Human Spirograph

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1 to 10 people

Maria Garcia
LEI 4724


Dyspraxia Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National Stroke Association. (NA, NA NA). Retrieved from National Stroke Association:

Equipment needed: Poster Papers, Crayons, Duck tape

Activity Description
1. Place Poster Papers on the ground.
2. Clients are to lay down with their bellies on top of the paper.
3. Different crayons should be used.
4. With the help of feet and leg muscles to propel your body in a circular motion on the
paper and using the crayons to make drawings.
5. Music could be used in the background to help loosen up.

Leadership Considerations:

This activity is helpful to develop fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills. Clients
are encouraged to work at their own pace while creating beautiful body art. This activity
could be modified for individuals with different disability. For example, the use of
muscle of the legs to propel your body can be effective to build the tone as a startup
exercise in children with dyspraxia. The leader should gauge the skill level of client and if
fine motor is at lack, then the use of straps to hold crayons in the hand is suggested for
effective grasp of tool.

If the leader is encountered with a client who had a stroke and is experiencing
hemiparesis and is slowly learning to incorporate coordination, balance and body
movement to life routine, then this exercise is effective. At first, it is understandable to
be scared to throw yourself to the floor to lay down. So the leader should start with
client sitting down on a chair and a cushion nearby on the floor. Client should hold chair
with both hands and slowly roll down while placing knees on cushion. The ultimate goal
is to end up in a kneeling position, with knees resting on pillow. Leader should make a
demonstration of this process as to avoid any injuries. Slowly from kneeling position
transfer to paper on the floor while adjusting to the center of paper.

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