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“A Study of Claims & Freight Payable of HINDUSTAN COCA



Sunny Raj Narayan Ms. Kirandeep Kaur

Mani Sharma
Rohit Bajpai
Shivani Bhardwaj
In the following project, our major effort has been to present the
information about the Coca cola company and its success as an
entrepreneurial venture.
We express our sincere thanks to our teacher Ms. Kirandeep
Kaur for guiding and encouraging us by providing useful
suggestions to prepare this project throughout every stage, since
the assignment of topic till the completion.

Under this project we have studied about the Coca-Cola beverages company.

For this we have studied about the products in different segment. A

comparative Analysis is made of different segments to know which is the

most preferred brand by the consumer and why, in each segment. Under

this we have research about the various products of company such as

Maaza, Kinley, Fanta, Limca and mineral water Kinley, and asked the

various questions by consumers and their feedback about the products of

company. After that collection of data is done by the primary resources of

data collection. After the collection of data is done by the primary

resource of Data Collection. After the collection of data, the analysis was

made and certain conclusions, Recommendations were made to company.

Pepsi is often second to Coke in terms of sales, but outsells Coca-

Cola in some localities. In India, Coca-Cola ranks third behind the
leader, Pepsi-Cola, and local drink Thums Up. However, The
Coca-Cola Company purchased Thums Up in 1993. The products
of the company reach consumers and customers around the
world through a vast distribution network made up of local
bottling companies. These bottlers are located around the world,
and most are independent businesses. Using syrups,
concentrates and beverage bases produced by the Coca-Cola
Company, their global bottling system packages and markets
products, then distributes them to more than 14 million retail
outlets worldwide. The Coca-Cola Company is committed to
assisting its bottlers with the functions of an efficient bottling
operation and initiating quality systems to ensure the highest
quality products for their consumers.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Objectives of the Study
3. Introduction
♦ Objectives
♦ Primary Objectives
♦ Secondary Objectives
4. Research Methodology
5. Industry Profile and Company profile
6. SWOT Analysis
7.Findings and analysis.
8.Limitations of the study.

With the development of world and human being, the taste, need
and the attitude of human being also changes. India is one of the
common market in the world with a population of more than one
billion. Soft drink is a popular common product which is generally
purchased by consumers for quenching their thirst in summer
and also to have cooling refreshment. As far as the market of soft
drinks is concerned, it is facing cut throat competition from the
larger number of soft drinks available in the market. Different
brands are available in every segment of flavors, but the
attitudes of the consumers differ from each other due to several
factors. Every company tries to increase their market share and
their sales volume. Discounting system followed by the
companies proved to be an essential factor to boost up the
purchases made by the retailers. The companies try to attract the
retailers to purchase more by providing some schemes or
incentives or cash/card discount. If more discount or any other
incentive scheme is given to the outlets, they make purchases to
avail that offer. Therefore, it is essential for any company to have
an efficient and effective discounting system.

Distribution is the spine of any FMCG company. The main

function of a retailer is to bridge the gap between the supplier
and the customer. The central focus of distribution is to increase
the efficiency of time, place, and delivery utility. For any FMCG
product it is essential to have a good distribution network which
should be better than that of its competitors.

Distribution is the key area for any FMCG business. For a

smooth distribution network, it is essential to keep the retail
outlets satisfied which in turn mainly depend upon the
profitability. Their profitability is checked by keeping a satisfied
profit margin for them. Apart from that, the company also
provides discount on purchase of different pack sizes to some
HVOs which in turn increases their profit margin. Sometimes the
company also provides incentives to the outlets which make
frequent and high purchases. To meet stiff and challenging
competition from some of the other brands, it is essential for the
company to have an effective and efficient distribution network.
Therefore, the company tries to keep the outlets satisfied by
offering discounts and some other incentive schemes from time
to time.


Name: The Dwight School.

Problem Statement: To conduct a marketing research project
for Coca-Cola in order to increase their market share in the
beverage industry.

Market research
First, look at its market. It is divided this into slices or segments
to identify different groups of consumer needs. Market research
then finds out what each segment wants.

Market research:
• primary - using new data
• secondary - using sources that have already been published.

Research on Coca-Cola is carried out in five stages:
1. Desk research to see where there might be a gap in the
2.Detailed research using small groups of ‘typical’ consumers.
This is to see exactly what might be wanted. For instance, it
might look at a new product or pack size. This is an example of
qualitative research.
3. Large scale surveys to collect information to see which type
and design of product is likely to have the most appeal. This is
an example of quantitative research.
4. Trials in a test market to see if the consumer likes the product.
5. Tracking the success of the product once it is launched.

