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Frida Kahlo

Her life

Early life

Frida Kahlo was born

on july 6, 1907, in Coyocain,
Mexico City, Mexico.

as a child, she suffered
from polio, and had a tough
time walking, but Kahlos
father still encouraged her
to be athletic, which was a
odd thing for girls at that

In 1922, Kahlo attended the National Prepatory School To study medicine. Only a few woman
had attended that school.

On September 27, 1925,
Kahlo, and a friend were
traveling on a bus which
collided with a street car.
The results of the crash had
caused serious problems,
causing her serious injuries
in her lower body leading
her to be hospitalized for
several weeks.

Life through

After a long recovery

Kahlo met back up with Diego
Rivera, a man she had admired who painted a mural at
the school she went to. Rivera
encouraged her to continue
painting, and make something out of it. The two married the next year, and they
traveled the world together,
where Frida showed off her
portaits, to great museams and
art galleries.

Kahlos marriage to Rivera was a rocky one, she suffered three miscarriages, and
rivera had affairs on many
occasions. All of these helped
inspire some of her best paintings.

Life after Death

After her death, Kahlos art only continued to
grow. Her childhood home was
turned into a Museam, and is
visted by tourists all around
the world. Kahlos emotion
and growth in her paintings,
has inspired many people, esepcially Feminists. Her work
has also inspired new artists
to express themselves, and not
being afraid of striking out.

www.123rf.com. background photo.

Frida kahlo, paintings.

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