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Humanitarian Aid Groups

Helping Syria Monument

Dominique Rosario, Amber
Pickett, Brielle Read,Max
Villarreal, Brandon Lucio,

Who Are We
What is AGS
The ISSN model
The project

Specific Topic
UNOCHA and UNHCR lead most of the
Syrian Civil War has killed estimated
220,000 people
Estimated 610 doctors have been killed and
government continues to make cooperation
between aid groups and doctors difficult
Aid workers have been caught in the
crossfire and even kidnapped by groups like
ISIL where they can be executed

National Importance
U.S. Humanitarian
Aid groups involved
Ways aid groups are
Why we are involved

Global Impact
War is named the
largest proxy war
The abundance of
conflict might lead
to the division of
Middle East countries.
International Forces are
afraid to get involved with
the chance of losing ties
with Syria(oil resources).

Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia

Monument Overview

Made of polished granite

Map & quote
Bench in front of memorial
Why did we choose these elements?

Why choose this topic over others?
How will the monument stand through
time as more aid groups join the effort?
Any potential future updates to
accommodate for changes in the situation
in Syria?

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