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Technology and Design March 4, 2016

Monday we created a parachute with a limited amount of materials. Students were

provided a bag full of 8 sheets of paper, 2 sheets of cardstock, tape, string, paper bag,
and plastic stuffing. They had to create a parachute that would hold an egg. We would
drop the egg from a ladder and the goal was for our egg to be completely intact and not
cracked. We were hoping to do the egg drop on Tuesday but unfortunately, I had to be
out of the building unexpectedly on Tuesday so we werent able to do the drop. Students
voted if they wanted to wait for a warm day next week or go out on a colder day this week.
They voted to wait until next week. Next week has some very warm days in the forecast
she will do our drops then. Wednesday, students created a parachute that they can use
any materials they want. There are not restrictions. Some groups are even creating
things that dont resemble parachutes. Each group will have 2 parachutes to drop next
week; one with the limited amount of specific materials, and one that has no constraints.
We will see how the groups do.
Thursday, we had two mini challenges. One where the students had access to ice
cubes and they tried to build an arch before the ice melts and have it stand on its own.
The other challenge was that students were given pipe cleaners and straws. They were
creating a bubble wand that was the most unique and blows the best bubbles. They dipped
their wand in bubble liquid and blew their bubbles.
Friday, we will make any final additions/changes to our parachutes so that we are
able to drop them next week.

Thank you Bronson, for donated eggs for our egg drop next week.

Coming Up:

Parachutes - Egg Drop

Paper Pipelines
Marshmallow Towers
Pom Pom Cannons


March 9 PTA Meeting, 7:00-8:30, Media Center

March 18-19 Spring Play, 7:30 pm

March 20 Spring Play, 2:00 pm

March 22 & 23 No after school activities
March 23 End of Quarter 3

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