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Sport Education Model Project


Brendan Abad
February 26, 2016
Dr.Mangano, Springfield College
PHED 239, Spring 2016
Table of Contents
Netball Court Dimensions

Method For Picking Teams
Roles of Each Job
Unit Outcomes
Block Plan
Round Robin
Netball Double Elimination Tournament
Modified Game- Net Basketball
Rules of Netball (Traditional)
Rules of Netball (PE Class, Modified Rules)
Cognitive Test/Answer Key
Netball Skills Challenge!
Team Standings/Statistics
Team Identity
Sportsmanship Objective

This season in the Sport Education Model, Mr.Abads class will participate in a Netball
until that consists of 20 classes (Meets twice per week during 10 week season) with 30
students (16 males and 14 females). This unit will take place in the gymnasium with one

court. Four out of the six teams will be playing while the other two teams sit out and do
their jobs.
There will be two Netball courts set up like the one below in Image #1. Each half of
the regulation size basketball court will consist of a Netball court going horizontal. The
midline of the basketball court separates the two games going on.

Image #1

Gymnasium (1)
Whistle for the referees and the teacher (7)
Two scoreboards to keep track of the score (2)
Paper for the statisticians, captains/coaches, managers, and teacher (100)

Two Netball Courts (2)

Two Goal post for each court (Similar to hoops in basketball without the backboard) (4
12 Netballs for team practices and games (12)

Netball Court Dimensions

There will be two Netball courts set up on each side of the basketball court
The Netball court is usually 30.5 meters (100 feet) long and 15.25 meters (50 feet) wide
and divided into thirds.
Below is a picture of the Netball court


Dwyane Wade- Leader who is very knowledgeable about many different types of
sports. Well liked amongst his peers. Very vocal in class, willing to help anybody.
(Leader, Proficient)

Jade Bartlett- Gifted athlete who is sometimes called the gym class hero. Does
not like to lose and will do anything to win. Brings the spirts up of others. (Follower,

Will Walsh- A leader of a pack, loves sports and is a very respectable person. Will
can tell you any fact about sports and is a very bright person who holds a 3.75 GPA.
(Leader, Utilization)

Jamie Hole- Tends to be an active person but sports are not her first priority. Classes
like math and science mean much more to her. Has aspirations of being a doctor or
engineer when she gets older. (Follower, Control)

Bruno Binga- Gifted athlete who has a hard time being on a team. Very competitive
person but thrives in individual sports more than team sports. (Follower, Utilization)

Tom Brady- One of the best athletes and leaders in class. Three sport athlete who
excels in all of them. Very competitive and sometimes hogs the ball in certain sports.
(Leader, Proficient)

Susan Lee- Very popular in the school. Known to be a very respectful and kind
person. Always puts others before herself. Decent athlete. (Leader, Control)

Andy McNulty- Good personality and athlete. Has a tough time making friends
because he feels very insecure about himself. (Follower, Control)

Kelly Paterson- Extremely popular around school and comes from an athletics
family that excels. Mother and Father both played professional sports. Sometimes can
be cocky around teammates. (Leader, Utilization)

Kate James- Very quiet girl whose favorite subject is not physical education. Is very
big with Math, wants to be a mathematician when she is older. (Follower, PeControl/Control)

Carmelo Anthony- Very talented athlete who likes to show off after a score,
touchdown, or goal. Very athletic build who also is a great vocal leader. (Leader,

Taylor Swift- Very big into Physical Education. Works extremely hard in school even
though she is not gifted with smarts or athletics. Has a work ethic second to none.
(Follower, Control/Utilization)

Grayson Allen- Popular student who sometimes is labeled as cocky since he is

loves to remind everyone that is he committed to Notre Dame for Football. Very
outspoken. (Leader. Proficient)

Ally Goldberg- Somewhat athletic but is known to make friends very quickly
because she is extremely easy to get along with. (Follower, Control)

Harry Giles- Not big into sports because at a young age Harry got a serious knee
injury. More into science. Has aspirations of being a professional athletic trainer.
(Follower, Pre-Control)

Maya Moore- Displays great leadership skills. Has many friends and is the captain of
the basketball and lacrosse team. (Leader, Utilization)

Kobe Bryant- Kobe has a lot of friends and enjoys the social aspect of school.
Leadership qualities outweigh his athletic skills. (Leader, Control)

Jillian Fitzpatrick- Very outgoing personality who sometimes tends to be sarcastic.