New products
• Selling more of an existing product to an existing market. This
is going deeper into a market so it is called market penetration.
• Selling an existing product in a new market, for instance
bringing out different bottle sizes to attract different buyers.
This is called market development.
• Selling a new product to an existing market. This is called
product development as it means making changes to a product,
for instance a new flavour like Coca-Cola Vanilla.
• Selling a new product to a new market. This is called
diversification. Coca-Cola identified the need for a new sports
drink and launched Powerade.


 To study How the Finance Department of “Hindustan Coca-

Cola Marketing Company works.
 To have a broad view of the company’s financial policies.

 To learn what points are considered while processing claims

of the discount schemes or general bills.

 To ensure that processes are within policies and procedures

of the company.

 To ensure that the payment of the bills is made within the

specified amount of time.

 To study what formalities that have to be fulfilled while

making purchases and while making payments.

 To ensure the transactions that occur are properly recorded

and are recorded with the specified procedures.

To study the work process of direct route & indirect route.


1.1.1 Primary Objectives

• To find out any kind of misrepresentation being done by
salesmen or by distributors related to daily sales by making
out their own personal benefits from the discounting system.
• To compare the discounts given to HVOs on the basis of
their sales volume.
• To make proposals to minimize the revenue leakages and
this will help the company in saving its funds.

1.1.2 Secondary Objectives

• To study the discounting policies of the company.

• To know about the different pack sizes being sold by the
• To find out the outlets where the company is offering high
• To analyze the discount rates offered to HVOs.
• To find out whether they are actually getting the products at
the pre - decided discounted price or not.


TYPE OF RESEARCH: Exploratory Research.

Soft wares used are: MS WORD 2003, WINDOWS XP.

Source of data collection: Secondary data.

1.2.1 Understanding Phase: This being the primary phase of
the study involves the understanding of the basic factors that
affect discounting. In FMCG businesses, there are many factors
that affect the discounting policies directly or indirectly and it
is essential to have the knowledge of all these factors to
understand the discounting system. Every company has their
own terms and ways of doing things. It is essential to have an
in depth knowledge about everything to understand different
prospective of business. This phase includes three stages:

Stage1: To have the knowledge of all the factors that

affects the discount to be given to different HVOs. This
includes factors like sales, competitor’s strategy,
negotiation, etc.

Stage2: To collect the data of sales and discounts of

different HVOs. This includes the collection of data of
sales and discounts for the year 2006 and 2007 of
different HVOs being served by the company. It
includes direct as well as indirect HVOs.

Stage3: This stage involves the short listing of the

HVOs for personal visits and for making inter
comparison of the discounts of the HVOs on the basis
of their sales volume.

1.2.2 Analysis phase: After being familiar with the basics of

the business, the next part of the project work includes
personal market visits and visits through route rides to detect
any kind of wrong practices being adopted by the salesmen
and the distributors to fetch out their own personal benefits
from the discounting system. It also includes analyzing the
discounts given to the short listed HVOs and to make a
comparative study of the discount and sales volume of the

1.2.3 Interpretation Phase:- After carefully analyzing the

discounts of various HVOs, the next part involves finding out
the variations where some HVOs are getting higher discounts
on different pack sizes as compared to other short listed HVOs
and recommendations have to be made as to how the leakages
can be reduced and a fair discounting system can be
maintained. The basic aim of this stage is to give suggestions
that can work as decision making information which will be
solely for the use of the organization.

FMCG industry, alternatively called as CPG (Consumer

packaged goods) industry primarily deals with the production,
distribution and marketing
of consumer packaged goods. The Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) are those consumables which are normally consumed by
the consumers at a regular interval. Some of the prime activities
of FMCG industry are selling, marketing, financing, purchasing,
etc. The industry also engaged in operations, supply chain,
production and general management.

FMCG industry economy

FMCG industry provides a wide range of consumables and

accordingly the amount of money circulated against FMCG
products is also very high. The competition among FMCG
manufacturers is also growing and as a result of this, investment
in FMCG industry is also increasing, specifically in India, where
FMCG industry is regarded as the fourth largest sector with total
market size of US$13.1 billion. FMCG Sector in India is estimated
to grow 60% by 2010. FMCG industry is regarded as the largest
sector in New Zealand which accounts for 5% of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).

Common FMCG products

Some common FMCG product categories include food and dairy

products, glassware, paper products, pharmaceuticals, consumer
electronics, packaged food products, plastic goods, printing and
stationery, household products, photography, drinks etc. and
some of the examples of FMCG products are coffee, tea, dry cells,
greeting cards, gifts, detergents, tobacco and cigarettes,
watches, soaps etc.

Market potentiality of FMCG industry

Some of the merits of FMCG industry, which made this industry

as a potential one are low operational cost, strong distribution
networks, presence of renowned FMCG companies. Population
growth is another factor which is responsible behind the success
of this industry.

