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Example Introduction

The purpose of an introduction is

to INTRODUCE the topics and
arguments you will be discussing
in your essay.
If you are making an argument
about imperialism, then your
audience needs to know the
following things:
Defining important concepts:

What is Imperialism?

Context: Where have we seen

imperialism in World history?

What is the time period we will
be talking about? What does
your audience need to know to
understand what you will
discuss in your essay?

THESIS: What is your position/

opinion on imperialism that can

be supported by evidence.

In the late 1400s European countries began to explore the world, in

search of riches, new information and adventure. As Europeans nations grew
richer through this exploration, they were able to invent new technologies that
allowed them to manufacture with greater spread and efficiency. There were
also incredible innovations in medicine that allowed Europeans to travel and
expand farther than ever before. However, these ever expanding and
industrializing countries required greater quantities of resources that were not
available to them. Western, European countries were motivated by politics,
religion, money and pride to expand and become world Empires. Imperialism
is a group or country expanding its influence and gaining power over another
country or group through the use of intimidation (fear) and superior
technologies to maintain that control. From the 1700s to around 1914,
European countries engaged in massive land grab around the world. Africa,
Asia and the Americas we filled with resources desired by European nations
and were main targets of imperialistic ventures. Unfortunately, these impolitic
nations had little care, interest or awareness of their lasting impact on their
conquered countries. Imperialism should be condemned, its immediate and
lasting affects crippled the population and production power of many
countries that connaturally resisted imperial powers. However horrific the
consequence of imperialism, one must acknowledge that without the
expansion and developments made in Europe due to imperialisms, we would
not have access to the technologies we have today.

Example Body Paragraph

Your body paragraph is where you present the evidence
that is supporting your argument. The goal is to convince
your reader that your argument is correct and evidence
A basic paragraph is organized as follows:
Topic sentence: The first sentence in the paragraph. It
tells you what you will be talking about in that
paragraph. What is the topic of the paragraph?
Quote introduction: You never want to drop a quote into
a paragraph without first explaining who is saying it and
in what context.
Quote/ Evidence: Your evidence should always be clear
and specific. Have a direct quote or image. Describe a
very specific example and provide detail. Being vague is
not convincing!
Quote Explanation/ brief contextualization: Often you
will have to explain what your quote is saying or provide a
little bit of background so that we understand where your
evidence is coming form and what it is about.
`: This is arguable the most important part of the
paragraph. You need to explain why this particular piece
of evidence supports the overall argument you are making
in the essay. How does this prove to us that imperialism
should be condemned according to your rational. Dont
assume your reader knows what you are thinking.

Imperialist nations often gained access to the countries they

conquer through the manipulation of local rules as well as other
Europeans nations, disguising their true motives. King Leopold of
Belgium not wishing to miss a good chance of getting us a slice of
this magnificent African cake told other European countries that
his intentions for the Congo were admirable. He told others that it
was his plan to educate and civilize the people of central Africa;
However, his true goal was to access the rubber resources
available in the Congo. The historians in the BBC documentary
Congo-The Brutal History discuss that at the hands of Leopold II
An estimated 10 million Congo people died. Leopold allowed the
Congolese people to be treated with extreme cruelty. Cutting off
the hands of adults and children alike, that did not produce
enough of the rubber plant. The manipulation and mistreatment of
the Congolese people by the Belgians is deplorable and illustrates
the horrors and incredible cost of imperialism. The lies told by
Leopold allowed him access to the rubber of the Congo, which did
allow for increased industrialization and benefits to Western
countries. However the cost of that industrialization was too high.
The manipulative actions f Leopold and other European leaders
like him should be condemned because it was the lives and well
being of the natives that paid for the technologies we enjoy today.

These take legitimacy away from your

essay and makes people take your
point less seriously.

Common mistakes:

Informal Language: In academic essay avoid the following

First person: I We Us
DO Imperialism should be condemned
DONT I think imperialism should be condemned

ore c
This s

Vague language: Things stuff

DO Imperialism lead to the horrible mistreatment of natives
DONT Imperialism lead to terrible things


Slang and non-words: Avoid colloquialism (words you hear

in informal conversations) .

Kinda = Kind of Sorta= sort of gonna= going to

cool legit no chill crakin fire(meaning cool)

Swear words: No expletives please

Contractions: Dont = Do not Couldnt = could not

Thats = that is Write out the words

These are regional and

age specific and make
you essay unclear and
challenging to read

Common mistakes:
Homophones: Words that sounds the same

These mistake will also result in

people making fun of you on social
media and behind your back

but have different spellings and meanings

Their: Possessive The Congo was owned by Belgium; it was part of their
Theyre: Contraction of They are Therere going to take over Nigeria.
(However you want to avoid contractions in formal essays)
There: Location It was horrible to live there, in the Congo.
Where: Location Japan is where imperialism was unsuccessful
Wear: (action) having something on you Britain must wear the shame of
its actions for centuries to come
Its: Possessive America expanded its empire in the late 1800s and early
Its: Contraction of it is Its part of the French empire
Your: possessive The Philippines are your Burden Now, America
Youre: contraction of you are Youre a mean one Mr. Empire

To: proposition
Britain was going
to conquer India
Too: In addition/
also OR more than
Belgium went too
far in the Congo
Two: Number 2

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