Committed to Harvard for field hockey. Sometimes thinks she is too good for Physical
Education. (Follower, Utilization)

Jayson Tatum- A ton of athletic ability who works well with others. Slightly
overweight. Always smiling and making friends. (Follower,Utilization)

Ronda Rousey- Not as big into sports as she is with her extra curricular activities
such as key club. Reserved personality who excels in preparation and management.
(Follower, Pre-Control)

James Harden- Three sport athlete whose favorite class is Physical Education.
Works well with others and is easy to get along with. (Leader, Proficient)

Naomi Lobo- Naomi is a great athlete but tends to be stubborn at times due to her
attitude. When she is in a bad mood it is hard to talk to her. (Follower, Utilization)

Frankie Michaels- Honor roll student who loves math and science. Very organized
and wants to own his own business one day. Not big in sports. (Follower, Pre-Control)

Margot Robbie- Foreign exchange student who is a leader at heart. Was the team
captain of her basketball team in Australia. Very smart in the classroom. (Leader,
Utilization/ Proficient)

Connor McDavid- Honor roll student who stopped playing organized sports due to
his passion with numbers. Is taking college credit classes already. (Follower, PreControl/Control)


LeBron James- The best athlete in the school. Is thinking about forgoing college
and heading straight to the NBA. One of the best leaders that the school has ever
seen. Knows how to get people involved. (Leader, Proficient)

Emma Watson- Not big into physical activity. Is more known for being in the drama
club and how smart she is in mathematics. Sociable person. (Follower, Control)

Rich Paul- Struggles fitting in and with his grades but is a hard worker. Needs to be
in a safe learning environment to feel comfortable. (Follower, Pre-Control)

Lauren Smith- Honor roll student who can memorize anything with her photographic
memory. Athletic ability is on her side. (Leader, Utilization)

Lexi Mango- Very athletic girl who excels in field hockey. Has many friends and is
well respected in the town. (Leader, Control/Utilization)


Method For Picking Teams

The teacher picked the teams with the assessment of their skill level, behavior type,
personality, if the student is often absent. The teacher wanted to make the teams as
even as possible by picking the six best athletes in class and separating them first. The
teacher then picked the athletes he thought would be best suited at the game of Netball
due to his assessment throughout the year. After the 12 best athletes in the class had a
team, the teacher put the other students on teams by their personality and whether their
a follower or leader. The teacher also matched those students who are not big into
Physical Education with those students who are. The teacher is happy with the teams
he selected and should be a competitive season. If the games are not competitive, the
teacher has the option of changing some players in order to have the best class
environment. Let the games begin!!!

Team Selection Factors

Skill level of students (Pre-Control/Control/Utilization/Proficient)

Which students have experience in sports and seasons.
Gender: Teacher tried to even out the number of boys and girls.
Which classmates work well together and which do not.
Friendships in class.
Attitude in PE class of students
Physical ability of the student (size)
Which students are absent more than others.
Which students are leaders
Which students are followers

Roles of Each Job


The coach/captains job is to be the player-coach of their team. They are the students
that the teacher feels when adversity strikes they can weather the storm and keep the
team together. These students have the best leadership qualities. The captain is a
person that the students can look up too for guidance.

The teacher has very high expectations for the coach/captain:

Very vocal
Always ready to participate no matter what the circumstances are
attend ALL the classes
Be fair and respect the rules of the referee
Represent the team to the best of your ability
If a member of the team has an idea, listen and make sure everyone knows that idea.
You are the coach/captain but NOT the boss. Share the power and make sure everyone
can leader in their own way.
Be the most valuable player on the team through sportsmanship, participation, and
maximum respect for the officials, teacher, and other teams.
Enforce the rules on the team
Most importantly, be a leader!

The teacher also has many responsibilities for the coach/captain such as:
Be on time to every class so they can get their team organized
Explain every activity to the team to the best of our ability
Have a motivational quote of the day for your team.
Always be their for your teammates
Have team strategies for the best chance at success

The manager is a very organized student who holds a lot of responsibilities such as
being in charge of the equipment, supplies, court set up, and making sure all of the
team is ready to play. The manager is one of the most important roles on the team
because they are a very versatile. Managers are trusted by their teammates and most
importantly the teacher. Managers and coach/captain should be the first ones to PE



Works well with all the students

The teacher can fully trust the manager
Very organized
Knows how to handle equipment
Communicates effectively with other member of the class.
On time and attendances every class
Be respectful to the students and teachers
Strives to be the best manager they can be

Takes proper care of the equipment

Is to assist the coach/captain anytime he or she needs it.
Sets up the court so everyone is ready to play
Keeps team focused
Keeps team very organized
Maintains the gym cleanness.
make sure no equipment is lost and is put away neatly.

The scorekeeper is responsible for recording the score of their game to the teacher and
keeping the score of a game between two different teams. This student has to be able
to understand how the scoring of the game works. This student likes numbers and is
responsible. This student is highly trusted by the teacher and will not fix the score in
order to win for their team or another.
Pay attention 100% of the time during games
Does not get easily distracted
Does not talk to classmates when keeping the score


Has high value in honesty, integrity, and character

Doesnt favor one team or another t rig the game
This student must strive to be the best scorekeeper they can be!!!