Leading FMCG companies

Some of the well known FMCG companies are Sara Lee, Nestlé,
Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola,
Carlsberg, Kleenex, General Mills, Pepsi and Mars etc.
Job opportunities in FMCG industry

FMCG industry creates a wide range of job opportunities. This

industry is a stable, diverse, challenging and high profile
industry providing a wide range of job categories like sales,
supply chain, finance, marketing, operations, purchasing,
human resources, product development, general

Scope Of The Sector

For example, Hindustan Levers Limited (HLL) has shown a
healthy growth in the last quarter. An estimated double-digit
growth over the next few years shows that the good times are
likely to continue.

Growth Prospects
With the presence of 12.2% of the world population in the
villages of India, the Indian rural FMCG market is something no
one can overlook. Increased focus on farm sector will boost rural
incomes, hence providing better growth prospects to the FMCG
companies. Better infrastructure facilities will improve their
supply chain. FMCG sector is also likely to benefit from growing
demand in the market. Because of the low per capita
consumption for almost all the products in the country, FMCG
companies have immense possibilities for growth. And if the
companies are able to change the mindset of the consumers, i.e.
if they are able to take the consumers to branded products and
offer new generation products, they would be able to generate
higher growth in the near future. It is expected that the rural
income will rise in 2007, boosting purchasing power in the
countryside. However, the demand in urban areas would be the
key growth driver over the long term. Also, increase in the urban
population, along with increase in income levels and the
availability of new categories, would help the urban areas
maintain their position in terms of consumption. At present,
urban India accounts for 66% of total FMCG consumption, with
rural India accounting for the remaining 34%. However, rural
India accounts for more than 40% consumption in major FMCG
categories such as personal care, fabric care, and hot beverages.
In urban areas, home and personal care category, including skin
care, household care and feminine hygiene, will keep growing at
relatively attractive rates. Within the foods segment, it is
estimated that processed foods, bakery, and dairy are long-term
growth categories in both rural and urban areas.

Indian Competitiveness and Comparison with the World


The following factors make India a competitive player in FMCG


Availability of raw materials

Because of the diverse agro-climatic conditions in India, there is
a large raw material base suitable for food processing industries.
India is the largest producer of livestock, milk, sugarcane,
coconut, spices and cashew and is the second largest producer of
rice, wheat and fruits &vegetables. India also produces caustic
soda and soda ash, which are required for the production of
soaps and detergents. The availability of these raw materials
gives India the location advantage.

 Labor cost comparison

Low cost labor gives India a competitive advantage. India's labor
cost is amongst the lowest in the world, after China & Indonesia.
Low labor costs give the advantage of low cost of production.
Many MNC's have established their plants in India to outsource
for domestic and export markets.

Presence across value chain

Indian companies have their presence across the value
chain of FMCG sector, right from the supply of raw materials
to packaged goods in the food-processing sector. This brings
India a more cost competitive advantage. For example,
Amul supplies milk as well as dairy products like cheese,
butter, etc.

Coca-Cola (also known as Coke, a name that was
trademarked by The Coca-Cola Company after it was discovered
many people called it by that particular name) is a very popular
cola (a carbonated soft drink) sold in stores, restaurants and
vending machines in more than 200 countries. It is produced by
the Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), which is also often referred
to as simply Coca-Cola or Coke. Coke is one of the world’s most
recognizable and widely sold commercial brands; its major rival is

Coke was originally intended as a patent medicine when it

was invented in the late 19th century, Coca-Cola was bought out
by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led
Coke to its dominance of the world soft drink market throughout
the 20th century. Although faced with critiques of its health
effects and various allegations of wrongdoing by the company,
Coca-Cola has remained a popular soft drink to the present day It
was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at
soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the
time thanks to a belief that carbonated water was good for the
health. The first sales were made at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta,
Georgia, on May 8, 1886, and for the first eight months only nine
drinks were sold each day. Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the
first time on March 12, 1894, and cans of Coke first appeared in
1955. By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola - sold by three
separate businesses were on the market.

On February 7, 2005, the Coca-Cola Company announced

that in the second quarter of 2005 they planned a launch of a
Diet Coke product sweetened with the artificial sweetener
sucralose ("Splenda"), the same sweetener currently used in
Pepsi One. The company actually produces concentrate for Coca-
Cola, which is then sold to various Coca-Cola bottlers throughout
the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially-exclusive contracts
with the company, produce finished product in cans and bottles
from the concentrate in combination with filtered water and
sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise
Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to retail stores and vending
machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is
the single largest Coca-Cola bottler in North America and Europe.
The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for fountain sales
to major restaurants and food service distributors.

