail Value: $891)

The Cost Today Only $497

ONLY $97

If Youve Got Questions,

Weve Got Answers!
What You Get Inside The SMF Masterclass:

Complete, step-by-step training on how to build monthly

membership communities for reliable, automatic income.
End-to-end guidance on how to build sales funnels that turn
one sale into three with virtually no extra effort on your part.
How to build an e-mail list without creating a product, and
how to immediately turn subscribers into income.
12 different training Modules to help you achieve success.


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