The score is fair and not fixed

Submit the score at the end of the game to the teacher so he can post the score
make sure his or her area is cleaned up after use (such as a table or clip board)

This student is responsible for making sure the rules are carried out in the game. The
umpire needs to ensure fair play, there must be no bias or cheating by this student. The
umpire must know all of the rules of this game to ensure that they will not make a rules
and regulation mistake. This student is always 100% and has a will to know the rules of
Netball. This student has a ton of responsibility and is ready to take on the challenge to
the best of their ability. This student tends to show the most professionalism.
Learn all the rules of netball and be able to answer some of the questions asked by the
Have a strong knowledge of the rules and regulations of this game
Know the boundaries for safety reasons
Be authoritative if the student(s) break a rule

Keep control of the game

Be commanding and dont take attitude or backtalk from players
Be fair 100% of the time
Have a high degree of integrity
ALWAYS enforce rules no matter what the circumstances are

Be on time for every class

Make sure you know all the rules of the game
Do not favor any play or team to ensure the game and classes integrity
Be accurate when making a call
Be consistent when making a call
Be able to proper and effectively blow the whistle when a rule is violated
Be professional 100% of the time
Being a referee is a privilege, do not cheat or tarnish the game in anyway!

This student's role is to record the stats of each player. At the end of the season, this
student will tally all of the stats at the end of the season to see who the league leaders
are. These states will be in spreadsheet format and handed to the teacher at the end of
each and every game. This student is aware of the responsibility and is trusted by the
teacher to hold no bias. The statistician will know how to record each and every stat.

Pay attention to the game at all times

Have a knowledge of all stats of Netball
Has a good background in numbers and calculations
Is always fair when recording stats
Submit stats to the teacher
Tally final statistics up at the end of the season
Is very organized with statistics
Keeps integrity and honesty 100% of the time


Knows what each stat is and can repeat the stat back to the teacher if needed
Pays attention during all times throughout the game
At the end of the season the statistician tallies up all stats and makes a leaderboard for
the students to see
Solid background on numbers
Is very organized!


Coach/CaptainsWill Walsh- Miami Heat

Tom Brady- Boston Celtics
Carmelo Anthony- New York Knicks
Maya Moore- Los Angeles Lakers
Margot Robbie- Houston Rockets
LeBron James- Cleveland Cavaliers

ManagersJade Bartlett- Miami Heat

Kelly Patterson- Boston Celtics
Grayson Allen- New York Knicks
Gabby Bell- Los Angeles Lakers
Frankie Michaels- Houston Rockets
Emma Watson- Cleveland Cavaliers

ScorekeepersJamie Hole- Miami Heat


Susan Lee- Boston Celtics

Harry Giles- New York Knicks
Kobe Bryant- Los Angeles Lakers
Naomi Lobo- Houston Rockets
Rich Paul- Cleveland Cavaliers

RefereeDwyane Wade- Miami Heat

Andy McNulty- Boston Celtics
Ally Goldberg- New York Knicks
Jayson Tatum- Los Angeles Lakers
James Harden- Houston Rockets
Lauren Smith- Cleveland Cavaliers

StatisticiansBruno Binga- Miami Heat

Kate James- Boston Celtics
Taylor Swift- New York Knicks
Jillian Fitzpatrick- Los Angeles Lakers
Connor McDavid- Houston Rockets
Lexi Mango- Cleveland Cavaliers

Unit Outcomes
Demonstrate the proper shooting and passing skills while participating in Netball so by
the end of the season , each and every player can score and pass properly without
dropping the ball five times in a row. (National #S2, H2, L1 ; MACF 2.17)
Demonstrate effective teamwork strategy on the offensive and defensive ends for
Netball. (National #S1, H1, L2 ; MACF 2.17)
Identify the correct rules and regulations of Netball with 85% accuracy when assessed
by the teacher at the end of the season. (National #2 ; MACF 2.17)
Understand the different plays and techniques that can be used on offense and defense
in Netball by the end of the season.(National #S2, H3, L2 ; MACF 2.17)
Communicate fully with teammates as well as other teams by demonstrating proper
sportsmanship throughout the season.(National #S4, H2, L2 ; MACF 2.26)


Block Plan
Activity- Netball
Class Content 9th-12th Grade


16 boys, 14 girls
Class meets twice a week for 50 minutes
There are 20 classes total that equal to be a 10 week season
How Teams are Formatted Six teams with five players per team that equal to 30 students
Season Type Round robin tournament style with skills competition



Class Activities
Introduce the sport of Netball
Explain the history of Netball and how it relates to basketball
Explain to the students how the Sport Education Model works and what the
teacher expectations are
Address any confusion or questions that might take place
Give students their teams and roles
Introduce the three types of passes (Bounce, Chest, Overhead)


Have students practice in their teams so the teacher can do a self assessment
of the students