The Coca-Cola Company has on occasion introduced other

cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most famous of
these is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola but
others exist, such as Cherry Coke, Coke Zero, and Vanilla Coke.
The Coca-Cola Company owns and markets other soft drinks that
do not carry the Coca-Cola branding, such as Sprite, Fanta, and
others. The actual production and distribution of Coca-Cola
follows a franchising model. The Coca-Cola Company only
produces a syrup concentrate, which it sells to various bottlers
throughout the world who hold Coca-Cola franchises for one or
more geographical areas. The bottlers produce the final drink by
mixing the syrup with filtered water and sugar (or artificial
sweeteners) and fill it into cans and bottles, which the bottlers
then sell and distribute to retail stores, vending machines,
restaurants and food service distributors. The bottlers are
normally also responsible for all advertisement and other sales
initiatives within their areas.

Pepsi is often second to Coke in terms of sales, but outsells

Coca-Cola in some localities. In India, Coca-Cola ranks third
behind the leader, Pepsi-Cola, and local drink Thums Up.
However, The Coca-Cola Company purchased Thums Up in 1993.
The products of the company reach consumers and customers
around the world through a vast distribution network made up of
local bottling companies. These bottlers are located around the
world, and most are independent businesses. Using syrups,
concentrates and beverage bases produced by the Coca-Cola
Company, their global bottling system packages and markets
products, then distributes them to more than 14 million retail
outlets worldwide. The Coca-Cola Company is committed to
assisting its bottlers with the functions of an efficient bottling
operation and initiating quality systems to ensure the highest
quality products for their consumers.

The trademark "Coca-Cola" was registered with the U.S.

Patent and Trademark Office in 1893, followed by "Coke" in 1945.
The unique contour bottle, familiar to consumers everywhere,
was granted registration as a trademark by the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office in 1977; an honor awarded very few packages.
The most valuable assets happen to be the trademarks they
possess. For Coca-Cola, the most drunk soft drink on earth is one
of the world s best-known and most admired trademarks,
recognized by more than 90 percent of the world s population.
Interestingly, the world that is touched by the cherished drinks
for every moment, the Coca-Cola trademarks happen not only to
be their most valuable assets but of the entire earth. The
business system of the Company in India directly employs
approximately 6,000 people, and indirectly creates employment
for many more in related industries through our vast
procurement, supply and distribution system. On the distribution
front, 10-tonne trucks, open-bay three-wheelers that can
navigate the narrow alleyways of Indian cities, ensure availability
of our brands in every nook and corner of the country. The term
soft drink originally applied to carbonated drinks made from
concentrates, although it now commonly refers to almost any
cold drink that does not contain alcohol.

Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited is an

Indian subsidiary of the US based Coca-Cola Company. The
company-owned Bottling arm of the Indian Operations, Hindustan
Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited is responsible for the
manufacture, sale and distribution of beverages across the
country. Coca-Cola India is among the country’s top international
investors, having invested more than US$ 1 billion in India within
a decade of its presence and further pledged another US$ 100
million in 2003 for its operations. It is the world’s largest
selling soft drink since 1886. The Coca-Cola Company returned to
India in 1993 after a gap of 16 years giving new Thums up to
the Indian Soft Drink Market and took over the ownership of the
nation's top soft-drink brands and bottling network. The vast
Indian operations comprises 25 wholly company owned
bottling operations and another 24 franchisee owned bottling
operations and a network of 21 contract packers also
manufactures a range of products for the Company.


2.2.1: 1886-1892
Atlanta beginning

It was 1886, and in New York Harbor, workers were

constructing the Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles
away, another great American symbol was about to be
unveiled. Like many people who change history, John
Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, was inspired by simple
curiosity. One afternoon, he stirred up a fragrant, caramel-
colored liquid and, when it was done, he carried it a few
doors down to Jacobs' Pharmacy. Here, the mixture was
combined with carbonated water and sampled by customers
who all agreed -- this new drink was something special. So
Jacobs' Pharmacy put it on sale for five cents a glass.
Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the
mixture Coca-Cola®, and wrote it out in his distinct script.
To this day, Coca-Cola is written the same way. In the first
year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses of Coca-Cola a day. A
century later, The Coca-Cola Company has produced more
than 10 billion gallons of syrup. Unfortunately for
Pemberton, he died in 1888 without realizing the success of
the beverage he had created. Over the course of three
years, 1888-1891, Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler
secured rights to the business for a total of about $2,300.
Candler would become the Company's first president, and
the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand.

2.2.2: 1893-1904
Beyond Atlanta

Coca cola hires first celebrity spoke person music hall performer
Hilda Clark
Asa G. Candler, a natural born salesman, transformed Coca-
Cola from an invention into a business. He knew there were
thirsty people out there, and Candler found brilliant and
innovative ways to introduce them to this exciting new
refreshment. He gave away coupons for complimentary first
tastes of Coca-Cola, and outfitted distributing pharmacists
with clocks, urns, calendars and apothecary scales bearing
the Coca-Cola brand. People saw Coca-Cola everywhere,
and the aggressive promotion worked. By 1895, Candler had
built syrup plants in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles.

