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feck perfuction.

by // caylie hausman

hi Im here to tell you about James Victore (vik tor eee)


born 1962 in upstate New York

moved to NYC

Museum of Modern Art

DDD Gallery


Victore was born in upstate New York in 1962 and moved to NYC when he was 19. Early in his career hew as featured in the Museum of Modern Art, the DDD Gallery in Kyoto City, Japan. He is now a full time senior professor at SVA (school of visual
arts) and he currently resides in Brooklyn.

"Show your damn work and get over it. Show it or stop doing it."
Be in it. Its the process. Its just the process.
Make work that matters. Have an opinion and love something other than yourself.
Three things I search for in my work: 1. Beauty 2. Simplicity and 3. Holy SHIT!

These are a few of his tweets. I had a really hard time coming up with one quote because hes a super opinionated person, and I think there are a lot of things he believes in. Here are a couple quotes that I think, as a combination, can sum up a little
part of James Victore.

He continually strives to make work that is sexy, strong and memorable; work that tows the line between the sacred and the
profane. His paintings of expressionist designs can be seen on ceramics, surfboards, billboards and supermodels.

So what does he believe in? this is an excerpt from Victores behance bio and a screenshot from his website. His philosophy would probably be something along the lines of this but also what he says at the end of a good amount of his series,
Burning Questions: which would be, Have an opinion, make work that matters, love something other than yourself. and then at the same time, he has a saying that he repeats often - very often, which is you have no friends, you have no enemies,
only teachers. I would say these combinations would be his philosophy. Work hard, stay passionate, be original and memorable.

so what does he do?

Burning Questions

professional speaker



Burning Questions is James Victores youtube series where people send him questions about design, work ethic, motivation and other questions. He then responds and gives his best advice. He often travels and gives talks, hes been to other
colleges, conferences, and other places. He has a few typical speaking topics he talks about often. One of my favorite titles is, Your Work Is A Gift: Living your life on your own terms and carving out the personal space necessary for fulfillment and to
make work that matters. He also is a professional designer. Working with places like the Probation oce in NYC, but also Esquire magazine and many other places. As mentioned previously hes also a professor at SVA.

so what does his work look like?

Burning Questions is James Victores youtube series where people send him questions about design, work ethic, motivation and other questions. He then responds and gives his best advice. He often travels and gives talks, hes been to other
colleges, conferences, and other places. He has a few typical speaking topics he talks about often. One of my favorite titles is, Your Work Is A Gift: Living your life on your own terms and carving out the personal space necessary for fulfillment and to
make work that matters.


when I was shooting vanderslice, I thought a lot about all of his work that I had looked at. Its going to be a struggle because he is so analog but I think its going to be a good challenge. I saw this image and I thought why not use Vanderslice as a
background for a collage like this on one of the little outside panels like this.


going along with my first idea why not take part of Vanderslice and flip it on its side, crop it out, distort it, print it and then write on it. A lot of his work is like this. And that brings me to my next idea..


A lesson in perspective, these posters for the probation oces of NYC were inspired by those motivational posters that have the words and definitions with the arbitrary images The jets that are in a line and say teamwork, the eagle that says
vision. Victore and his team took these posters and redid them. Im drawing a lot of inspiration from these but also.


these photos, where he actually incorporated the text on the model. I was thinking it might be interesting to do something like the text on the right where I use tracing paper to create the shape of something, maybe even leaving the image
underneath with the tracing paper on top. I think this would be a poster that would represent him really well.


Heres their eagle poster - it doesnt say vision, but it does have a motivational message. I was also thinking about using another quote from him for his talk and using the lion in this sort of manner. A kind of digital collage of sorts.

So thats James Victore, check out his burning questions series if you want some inspiration one morning or while youre working, and check out his work or website or something!


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