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Estimate 6-7 sentences
Plan your sentences (each sentence)
Draft in Malay language (Well, its not a
KISC (Keep it simple and compact)

Outline for drafting:

Draft according to sentences:
1. tempat apa? Makanan apa? Aktiviti apa?
2. tempat tu ada apa?makanan tu bagaimana? Aktiviti apa?
3. apa yang menarik kat tempat tu? Makanan mana paling
sedap? Aktiviti paling menarik?
4. apa kelebihan dia? Tiket murah? Makanan free? Dapat hadiah
5. apa yang kamu nak lawat? Makanan apa yang kamu boleh
makan? Aktiviti apa yang sesuai dengan kamu?
6. ayat-ayat harapan semoga boleh terima/join/consider

Dear Zack,
I was thinking that we should go to Petrosains for our outing. It
offers insight to the petroleum industry, something that
everyone is fascinated with. There is also a true to life oil rig
platform as well as replicas of prehistoric animals, plants and
volcano. I believe that the ticket price is reasonable


considering the interactive exhibits offered there. As the

opening hours are quite long, we would have more flexibility
and time to enjoy ourselves. Please tell me what you think
about my suggestion.

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