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Science Week Program is an annual celebration of science in Manado Independent

School, an opportunity for the student to show and practice their talents, skills and
abilities in dealing fun activities and experiments. In this year's theme focus on
"Making waves the science of light". All grade level of the middle section prepared
for the different activities. As one of the organizers, I deal more on the selected
students of 7th grade as they prepare for the Walk of Fame, the student must look
like the glimpse of the selected scientist by imitating the way their hair or how they
dress. They should share their contribution in science as well. All 7th grade sing an
intermission number titled " Photosynthesis Song", this song tells us hew the sun
transfer its energy to the plants and how the plants use the energy to manufacture
food. There are experiment indoor and outdoor presentation lead by Ma'am Ingrit
and Ma'am Mary Ann, like water rocket, smoothie fountain, lava lamp and magic
boat. Ms. Melisa was the in-charge for all the 3D-art and optical phenomena exhibit
held in the gallery for free picture taking in a whole week.
The activity runs well last November 10, 2015. It's started with the outdoor water
rocket competition. All middle school students gather close to the soccer field to
witness the water rocket experiment handle with the 7 th grade of Ma'am Ingrit
Tolong. It was participated by class 7A1, 7B1, 7B2, and 7C. Class 7A1 garners the
first followed by class 7B1 and the last is the class 7C. After this activity, all students
proceed to New Auditorium for the remaining program. Kezia Sarah and Xavier of
7B2 make the program lively as they host the program. The program opened with
the warm welcome remark of Ma'am Melisa followed by a video of El Gamma
Penumbra group using their shadow in forming a story out of the shadow. Gamma
and Penumbra comes from two Latin words roughly translates to "the ray of light"
(behind) a man's shadow. After that, there are 16 students from the 7th grade join in
the walk of fame, representing some famous scientist such as Isaac Newton, Marie
Curie, Thomas Alva Edison, Joseph Priestly, Jane Goodall and many more. Followed
by the photosynthesis song of all grades 7 in which all audience enjoy the song by
singing with them. The last parts of the program are the experiments of the grade
9A, 9B2, and 9C1 lead by Ma'am Mary Ann.
Ma'am Mary Ann close the program by leaving a famous quotation from Albert
Einstein saying " A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from
experiment to the birth of a theory.

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