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Sarah Miller

Period: 3

Graphic Designer
A general description of a graphic designer is responsible for providing graphics, generating
rough art concepts, and adding information with speed and accuracy. A graphic designer uses
Desktop Publisher for tons of reasons like, performing advanced word processing in publishers
such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suit, assist development of proposal templates and
outlines, they format, combine text, numeral data, photographs, charts and other visual graphic
elements for public ready material, and ensure that the paginations headers, footers, tables,
charts, etc. are correct and ready to be put out to the public. The national salary range for a
graphic designer ranges from $29,867 to $59,211 a year with bonus ranges of anywhere from $0
to $3,982, profit sharing that ranges from $251.98 to $5,159 and commission with a range of
$481.77 to $7,213 which adding up can come to a total pay range of $26,284 to $60,014. Some
basic skills you need are reading comprehension, active listening and speaking, writing, critical
thinking, active learning, and monitoring all at about a medium skill level. Some skill levels that
may not be necessary but are still very important are a medium level of mathematics and a lower
level of science. Some essential skills mostly for graphic design are talent, technical skills,
people skills, time-management skills, creativity, artistic skills, and business skills. The job
outlook is expected to grow 1% over the years 2014-2024 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics or BLS. Graphic designers generally work in studios where they have access to
computers, necessary software needed to complete specific jobs, and drafting tables. Schedules
for graphic designers are usually full time but schedules may vary depending on the workloads
and deadlines where they could spend more or less time in the office. There are tons of other
careers similar to graphic designers such as Drafters, Craft and Fine Artists, Art Directors,

Sarah Miller
Period: 3

Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers, Multimedia Artists and Animators, Technical
Writers, Web Developers, and Industrial Designers.

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