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Gendered violence against women during periods of normalcy or political disturbances is the

product of a patriarchal culture. The article titled, The Draupadian Agony of Being
Disrobed: From the Moratorium of Shame Culture to the Cartes blanches of Literature and
Popular Culture by Manjinder Kaur Wratch cerebrates on the agenda that the anguish of
violated women needs to be made accessible through an interdisciplinary modus operandi,
involving literature and popular culture. Kaur Wratch accentuates that good literature,
vigilant mass media, and meaningful theatrical pursuits are sensitive to the pain of abducted
and violated women and create the much needed therapeutic spaces. Illustrating certain
wronged but sinewy women; the article commands a proactive stance against gendered
atrocities, aspiring each one of us to come out of the enslavement of patriarchy by embodying
the free and valiant spirit of the likes of a Draupadi, Damini, Nirbhaya and a Suzette Jordan,
and pave way for a feminist world-view, which will enable both women and men to free their
minds from hierarchy and dominance; towards a world that is truly human.

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