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Part 1 - Text Comprehension

1. Leia o texto e responda as questes:
Brazil: a rich or a poor country?
Brazil represents both the best and the worst of the world. The recession of job is increasing
around Brazil faster and faster and the percentage of jobless workers is a reality. Its about 10%.
Our country is the tenth largest economy in the world. So Paulo, the richest state, has a GDP
per capita about R$ 1200.00 per month. Cear is the poorer than So Paulo. However, Piau is
the the poorest state of Brazil. The GDP per capita is about R$ 350,00 per month. It means that
- while part of Brazil belongs to the group formed by France, USA, Japan, Canada, Italy, Great
Britain and Spain, the other part of our country is really poor. It can be said that both
development and underdevelopment coexist in the Brazilian territory.
a. Retire do texto oito palavras cognatas e d seus respectivos significados.
b. Quais as marcas tipogrficas que aparecem no texto? Escreva algumas delas.
c. Qual o assunto principal do texto e como podemos identific-lo?
d. Segundo o texto, em mdia, quanto ganha por ms um habitante de So Paulo? E do Piau?
e. O que significa a sigla GDP e a que ela corresponde em portugus?
Part 2 - Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Relacione as informaes presentes nas colunas de acordo com o texto:
(A) The recession of job
(B) So Paulo is
(C) Piau is
(D) Part of our country is

( ) the richest state of Brazil.

( ) really poor.
( ) is increasing.
( ) the poorest state of Brazil.

2. Coloque as palavras na ordem correta, formando frases em ingls:

a. is / the / than / monkey / intelligent / horse / the / more
b. biggest / is / South / America / the / country / in / Brazil
c. richest / world / the / Gates / the / Bill / man / is / in
d. the / Rickman / Ana / beautiful / most / Brazil / girl / is / in

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