Inevitably, the soda's popularity led to a demand for it to be

enjoyed in new ways. In 1894, a Mississippi businessman
named Joseph Biedenharn became the first to put Coca-Cola
in bottles. He sent 12 of them to Candler, who responded
without enthusiasm. Despite being a brilliant and innovative
businessman, he didn't realize then that the future of Coca-
Cola would be with portable, bottled beverages customers
could take anywhere. He still didn't realize it five years later,
when, in 1899, two Chattanooga lawyers, Benjamin F.
Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, secured exclusive rights
from Candler to bottle and sell the beverage -- for the sum
of only one dollar.
2.2.3: 1905-1918
Safeguarding the brand

Coca cola enjoyed in 8 countries worldwide.To combat

copycats coca cola develops unique bottle
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but The
Coca-Cola Company was none too pleased about the
proliferation of copycat beverages taking advantage of its
success. This was a great product, and a great brand. Both
needed to be protected. Advertising focused on the
authenticity of Coca-Cola, urging consumers to "Demand the
genuine" and "Accept no substitute."
The Company also decided to create a distinctive bottle
shape to assure people they were actually getting a real
Coca-Cola. The Root Glass Company of Terre Haute,
Indiana, won a contest to design a bottle that could be
recognized in the dark. In 1916, they began manufacturing
the famous contour bottle. The contour bottle, which
remains the signature shape of Coca-Cola today, was
chosen for its attractive appearance, original design and the
fact that, even in the dark, you could identify the genuine
article. As the country roared into the new century, The
Coca-Cola Company grew rapidly, moving into Canada,
Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico, France, and other countries and
U.S. territories. In 1900, there were two bottlers of Coca-
Cola; by 1920, there would be about 1,000.

2.2.4 1919-1940
The woodruff legacy

Coca cola enjoyed in 53 countries world wide. It introduced 6

In 1925 6000000 drinks per day.
Perhaps no person had more impact on The Coca-Cola
Company than Robert Woodruff. In 1923, four years after
his father Ernest purchased the Company from Asa Candler,
Woodruff became the Company president. While Candler
had introduced the U.S. to Coca-Cola, Woodruff would spend
more than 60 years as Company leader introducing the
beverage to the world beyond. Woodruff was a marketing
genius who saw opportunities for expansion everywhere. He
led the expansion of Coca-Cola overseas and in 1928
introduced Coca-Cola to the Olympic Games for the first
time when Coca-Cola traveled with the U.S. team to the
1928 Amsterdam Olympics. Woodruff pushed development
and distribution of the six-pack, the open top cooler, and
many other innovations that made it easier for people to
drink Coca-Cola at home or away. This new thinking made
Coca-Cola not just a huge success, but a big part of people's

2.2.5: 1941-1959
The war and its legacy

Coca cola enjoyed in 120 countries world wide.

Introducing Coke. In 1961 Sprite is introduced. 1963 Tab
Company’s first diet soft drink is introduced
In 1941,
America entered World War II. Thousands of men and
women were sent overseas. The country, and Coca-Cola,
rallied behind them. Woodruff ordered that "every man in
uniform gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for 5 cents, wherever he
is, and whatever it costs the Company." In 1943, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower sent an urgent cablegram to Coca-
Cola, requesting shipment of materials for 10 bottling
plants. During the war, many people enjoyed their first taste
of the beverage, and when peace finally came, the
foundations were laid for Coca-Cola to do business overseas.
Woodruff’s vision that Coca-Cola be placed within "arm's
reach of desire," was coming true -- from the mid-1940s
until 1960, the number of countries with bottling operations
nearly doubled. Post-war America was alive with optimism
and prosperity. Coca-Cola was part of a fun, carefree
American lifestyle, and his imagery of its advertising --
happy couples at the drive-in, carefree moms driving big
yellow convertibles -- reflected the spirit of the times.

2.2.6: 1960-1981
A world of customers

Coca cola enjoyed in 163 countries world wide. It

introduced can in 1960. In 1981 Roberto c. Goizueta
became chairman and CEO of the coca cola company
After 70 years of success with one brand, Coca-Cola®, the
Company decided to expand with new flavors: Fanta®,
originally developed in the 1940s and introduced in the
1950s; Sprite® followed in 1961, with TAB® in 1963 and
Fresca® in 1966. In 1960, The Coca-Cola Company acquired
The Minute Maid Company, adding an entirely new line of
business -- juices -- to the Company. The Company's
presence worldwide was growing rapidly, and year after
year, Coca-Cola found a home in more and more places:
Cambodia, Montserrat, Paraguay, Macau, Turkey and more.
Advertising for Coca-Cola, always an important and exciting
part of its business, really came into its own in the 1970s,
and reflected a brand connected with fun, friends and good
times. The international appeal of Coca-Cola was embodied
by a 1971 commercial, where a group of young people from
all over the world gathered on a hilltop in Italy to sing "I'd
Like to Buy the World a Coke." In 1978, The Coca-Cola
Company was selected as the only Company allowed to sell
packaged cold drinks in the People's Republic of China.
2.2.7: 1982-1989
Diet coke and new coke

