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Scoring Rubric for Goods and Services





The student
struggled with
finding examples of
goods and services
in their community.
They listed few to
none and may not
be able to explain
the difference
between goods and

The student was

able to come up with
several examples of
goods and services
in their community.
They were able to
differentiate between
goods and services.

The student was

able to list 10 or
more of each goods
and services found
in their own
community. They
were able to tell
where each of them
came from and how
they affected the


The student had few

interview questions,
and few of them
were open ended
questions. The
student may or may
not have completed
the interview.

The student came

up with more than
10 interview
questions with 70%
of them being open
ended questions.
The student
completed the

The student came

up with many
interview questions,
all of which were
open ended. The
student was able to
complete the
interview using
many different styles
of questions.

Research Part 2

The student
struggled with
finding examples of
other communities.
They listed few to

The student was

able to come up with
several examples of
other communities.
They were able to
talk about some of
the goods and
services they were

The student was

able to list 10 or
more other
communities. They
were able to talk
about some of the
goods and services
they were lacking
and where they find
their resources..

Final Project

The student did not

have their
information and
research located on
one project. There
was no use of color
or other material.
They did not include
a good or service
that was needed or
not needed.

The student put

together their
research in an
organized manner.
There was a lack of
color or other
materials. They
included a good and
a service they
needed or did not

The student
organized their
research into a well
planned project
involving color or
other materials.
They also included a
good and service
they needed or did
not need and talked
about why.


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