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1. What is the purpose of HIPAA?

o Maintain insurance coverage during job changes
o Protect privacy and security of health information
o Establish new health care billing standards
o All of the above
2. Penalties for HIPAA violation are found in state laws.
o True
o False
3. PHI stands for personal health information.
o True
o False
4. The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects:
o Patient charts
o Billing records
o X-rays
o Surgery schedules
o All of the above
5. Protected Health Information includes:
o Patient name
o Medical Record number
o Hospital admission date
o Medical device number
o All of the above
6. HIPAAs minimum necessary standard allows health care providers to talk with a
referring physician about a case.
o True
o False
7. If PHI is released for any purpose other than treatment, payment or health care
operations, what must take place?
o The patient must sign an authorized form
o The HIPAA law must give specific permission for the disclosure
o A or B
o A and B

8. Which of the following disclosures would require written authorization from the
o Report of a communicable disease
o Report of a gun shot
o Disclosure to an attorney
o Disclosure for a state audit
o Disclosure for a workers compensation
9. If the patient verbally agrees, HIPAA permits health care providers to share a
patients information with a family member or friend who are assisting in the
patients care.
o True
o False
10. The Privacy Rule supersedes (is in place of) state laws concerning public health
surveillance, injury reports, and child abuse.
o True
o False
11. Which of the following is NOT a patient right under HIPAA?
o Obtaining copies of medical records
o Requesting corrections to the medical record
o Receiving the institutions privacy notice
o Complaining to the federal government about privacy violation
o Prevention public health reports of communicable disease
12. Which of the following is not an appropriate practice for computer security?
o Logging off as soon as work session is complete
o Accessing only the information necessary for your job
o Transferring palm pilot data to secure servers
o Sharing passwords
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Care Beyond The Boulevard, 340 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66103

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