Coca cola enjoyed in 165 countries world wide. In 1982

diet coke is introduced.
The 1980s -- the era of legwarmers, headbands and the
fitness craze, and a time of much change and innovation at
The Coca-Cola Company. In 1981, Roberto C. Goizueta
became chairman of The Board of Directors and CEO of The
Coca-Cola Company. Goizueta, who fled Castro's Cuba in
1961, completely overhauled the Company with a strategy
he called "intelligent risk taking." Among his bold moves
was organizing the numerous U.S. bottling operations into a
new public company, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. He also led
the introduction of diet Coke®, the very first extension of
the Coca-Cola trademark; within two years, it had become
the top low-calorie drink in the world, second in success only
to Coca-Cola. One of Goizueta's other initiatives, in 1985,
was the release of a new taste for Coca-Cola, the first
change in formulation in 99 years. In taste tests, people
loved the new formula, commonly called “new Coke.” In the
real world, they had a deep emotional attachment to the
original, and they begged and pleaded to get it back. Critics
called it the biggest marketing blunder ever. But the
Company listened, and the original formula was returned to
the market as Coca-Cola classic®, and the product began to
increase its lead over the competition -- a lead that
continues to this day.

2.2.8: 1990-1999
New markets and brands

In 1993 pet bottkles are introduced. Coca cola enjoyed

in 200 countries world wide.
The 1990s were a time of continued growth for The Coca-
Cola Company. The Company's long association with sports
was strengthened during this decade, with ongoing support
of the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup football (soccer),
Rugby World Cup and the National Basketball Association.
Coca-Cola classic became the Official Soft Drink of NASCAR
racing, connecting the brand with one of the world's fastest
growing and most popular spectator sports. And 1993 saw
the introduction of the popular "Always Coca-Cola"
advertising campaign, and the world met the lovable Coca-
Cola Polar Bear for the first time. New markets opened up as
Coca-Cola products were sold in East Germany in 1990 and
returned to India in 1993. New beverages joined the
Company's line-up, including Powerade sports drink,
Qoochildren's fruit drink and Dasani bottled water. The
Company's family of brands further expanded through
acquisitions, including Limca, Maaza and Thums Up in India,
Barq's root beer in the U.S., Inca Kola in Peru, and Cadbury
Schweppes' beverage brands in more than 120 countries
around the world. By 1997, the Company already sold 1
billion servings of its products every day, yet knew that
opportunity for growth was still around every corner.

2.2.9: 2000 and Now

Coca cola now

In 1886, Coca-Cola brought refreshment to patrons of

a small Atlanta pharmacy. Now well into its second century,
the Company's goal is to provide magic every time someone
drinks one of its more than 400 brands. Coca-Cola has fans
from Boston to Budapest to Bahrain, drinking brands such
as Ambasa, Vegitabeta and Frescolita. In the remotest
comers of the globe, you can still find Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola
is committed to local markets, paying attention to what
people from different cultures and backgrounds like to drink,
and where and how they want to drink it. With its bottling
partners, the Company reaches out to the local communities
it serves, believing that Coca-Cola exists to benefit and
refresh everyone it touches.From the early beginnings when
just nine drinks a day were served, Coca-Cola has grown to
the world’s most ubiquitous brand, with more than 1.4
billion beverage servings sold each day. When people
choose to reach for one of The Coca-Cola Company brands,
the Company wants that choice to be exciting and
satisfying, every single time.


Indian soft drinks market is predominantly controlled by two

major multinationals namely Coca- Cola and Pepsi, which have
carefully stifled out the local competition here in India.
Penetrating tough Indian psychology and making their products
feel accepted was the toughest challenge in front of them. A brief
overview of the soft drinks giant biggest competitor will help in
gaining a better insight of the soft drinks market in totality.


There has been much controversy and debate on the market

share standings between the two companies in the Indian
subcontinent and a substantial and a consolidated figure has
been unavailable for reference. This is mainly because both
companies had approached different market research companies
for making a study about the market share standings. Pepsi Co
had approached IMRB while Coca- Cola had entrusted this
responsibility on ORG. According to the survey done by IMRB
Pepsi’s market share was found to have increased from 47% to
49% while according to the study conducted by ORG Coca- Cola’s
market share was claimed to be 59%.


• Seasonality: Seasonality is one of the most important
factors that affect the soft drink business. Seasonality is
primarily influenced either by the weather, or by holidays
and religious festivals. Within the Group, soft drink business
has different seasonal cycles throughout the year.

• Service frequency: This is another factor that affects the

business. Service frequency is the time gap between visiting
a particular outlet again. Service frequency directly affects
the rotation time which in turn affects the value of business.