Introduce the shot and how to score in Netball with teacher and student
The captains of each team will lead their teams into more practice so students
get familiarized with the game
The teacher will continue to evaluate students to make sure their skill level so
that the teams are fair.
Students will practice the shot with their teams
Teacher will assess how the teams are working together and have a brief two
minute meeting with the team captains individually

The teacher will explain how the season and postseason tournament will work
Students will work within their teams on the pass and shot with a individual
team modified game
The teacher will explain the different strategies that one can use in Netball
Teams will meet and discuss offensive and defensive strategy
Explain the rules and regulations of Netball

Teams will go through passing drills today along with team practices to get
familiarized with them

Scoring is emphasised today during team practices
Roles are discussed by team captains
Team practices

Team practices before the regular season begins!
Teacher will show a video about teamwork and communication

Regular Season (Round Robin Style)

Teams work on any skill they feel they need to work on before gameplay starts.
Round 1: Heat v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Lakers (Rockets and Cavs are off
doing their duties
Round 2: Cavs v.s Rockets, Celtics v.s Knicks, (Heat and Lakers are off
doing their duties)
Round 3: Heat v.s Lakers, Cavs v.s Celtics, (Knicks and Rockets are off
doing their duties)

Regular Season


Teacher will emphasize team strategy and address anything he has seen
during the first day of Round Robin
Round 4: Knicks v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Cavs, (Celtics and Heat are off
doing their duties)
Round 5: Celtics v.s Heat, Rockets v.s Lakers, (Cavs and Knicks are off
doing their duties)
Round 6: Cavs v.s Knicks, Rockets v.s Heat, (Lakers and Celtics are off
doing their duties)



Regular Season
Teams do self assessment of how their season is going, team captain writes
down and reports back to teacher.
Round 7: Celtics v.s Lakers, Rockets v.s Cavs (Knicks and Heat are off
doing duties)
Round 8: Heat v.s Knicks, Lakers v.s Rockets (Cavs and Celtics are off
doing duties)
Round 9: Cavs v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Lakers (Rockets and Heat are off
doing duties)
Regular Season
Teams have a ten mintues practice before game play
Round 10: Rockets v.s Heat, Celtics v.s Cavs (Knicks and Lakers are off
doing their duties)
Round 11: Knicks v.s Lakers, Celtics v.s Heat (Cavs and Rockets are off
doing their duties)
Round 12: Cavs v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Celtics (Knicks and Heat are off
doing their duties)
Regular Season

Team practices for ten minutes

Round 13: Knicks v.s Heat, Lakers v.s Rockets (Cavs and Celtics are off
doing their duties)
Round 14: Cavs v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Rockets (Lakers and Heat are off
doing their duties)
Round 15: Lakers v.s Heat, Celtics v.s Knicks (Cavs and Rockets are off
doing their duties)

Regular Season
Teams will go through passing activity before game play, teacher will emphasis
ball movement
Round 16: Cavs v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Knicks (Heat and Celtics are off
doing their duties)
Round 17: Heat v.s Celtics, Cavs v.s Lakers (Knicks and Rockets are off
doing their duties)
Round 18: Knicks v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Celtics (Cavs and Heat are off


doing their duties)


Regular Season
Teams will discuss strategy during the last day of game play for the regular
Round 19: Cavs v.s Heat, Knicks v.s Lakers (Celtics and Rockets are off
doing their duties)
Round 20: Celtics v.s Rockets, Heat v.s Knicks (Cavs and Lakers are off
doing their duties)
Round 21: Cavs v.s Lakers, Rockets v.s Heat (Celtics and Knicks are off
doing their duties)


The teacher will inform the students about the double elimination tournament
for the sport education trophy!
Teams will practice and prepare for the tournament
Each team will be notified of their seed
1 seed- Cavs
2 seed- Lakers
3 seed- Knicks
4 seed- Celtics
5 seed- Rockets
6 seed- Heat
Team practices for the rest of the class


Post Season
Double elimination bracket tournament!
Round 1=
Celtics (4 seed) v.s Rockets (5 seed)
Knicks (3 seed) v.s Heat (6 seed)
Cavs and Lakers have day off to do their jobs and participate in team
practices. Both teams have byes do to their 1 and 2 seed.
Next Rounds will continue next class



Post Season
Team practices to review skills
Round 2=
Cavs (1 seed) v.s Celtics (4 seed)
Knicks (3 seed) v.s Lakers (2 seed)
Heat and Rockets both have one loss which means both teams are on duty for
their roles.

