Unit 2 Vocab Biological Bases of Behavior

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Unit III Review

Key Terms and Concepts to Remember

biological psychology, p.
neuron, p. 78
dendrites, p. 78
axon, p. 78
myelin [MY-uh-lin] sheath,
p. 78
action potential, p. 78
refractory period, p. 79
threshold, p. 80
all-or-none response, p.
synapse [SIN-aps], p. 80
neurotransmitters, p. 80
reuptake, p. 80
endorphins [en-DOR-fi
ns], p. 82
agonist, p. 82
antagonist, p. 83
nervous system, p. 86
central nervous system
(CNS), p. 86
peripheral nervous
system (PNS), p. 86
nerves, p. 86
sensory (afferent)
neurons, p. 86
motor (efferent) neurons,
p. 86
interneurons, p. 87
somatic nervous system,
p. 87
autonomic [aw-tuhNAHM-ik]
nervous system (ANS), p.
sympathetic nervous
system, p. 87
parasympathetic nervous
system, p. 87
refl ex, p. 89

occipital [ahk-SIP-uh-tuhl]
p. 105

endocrine [EN-duh-krin]
system, p. 90
hormones, p. 90
adrenal [ah-DREEN-el]
glands, p. 91
pituitary gland, p. 91
lesion [LEE-zhuhn], p. 94
(EEG), p. 95
CT (computed
tomography) scan, p. 95
PET (positron emission
scan, p. 95
MRI (magnetic resonance
p. 95
fMRI (functional MRI), p.
brainstem, p. 97
medulla [muh-DUL-uh], p.
thalamus [THAL-uhmuss], p. 97
reticular formation, p. 98
cerebellum [sehr-uh-BELLum], p. 98
limbic system, p. 98
amygdala [uh-MIG-duhla], p. 99
hypothalamus [hi-poTHAL-uhmuss],
p. 99
cerebral [seh-REE-bruhl]
cortex, p. 104
glial cells (glia), p. 104
frontal lobes, p. 105
parietal [puh-RYE-uh-tuhl]
p. 105

temporal lobes, p. 1050

motor cortex, p. 105
somatosensory cortex, p.
association areas, p. 109
plasticity, p. 111
neurogenesis, p. 112
corpus callosum [KOR-pus
p. 114
split brain, p. 114
consciousness, p. 118
cognitive neuroscience, p.
dual processing, p. 120
behavior genetics, p. 124
environment, p. 124
chromosomes, p. 124
DNA (deoxyribonucleic
acid), p. 124
genes, p. 124
genome, p. 124
identical twins, p. 125
fraternal twins, p. 125
molecular genetics, p.
heritability, p. 129
interaction, p. 131
epigenetics, p. 131
evolutionary psychology,
p. 135
natural selection, p. 135
mutation, p. 136

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