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Kelly Huang

Art 133
Unit paper 3
Unit Paper 3
The holistic integration of vulnerability can be presented when a person can come to care
and understand an individual in a difficult situation (Eldridge 2012), which state individuals who
have the ability to see the needs of people not only through their physical state but their
emotional state are able to build a deeper bond. For example, when parents are socially
interactive with their child the relationship is stronger. With this in mind, children are susceptible
to be vulnerable such as bullying. For instance, children who are bullied and keep quiet about
being bullied tend to do poorly in school and become bullies themselves. On the other hand,
when parent see a change in their childs behavior, and make an initiative to talk to their child
about their problems can lead to a positive outcome. As a result, children will model after their
parents actions of kindness and empathy and tend to helps others in similar situations. Overall,
when understanding an individuals vulnerability can open up the doors to understanding others.
With emphasize on using bullying for vulnerability would be a great concept for teaching
children. First of all, I would first have a discussion with the children about bullying. Then ask
the children to give examples of bullying. Afterwards, I would do an art project by creating a
poster to help students to stop bullying. I would have the children write phrases or images on the
poster they believed would encourage other students to stop bullying. When the poster is
completed I would place the poster on the classroom door so the children are able to see their
creation. When the children see the different creations they are able to understand their
classmates feelings by realizing they are not alone.
Eldridge, L. A. (2012). The ethic of caring holistically for art students: Esmeraldas
boutique. In L. H. Campbell & S. Simmons III (eds.), The heart of education: Holistic
approaches (pp. 287-289). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

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