Post Season
Teacher will have teams do self assessment of what has worked well and what
needs improvement as round 3 begins and a championship is on the line!
Round 3=
Losers Bracket- Heat v.s Celtics, Rockets v.s Lakers
Cavs and Knicks are in the winner's bracket so they will be on duties


Round 3=
Winners Bracket- Cavs v.s Knicks
Losers Bracket- Heat v.s Lakers
Celtics and Rockets have duties
Round 4=
Loser's Bracket Championship- Knicks v.s Lakers
Rockets, Heat, and Celtics have team practices
Cavs are on duty

Post Season
Team practices in preparation for championship day
Championship Game
- Cavs v.s Knicks
- Losers Bracket- Knicks v.s Heat
-Celtics and Rockets are on duty



Netball Team Skill Challenges day!


Award Day (Team, Individual, and Sportsmanship)

Round Robin
In this Sport Education Model during the Netball season, there was a Round Robin style
play over the regular season. The teacher evaluated each and every team, had weekly


meetings with captains, and did an self assessment on the players and their jobs.
Below is the team schedule that played during the round robin play. The class saw
were very competitive games. All teams played 13-14 games. The teacher was very
impressed with the way the students were able to pick up on the basic skills and
strategies for the game Netball.
Round 1: Heat v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Lakers (Rockets and Cavs are off doing their
Round 2: Cavs v.s Rockets, Celtics v.s Knicks, (Heat and Lakers are off doing their
Round 3: Heat v.s Lakers, Cavs v.s Celtics, (Knicks and Rockets are off doing their
Round 4: Knicks v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Cavs, (Celtics and Heat are off doing their
Round 5: Celtics v.s Heat, Rockets v.s Lakers, (Cavs and Knicks are off doing their
Round 6: Cavs v.s Knicks, Rockets v.s Heat, (Lakers and Celtics are off doing their
Round 7: Celtics v.s Lakers, Rockets v.s Cavs (Knicks and Heat are off doing duties)
Round 8: Heat v.s Knicks, Lakers v.s Rockets (Cavs and Celtics are off doing duties)
Round 9: Cavs v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Lakers (Rockets and Heat are off doing duties)
Round 10: Rockets v.s Heat, Celtics v.s Cavs (Knicks and Lakers are off doing their
Round 11: Knicks v.s Lakers, Celtics v.s Heat (Cavs and Rockets are off doing their
Round 12: Cavs v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Celtics (Knicks and Heat are off doing their
Round 13: Knicks v.s Heat, Lakers v.s Rockets (Cavs and Celtics are off doing their
Round 14: Cavs v.s Celtics, Knicks v.s Rockets (Lakers and Heat are off doing their
Round 15: Lakers v.s Heat, Celtics v.s Knicks (Cavs and Rockets are off doing their

Round 16: Cavs v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Knicks (Heat and Celtics are off doing their
Round 17: Heat v.s Celtics, Cavs v.s Lakers (Knicks and Rockets are off doing their
Round 18: Knicks v.s Rockets, Lakers v.s Celtics (Cavs and Heat are off doing their
Round 19: Cavs v.s Heat, Knicks v.s Lakers (Celtics and Rockets are off doing their
Round 20: Celtics v.s Rockets, Heat v.s Knicks (Cavs and Lakers are off doing their
Round 21: Cavs v.s Lakers, Rockets v.s Heat (Celtics and Knicks are off doing their

Netball Double Elimination Tournament

The Netball Double Elimination Tournament saw some great games. The seeds were
based on how the teams did during the round robin play. Below are the seeds for the
Netball Double Elimination Tournament
Seed 1- Cavaliers
Seed 2- Lakers
Seed 3- Knicks
Seed 4- Celtics
Seed 5- Rockets
Seed 6- Heat

Below is the bracket the teacher used to set up the teams. This was posted in class so
that team captains could come over and let their team know who they were playing
next. The team manager wrote down if their team won or lost on the bracket sheet.
This was very useful for the students because it was easy to look where their team was
playing next.


Modified Game- Net Basketball

5 teams of 6
3 boys 3 girls
Carmelo Anthony (Knicks), Margot Robbie (Rockets), and Will Walsh (Heat) were
selected captains by the teacher at random out of the captains list
used were a full length indoor basketball court split in half so that two games could be
played. The halfcourt line separated the two different games going on.
4 basketball hoops
2 Netballs
4 Netball posts
6 yellow pennies, 6 red pennies, 6 blue pennies, 6 orange pennies, 6 black pennies to
identify to different teams.

Rules and Regulations:
Must dribble in order to move
no kicking
no contact
ball can touch the ground unlike Netball
each player is limited to 3 dribbles max then must pass it to ensure everyone is touching
the Netball. The teacher doesnt want one student dominating the game the game
Students should know that it will be harder to shoot long range shots because their is
no backboard unlike basketball
Everyone must be guarding one player on the opposite team (No double teams, zones,
or traps)
2 points for a shot inside line
3 points for shot behind line
Screens (picks) can be set but the player can not move on a screen or pick
Students can only take two steps if going up for a layup. Anymore steps will be called a
Games will last 7 minutes, the team sitting out will fulfill their duty in the Sport Ed Model.
All players must respect the teacher, referee, teammates, opposing players, and rules!

