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What the Preamble Means to Me

As I started to create the Preamble table it brought about my sense

of ownership to the United States. The images that I chose may be
different from everyone else but these are the images that came to my
mind. Each area of this means something different to me because of
my ethnicity and my life experiences. One area that stands out to me
is establish Justice, since my ancestors did not initially get the
opportunity to enjoy this liberty I feel different. . By this I mean they
(my ancestors) paved the way so that my children and I can
experience this freedom of Justice. Even bringing it a little closer
there are people today that still do not get to enjoy these liberties
I know that our country is making steps daily to create equality for
all as well as keeping us all safe no matter our ethnicity. Our
government has the job of protecting the country and providing equal
rights for all. I know that all people in this country no matter their
race, or religious beliefs can enjoy the freedoms that I do. Needless to
say that I am proud to be an American and since I have not had to
experience it any other way I would not want to.

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