• Demand pattern for the market: Every product has a

different demand pattern and affects the business.

• Price of the product: Price of the soft drinks also affects

the business. Due to perfect competition in soft drink
market, price of a product plays a major role in business.

• Disposable Income: Disposable Income of the consumers

also affects the business of the soft drink players. A high
disposable income of the consumers ensures a high demand
for the products in the market.

• Demographic Profile: Demographic profile of consumer

also affects the business and needs to be considered.

• Competitor’s Policy: The policies of the competitors also

affect the working of the business of other companies.

• Government Policies: The government policies related to

taxation or political interference also affect the business of
the players in the soft drink industry.


Coca-cola is the world's favorite drink. It is the world's
most valuable brand and the most recognizable word across the
world. Coca-Cola has a truly remarkable heritage. From a humble
beginning in 1886, it is now the flagship brand of the largest
manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic
beverages in the world.

In India, Coca-Cola was the leading soft-drink till 1977 when

govt. policies necessitated its departure. Coca-Cola made its
return to the country in 1993 and made significant investments
to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more
people, even in the remote and inaccessible parts of the nation.
Over the past ten years it has captured the imagination of the
nation, building strong associations with cricket, the thriving
cinema industry, music etc. Coca-Cola has been very strongly
associated with cricket, sponsoring the World Cup in 1996 and
various other tournaments, including the Coca-Cola Cup in
Sharjah in the late nineties. Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns
Jo Chaho Ho Jaye and Life ho to Aisi were very popular and
had entered the youth's vocabulary. In 2002, Coca-Cola launched
the campaign "Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola" which sky-rocketed
the brand to make it India's favorite soft-drink brand. In 2003,
Coke was available for just Rs. 5 across the country and this
pricing initiative together with improved distribution ensured that
all the brands in the portfolio grew leaps and bounds.

Coca-Cola had signed on various celebrities including

movie stars such as Karishma Kapoor, cricketers such as Srinath,
Sourav Ganguly, southern celebrities like Vijay in the past and
today, its brand ambassadors are Aamir Khan and Hrithik

Thums Up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted

brand in India. Originally introduced in 1977, Thums Up was
acquired by the Coca-Cola Company in 1993. Thums Up is known
for its strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature and uniquely
masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the men
from the boys.
Fanta Internationally, Fanta - The 'orange' drink of the Coca-
Cola Company, is seen as one of the favorite drinks since 1940's.
Fanta entered the Indian market in the year 1993. Over the years
Fanta has occupied a strong market place and is identified as
"The Fun Catalyst".

Fanta is perceived as a fun youth brand and stands for its

vibrant color, tempting taste and tingling bubbles that not just
uplifts feelings but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to
indulge in the moment. This positive imagery is associated with
happy, cheerful and special times with friends.
“Lime n' lemoni Limca” , the drink that can cast a tangy
refreshing spell on anyone, anywhere. Born in 1971, Limca has
been the original thirst choice, of millions of consumers for over 3
decades. The brand has been displaying healthy volume growths
year on year and Limca continues to be the leading flavor soft
drink in the country.

The sharp fizz and lemoni bite combined with the single
minded positioning of the brand as the ultimate refresher has
continuously strengthened the brand franchise. Limca energizes,
refreshes and transforms. Dive into the zingy refreshment of
Limca and walk away a new person.
Worldwide Sprite is ranked as the No. 4 soft drink & is sold
in more than 190 countries. In India, Sprite was launched in year
1999 & today it has grown to be one of the fastest growing soft
drinks, leading the Clear lime category. Today Sprite is perceived
as a youth icon. With a strong appeal to the youth, Sprite has
stood for a straight forward and honest attitude. It’s clear crisp
refresh hingtaste encourages the today's youth to trust their
instincts, influence them to be true to who they are and to obey
their thirst.
Maaza was launched in 1976. It is a drink which offered the
same real taste of fruit juices and was available throughout the
year. In 1993, Maaza was acquired by Coca-Cola India and it
currently dominates the fruit drink market.

Over the years, brand Maaza has become synonymous with

Mango. This has been the result of such successful campaigns
like "Taaza Mango, Maaza Mango" and "Botal mein Aam, Maaza
hain Naam". Consumers regard Maaza as wholesome, natural,
fun drink which delivers the real experience of fruit.

The current advertising of Maaza positions it as an enabler

of fun friendship moments between moms and kids as moms
trust the brand and the kids love its taste. The campaign builds
on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant
emotional benefit to the moms rightly captured in the tagline
"Yaari Dosti Taaza Maaza"
Kinley Water, a thirst quencher that refreshes, a life giving force
that washes all the toxins away. A ritual purifier that cleanses,
purifies, transforms. Water, the most basic need of life, the very
sustenance of life, a celebration of life itself.

