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Industrial Communications, Inc.

Protecting Personal Information Policy

In an effort to comply with Federal Regulatory Standards, Industrial Communications is
implementing the following policy concerning all Customer Proprietary Network
Information (CPNI), i.e. credit card numbers, social security numbers, drivers license
numbers, birth dates, banking information etc.
1. Do not leave sensitive papers out on your desks when you are away from your
workstation. Files should be put away and log off your computer when necessary
and lock your file cabinet containing sensitive information.
2. Never store sensitive consumer data on any computer with an Internet connection
without encryption unless it is essential for conducting your business, then use
some type of security i.e. password protection.
3. Regularly run up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on individual
computers and on servers on your network.
4. Control access to sensitive information by using a strong password. Tech security
experts say the longer the password the better. Simple passwords like common
dictionary words can be guessed easily. Choose passwords with a mix of letters,
numbers and characters. User names and passwords should be different, and be
frequently changed. Dont ever share your passwords or post them near your
workstations when sensitive information is involved.
5. Watch out for possible calls from identity thieves attempting to deceive you into
giving out your passwords by an impersonator of a company. These calls are always
fraudulent. No one should be asking you to reveal your passwords.
6. When installing new software, immediately change vendor-supplied default
passwords to a more secure strong password.
7. Use caution when transmitting sensitive personal identifying data social security
numbers, passwords, account information or banking information via email.
8. Do not use fax machines or email to send or receive credit card numbers.
9. Do not store credit card numbers in the customer file or on the computer with the
exception of QuickBooks, which has encryption built in to the software.
10.When identifying a credit card number only use the last 4 numbers.
I have read, understand and will comply with
Information Policy by signing and dating below:





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