Students should be aware of the equipment and their surroundings to make sure no one
is injured and everyone is safe. Students will be reminded to keep their heads and eyes
Extension Up:
Students can only shoot mid range to three point shots if the teacher feels that the
students are not being challenged enough
Extension Down:
Students will be allowed five dribbles if the teacher feels that the students are not
scoring enough and turnovers are high due to the lack of dribbles.
Court Dimensions:
There will be this court but two games going on at once. The halfcourt line (midline) will
serve as the break between the two games.



Rules of Netball (Traditional)

Teams consist of 5-7 players. There must be at least 5 players.
Substitutions can only be made at half time or when a player is injured.
If you start a match with 5 or 6 players but more members of your team arrive after the
game has started, they must wait until the next centre pass before being allowed to join

the game.
Goal Shooter To score goals and to work in and around the circle with the GA
Goal Attack

To feed and work with GS and to score goals


Wing Attack

To feed the circle players giving them shooting opportunities


To take the centre pass and to link the defence and the attack

Wing Defence To look for interceptions and prevent the WA from feeding the
Goal Defence To win the ball and reduce the effectiveness of the GA
Goal Keeper To work with the GD and to prevent the GA/GS from scoring

Starting the Game

The first centre pass is decided between the two captains by the toss of a coin. The
centre passes then alternate between the teams, regardless of which team has scored.
Before the whistle, all players must start in the goal thirds except the two Centres. The
Centre with the ball must be wholly within the Centre Circle and must obey the footwork
rule after the whistle has been blown.
The opposing Centre stands anywhere within the Centre Third and is free to move.
A player must not break at the centre pass, which is moving into the Centre third before
the whistle is blown for the Centre pass.
Players must get onside quickly at the centre pass. The Centre with the ball must hurry
back to the centre circle and step straight in. If she waits for her players to get back
onside, this is called delaying play.
A free pass would be awarded to the opposing team in any of these instances above.
Offside Rule
A player with or without the ball cannot move into an area of the court that is not
designated for their position.
This will result in a free pass being awarded to the opposing team.
A player attempting to intercept or defend the ball must be at least 3ft (0.9m) away from
the player with the ball. This distance is measured from the landing foot of the player in
possession of the ball. The defender may jump to intercept or defend the ball from this
0.9m (3ft) feet distance but you must ensure if you do jump to defend a ball, you dont
land any nearer that 3ft or this is obstruction (i.e. shortening your distance).
A penalty pass will be awarded if you obstruct a player as described above.

Free Passes and Penalties

You have 3 seconds from setting the free pass/penalty in which to take it. If you decide
that another player would be better taking it, you must place the ball back on the floor.
Do not walk towards the other player to pass it to them (footwork) or hand it to them
(short pass).
Any opposing player allowed in that area may take the free pass/penalty.
Only the GS and GA are able to score goals for your team. They must be wholly inside
the goal circle to shoot.
Throw In
The ball is thrown back into play from the point where it went off the court. It is out of
court when it contacts anything outside the court area (except the goalpost).
When taking a throw in, a player places her foot up to but not on the sideline or backline
of the court. The lines are part of the court. If any part of your foot is touching the line or
you step into the court in the process of taking the throw in, this is deemed to be a foul
This includes walking on the court to pass the ball to another player if you decide that
they should take the throw in. In this instance, you should leave the ball on the floor
outside the court for the player to then pick up.
You have 3 seconds from when you take up your position at the side of the court in

which to throw the ball.

You must also wait until all players are back on the court before taking the throw in.
If any of the above occurs, a throw in to the opposing team will be awarded.
Over a Third
The ball cannot be thrown over a complete third of the court without being touched or

caught by a player (i.e. it cannot cross two transverse lines).

A free pass shall be taken from the area where the ball crossed the second transverse


line (i.e. where the ball shouldnt have been).

Replayed Ball
A player may not replay the ball. Specifically you cant:
lose control of the ball and pick it up again if it has not been touched by another player
catch a rebound from a shot on goal if the ball has not touched the post or another

3. toss the ball into the air and catch it again without it being touched by another player.


Rules of Netball (PE Class, Modified Rules)

No steps allowed once catching the ball
No dribbles
Only 5 positions we are using in the PE version of Netball (Goal Keeper, Goal Defense,
Goal Attack, Goal Shooter, and Centre)
The centre will essentially be a midfielder. We are connecting the centre, wing attack
and wing defense all in one. This position is going to be a team member who is very
active and can keep up with the pace.
There is absolutely no contact involved
Games will last seven minutes
If their is a foul such as a bump or contacted that the umpire and teacher sees then it
remains with the offensive team.
The courts will be smaller due to the space provided.
minimum of 5 passes before a score can happen to ensure that every member of the

team is involved.
If a player is disrespectful to the umpire, teacher, teammates, or other team than they
will receive a technical foul which results in a player down for two minutes. A second
technical foul results in that player being thrown out for the game and loss of
sportsmanship points for that individual's team.

