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Alexandria Gauntt
Professor Elizabeth Kent
English 1020
25 August 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Baghbidi, Hassan Rezai. "The Zargari Language: An Endangered European Romani In
Iran." Romani Studies 13.2 (2003): 123-148. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Feb.
The article discusses a language called the Zargari language, also known as Romno by its
speakers. The article introduces the language to its readers with some of the background
information about the language. This information includes the origin and how the language came
to be and the history of it. Next, the article gives the phonology, morphology, syntax, and
lexicon. The phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon are separated into little sections that
teach adverbs, purpose clauses, and much more. The purpose for this source is to give an
example of an endangered or extinct language. To show the readers what we risk losing if we
continue to let these indigenous languages to become extinct. Sadly, once I evaluated this source
it became clear to me that it would be close to impossible to implement much of this into my
actual paper. Unless I plan to actually show and teach my readers some of the words and parts of
speech for this language then there really isnt much of anything in this article that I can use. The
only part of this that I can use are the first three pages so that I can introduce the language and
explain what it is and where it originates but, it would mainly be used as one of the many
examples of an endangered language. Therefore, the paper has many weaknesses when using this
as a story of a language being extinct. If I were to decide to teach my readers the language then it


would come in handy, but my objective for this article was to have a story about the extinction or
near extinction of a language.
Binion, Sydneyann, and David Shook. "Endangered Languages." World Literature Today 81.5
(2007): 12-14. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
This source contains many different articles that explain or talk about why the prevention of
endangered or extinct languages is important to our world and how this would affect our
community, culture, and the diversity of the world. There are also several articles that contain a
story written in an endangered language and under that story is a short description or background
on that specific language. After evaluating this article, I have come to the conclusion that this is
perfect for my research paper. The content of this article will help me give my readers the much
needed information on why languages being endangered affects us as a community and why they
are so important. It explains with several different reasons and details why we as a community
need to prevent languages from becoming extinct or endangered. There are even some examples
of some playwrights written in languages that are endangered. The only weakness of this article
that I have found is that there is not enough information provided, which causes me as the writer
to continue in search of more information pertaining to this specific topic. Including the fact that
the stories and background information do little to help me add or improve my paper. The
purpose of this source will fuel majority of my paper and discussion. This article will be the
backbone of why it is so important that we as a community need to prevent languages from
becoming extinct or endangered and what affects an endangered or extinct language has on our


Cameron, D. "Language: Diversity In Danger." Critical Quarterly 44.4 (2002): 135139. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
This article discusses language endangerment and how as language becomes endangered
diversity takes a down turn. It begins with explaining how as the twenty-first century continues
endangered language becomes a more popular topic. Then it begins to transition into examples
that show how indigenous languages have increasingly grown smaller as time goes on such as,
the colonization of other countries. It goes on to explain what the author and others believe to be
the reason as to why hundreds of languages have become extinct or endangered. Asking why all
of this matters, the author begins to explain that there is a disadvantage with the extinction of all
the indigenous languages. One disadvantage being that we will base our accounts of human
language on these few existing languages while the other states that by losing these languages we
also lose the cultural aspect and wisdom that came with this language. The content of this source
is important because it gives the paper a strong foundation and an exceptional start off. This
source has many strengths in concern of information on increasing smaller indigenous languages,
but the sources main weakness is that much of the claims stated are no more than opinions that I
cannot use to completely sound proof some of my arguments. As for the purpose of this source,
that will be to give my paper a starting foundation. A lot of what was written at the beginning of
the source had plenty of information that could start my paper and give readers more of an
insight into endangered or extinct languages.


Maffi, Luisa. "Endangered Languages, Endangered Knowledge." International Social Science

Journal 54.173 (2002): 385-393. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
This article is mainly about organizations and linguists that have brought awareness and light to
the seriousness of endangered languages. These groups and people have gathered information
while at the same time promoted the salvage of these endangered languages. The article is more
about what grants these groups and people have received and why and what research allowed
them to receive such a great honor. Once evaluating this article, it came to me that again I had
chosen a source that would not really put a major contribution towards the final product of my
paper. I can try to use this article to branch off and find more information on these groups so that
I can report on the methods they use in order to preserve and salvage these endangered languages
but, that part of my paper is not a major part in my paper. As far as that little section of my paper
it still doesnt rank high in being a proper source. The article talks more about the groups and
people receiving grants than anything else. This articles strength is that it can help me branch off
and guide me on what I need to search in that area but, it weakness is that the relevancy of the
paper is very weak. Also the paper provides a background on some of the organizations and
people so that I know which ones are more credible for my paper. The purpose for this paper is to
help me find credible organizations that have proven methods to preserve and salvage
endangered or extinct languages.


Perley, Bernard C. "Zombie Linguistics: Experts, Endangered Languages And The Curse Of
Undead Voices." Anthropological Forum 22.2 (2012): 133-149. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
This article discusses what methods linguists have used to preserve endangered languages and
why those methods are flawed. It explains why some of the methods are fundamentally incorrect
and what are some steps we can take that will help the preservation of these languages. It also
talks about how we as a community do not completely comprehend endangered language and its
aspects while critically evaluating metaphors that linguists use. At the end, the article identifies
key methods that are used by language activists that ignore current metaphors to create more new
solutions to extinct or endangered languages. Once evaluating this article, it became clear that
there was some use of this article, but not that much. This article could help fuel my discussion
on what ways we can use to preserve endangered languages and how effective these methods are,
but there is very little information on this topic. The weakness for this paper is that I feel like
since it is coming more from the authors perspective the article will be more biased then a paper
that was simply based on facts that are presented to readers including the fact that it really does
not have much information in it to support my statement. This paper goes towards more of a side
then just a general view. While much of the authors statements have evidence, backing them up
there is still much left to be desired. The purpose of this source in my paper would to be fuel or
be the backbone of my argument for which methods would be the best to preserve or pull
languages out of endangerment.

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