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Group # 8
Briones, Neil Ryan V.
Magleo, Michael Angelo M.
Modina, Ma. Betina Isabel V.
Paguia, Nikka C.
Rodriguez, John Paul I.
Sangalang, Joanna Deza D.



Absorption is a mass transfer operation in which a vapour

solute A in a gas mixture is absorbed by means of liquid in
which the solute is more or less soluble. The gas mixture (Gas
Phase) consists of mainly of an inert gas and the solute. The
liquid (Liquid Phase) is primarily immiscible in the gas phase; its
vaporization into the gas phase is relatively small. A two-phase




ameniscusseparating the twophases.


Column Pressure Drop: 8mmH2O

Column Temperature: 32 degrees Celsius
Atmospheric Pressure: 1 atm

F3 = Flow Rate Of Carbon Dioxide

F2 = Flow Rate Of Air
V1 = Volume Of Gas Sample Taken In Hempl Apparatus (mL)
V2 = Corresponds To Amount Of Gas Absorbed In Hempl Apparatus

The mole fractions were computed basing on its volume ratio of amount of
gas absorbed in the equipment and gas sample taken on it with the help of
Hempl apparatus. From the results, it can be observed that the outlet stream
has a lower value of mole fractions having an average of 0.127 in three trials
when being compared to the inlet stream of 0.45, 0.32, and 0.328 because
some of the carbon dioxide molecules were absorbed by the liquid water upon
their contact in the column. Moreover, the mole fraction in the inlet stream is
much higher to the outlet due to the packing materials in the column which
helps increase the surface area of contact between the air and water.


It can be concluded that the effectiveness of dissolution of

carbon dioxide in water was caused by the presence of packing
materials in the columns. Hence, it gives a higher surface area
of contact of two fluids.

Also, liquid water absorbed some of the gas molecules of carbon

dioxide in air due to the mole fraction of CO 2 in the outlet stream
is less than that of the mole fraction of the inlet stream.


The effect of changing the pressure drop in the

column could also be done in the experiment.

Precaution is highly recommended doing this since

gas is the major component of the experiment.

Leakage must be avoided to attain reliable results.

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