Cognitive Test
Directions: Answer the following questions below


Point Values
True/False= 1 point
Fill in the blank= 2 points
Multiple choice= 3 points
Short answer= 5 points
One open response= 10 points
You are allowed to take_____ steps once you catch the netball
The game is started by a coin toss (True/False)
Name three different positions in Netball_____________________
What sport is Netball most similar too?
In Netball there are_____ different types of passes
Where did Netball originate from?
Please write down the correct length and width of a regulation side Netball

8. There are 20 classes in this Sport Education Model. (True/ False)
9. In a short response, please state your favorite thing about Netball.

10. In a short response, please state what you have learned from Netball the most.

Answer Key
1. 0
2. True
3. GK, WD, GD
4. Basketball
5. 3
6. England
7. 30.5 M Length, 15.25 M Width
8. True
9. Student Response (Affective)
10. Student Response (Affective)

Netball Skills Challenge!

The Netball Skills challenge is a huge event in the Sport Ed model where teams
compete for bragging rights! These events are similar to the NBA All Star Weekend.
There are two challenges that our six teams go through. These two challenges are
team challenges to emphasise the cooperation element of our class. These teams have
been together for 19 class periods now. Team cohesion should be high! The two
events have different points values (Delegates) we are calling them since it is the 2016
election year. If a team wins that challenge, that team will get the delegates. Next to
the challenge name in parentheses are the number of delegates up for grab.
The Two Events

Pass Extravaganza
Delegates Available (20)
First Place- 9
Second Place- 5
Third Place- 3
Fourth Place- 2
Fifth Place- 1

In Pass Extravaganza, each team will be lined up on the court, in a row that extends
through the full length of the basketball court. There are five players per team so there
should be a good gap of space available.
Each team will have one Netball and their team line will be facing the wall.
There will be three hula hoops set up on the wall.
The Netball starts in the back of the line, the goal of the teams are to pass the ball up to
the front of the line as fast as they can.
Once the ball gets to the front, the front player aims for a target on the wall. There are
three targets per team.
The higher target is 3 points, middle target 2 points, and lowest target 1 point.
Each player gets one shot
After the player tries to hit the target, that player takes the ball and runs to the back of
the line where that player is now the back and all of the other players move up a spot.
The objective of the game challenge is to get as many points as possible.
Once the player who started in front is back up to the front then that team will sit down.
There will be five rounds
After each round, the manager write down their point value for that round and tally them
all up at the end of that challenge.
The managers are reminded to be fair and not to cheat, integrity is the most important

Three Hula Hoops at different Levels


Three Hula Hoops at different Levels


Three Hula Hoops at different Levels

Three Hula Hoops at different Levels

Three Hula Hoops at different Levels

Three Hula Hoops at different Levels


Kings and Queens of the Court

Delegates Availble (40)
First Place- 17
Second Place- 12
Third Place- 8
Fourth Place- 7
Fifth Place- 6
In Kings and Queens of the Court, there will be three Netball post set up
Each team will start at a hoop determined by picking out of the hat by the team captains
Each team will be at the elbow of the court (Foul line extended)
Teams will be in a shooting competition with the Netballs
The objective is to make 5 baskets before the other team at your hoop
Once one team member shoots, they get the rebound and go to the back of the line.
If a team wins at hoop #1, that team collects 1 point and stays there
The team that loses moves down to the next hoop
if a team at hoop #2 or hoop #3 win, they move up with hopes of playing at hoop #1
where points are counted.
If a team wins at hoop 1 or 2, those are not counted as points. Those are hoops if you
win you move up.
Latter system (win move up, lose move down; except hoop #1)
Hoop #1 is the White House that is the hoop where points count.
All teams are trying to move up the ladder to make it to hoop #1
For example:
Team 1 v.s 2 at Hoop #1, 3 v.s 4 at Hoop #2, and 5 v.s 6 at Hoop #3
Below is an example of what one hoop would look like

Hoop #1



You Have Been Awarded..


Most Outstanding Netball Player!

Presented to:______________________

Netball Champions


This Award is Presented to:______________

You have been awarded..

This Award is Presented too:___________

Awards Receipts
MVP- LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Netball Champions- Cleveland Cavaliers

Sportsmanship- Margot Robbie (Houston

Captains Award- Will Walsh (Miami Heat)
Manager Award- Kelly Patterson (Boston
Scorekeepers Award- Harry Giles (New York
Referee Award- Jayson Tatum (Los Angeles
Statistician Award- Taylor Swift (New York
Most Improved- Jade Bartlett (Miami Heat)
Teachers Award- Susan Lee (Boston Celtics)
Team Standings
(During Round Robin)













Team Statistics

Shots Made



























Individual Team Statistics

Miami Heat

Shots Made



Will Walsh


Jade Bartlett



Jamie Hole

Dwyane Wade


Bruno Binga


Boston Celtics

Shots Made



Tom Brady


Kelly Patterson


Susan Lee

Andy McNulty



Kate James


New York Knicks

Shots Made



Carmelo Anthony


Grayson Allen


Harry Giles


Ally Goldberg


Taylor Swift



Los Angeles Lakers

Shots Made



Maya Moore


Gabby Bell


Kobe Bryant



Jayson Tatum


Jillian Fitzpatrick


Houston Rockets

Shots Made



Margot Robbie


Frankie Michaels



Naomi Lobo



James Harden



Connor McDavid



Cleveland Cavaliers

Shots Made



LeBron James



Emma Watson


Rich Paul


Lauren Smith



Lexi Mango


Trump Newspaper Netball Edition

Mr.Abad, a physical education teacher at Trump High School for 15 years now, has always been
creative with his ideas. Coach Abad attended Springfield College where it is known as the Harvard of
Physical Education. We recently caught up with Coach Abad to talk about the unit, his all star student
LeBron James, and other thoughts of the Netball Sport Education Model.
Question: So Mr.Abad, who gave you the idea of a Sport Education Unit in Netball?
Answer: Well actually, during my time at Springfield College, I had a brilliant teacher. Dr. Kathy
Mangano had us do a sport ed project that included specific topics. Mine happened to be Netball. So
when I was thinking about fun and creative ways to get all of the students involved in competition, roles,
and a unique game that they haven't been exposed to yet, I thought this would be the perfect idea and it
happened to be a huge success.
Question: Coach Abad, a lot of people around the country, especially the town, have been talking about
the talent of Trump High School senior LeBron James. What do you have to say about him?
Answer: LeBron James is the best athlete I have ever been around. But what separates LeBron is his
personality, his strive to make everyone around him better, and his attitude he brings to Physical
Education class. If LeBron wasnt going to make it professional he would still have a bright future
because of the person he is. I am very fortunate to have known LeBron.


Question: What student was the biggest surprise in the Netball Sport Ed Model?
Answer: A couple of months ago we received a foreign exchange student from Australia. Margot Robbie
has been a great addition to our school. She is smart, talented, always looking to help, and one heck of a
Netball player. She was schooling everyone out their. She was on the leaderboards for almost every
statistical category. If LeBron wasnt in our class then she would of won the MVP award.
Question: What was the most unique thing you organized with this model?
Answer: The most unique thing with this model was the Presidential Skills Challenge we had. It is the
election year 2016 so I thought it would be cool to have delegates instead of points. The students
enjoyed it so i;m happy that worked out!
Interviewer: Mr.Abad thanks for the time!
Mr.Abad: Thanks for having me!

Team Identity
Miami HeatColor- Red
Nickname- Heat

Los Angeles Lakers Color- Purple

Nickname- Lakers

Houston Rockets
Color- Red
Nickname- Rockets

Cleveland Cavaliers
Color- Blue

Nickname- Cavaliers

Boston Celtics
Color- Green
Nickname- Celtics

New York Knicks

Color- Blue
Nickname- Knicks

Sportsmanship Objective
The teacher fully expects all the students to do their roles to the best of their ability and
to fully participate in all activities.
The teacher fully expects all students to be role models, have positive attitudes, and to
pick up other students when they are down.
The teacher fully expects all students to follow the rules, have integrity and character by
not cheating with their roles or in game play.
The teacher asks the students to give 100% effort throughout the Sport Ed Model.


Be the best you can be as a person, teammate, and individual player.

The teacher asks the students to invest 100% effort in learning the new skills
Always be willing to help another student
Respect the referees, captains, statistician, manager, and scorekeeper.
Have fun and be a good sport!!!

Fair Play Code

Be on time
Do your part for thee team (Do your role)
Try your hardest for every activity and game
Always control your behavior
play by the rules 100% of the time
Look for ways to make your teammates team better
Cooperate with teammates
Try to resolve any problems that may occur respectfully
Show respect to EVERYONE
Have fun and be fair!!!!

Sportsmanship Assessment
Complete this survey and give back to the teacher at the last day of
0=never, 1=rarely, 2=often, 3=always
Did the student give 100% during all


Did the student treat everyone with

respect? (Players, teammates,
Did the student follow rules and
directions fully?
Did the student do their duty to the
best of their ability?
Did the student display

Sportsmanship Points Awarded

Miami Heat


Los Angeles Lakers


Houston Rockets


New York Knicks


Boston Celtics


Cleveland Cavaliers



Pangrazi, R. P., & Dauer, V. P. (2012). Dynamic physical education for elementary
school children.


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