The importance of water can never be understated.

Particularly in a nation such as India where water governs the
lives of the millions, be it as part of everyday rituals or as the
monsoon which gives life to the sub-continent. Kinley water
understands the importance and value of this life giving force.
Kinley water thus promises water that is as pure as it is meant to
be. Water you can trust to be truly safe and pure.

Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the

Coca-Cola Company. That is why we introduced Kinley with
reverse-osmosis along with the latest technology to ensure the
purity of our product. That's why we go through rigorous testing
procedures at each and every location where Kinley is produced.
Because the company believes that right to pure, safe drinking
water is fundamental. It’s a universal need which cannot be left
to chance.
The below table shows the brands and products of different pack
sizes being sold by the company in Kanpur region:

Brand Glass Tetra PET CAN fOUNTA

Name Pack IN
Coca- 200 ml - 600 ml, 330 Various
cola and 1.25l and ml sizes
300ml 2l

Thums 200 ml - 350 ml, 330 Various

up and 600 ml, ml sizes
300ml 1.25L
and 2L

Fanta 200 ml - 600 ml, 330 Various

and 1.25L ml sizes
300ml and 2L

Limca 200 ml - 600 ml, 330 Various

and 1.25L ml sizes
300 ml and 2L

Sprite 200 ml - 350 ml, 330 Various

and 600 ml, ml sizes
300 ml 1.25L
and 2L

Maaza 200 ml 200ml 600 ml, - -


Diet Coke - - 330 -

Kinley - 500 ml, - -
Water 1L

The different pack sizes on which discount is given by the

company is:
• 200 ml RGB CSD
• 250 ml juice
• 300 ml RGB CSD
• 600 ml Pet CSD
• 1200 ml Pet Juice
• 2000 ml Pet CSD
• 330 ml Can CSD
• 200 ml Tetra Pack Juice

RGB – Returnable Glass Bottles

CSD – Concentrated Soft Drink
Juice – Maaza
Pet – Plastic bottle

The below table shows the number of bottles in each case

and brands available in different pack sizes.

Pack Sizes No. of bottles Brands

per case
200 ml RGB 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up and
250 ml RGB 24 Maaza and Minute Maid Pulpy
300 ml RGB 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up,
Kinley Soda and Sprite
330 ml Can 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up,
Sprite and Diet Coke
400 ml 24 Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
500 ml Pet 24 Diet Coke, Kinley Soda and Kinley
600 ml Pet 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up,
Sprite and Maaza
200 ml 27 Maaza
Tetra P
1 Ltr 12 Kinley Water
1.2 ltr Pet 12 Maaza and Minute Maid Pulpy
2 ltr Pet 9 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up and
2.25 ltr Pet Coke, Thums up and Sprite

Coke penetration in Rural Market:

In urban areas, the 8 to 10 percent of total sales of coke is

through Area Market Contractors (AMC) who is equivalent to big
retailers and other outlets. In the village areas .coke uses so
called distributors for the sales. A striking feature in the logistics
of Coke is that the AMC’s supply material directly using trucks but
in case of inaccessibility to retail outlets due to location-
constraints, supply is made through auto rickshaws also.

The truck also gives the company permanent hoarding space on

their sides and backs. Also, as the industry competition is strong
dealer push at the point of purchase is an important factor for
sales. The retailer often can play manufactures against each
other to obtain favorable deals. To avoid this situation coke
incorporates a high degree of standardization with respect to the
price waterfall elements (the various types of discount offered),
through there are differences in the timing. Innovation in
availability is something that coke can lay claim to. Coke
introduced the pushcart.

Cok3e is busy putting in place infrastructure to hit villages with

its small 200 ml bottle, priced aggressively at Rs. 5. With 200 ml
it has larger market. It is exploding this market with low unit
price packs and pushing growth in home consumption through
the PET bottles. Coke’s game plan is to have high volume, low
margin business. The infrastructure costs will be high but they
have to rework their other costs coke credits and discounts and
bring them down.


Advertising has played an important role in the success of

products since first newspaper add in 1886, which read “Coca-
Cola Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating! Invigorating!” The
company uses adver4tising to trigger desire as often and in as
many ways as possible. Through out the years, slogans or coca-
cola have been memorable .Here are some highlights:

 2000-Coca-Cola Enjoy

 1993-Always Coca-Cola

 1990- Can’t Beat the Real Thing

 1989-Can’t Beat the Feeling

 1986-Red,White and You

 1982-Coke Is It

 1976-Coke Adds Life

 1971-I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke

 1969-It’s the Real Thing

 1963-Things Go Better With Coke

 1959-Be really Refreshed

 1944-Global High Sign

 1942-It’s the Real Thing

 1936-It’s the Refreshing thing to do

 1929-The Pause That Refreshes.

Coca-Cola had signed on various celebrities including movie stars
and cricket players such as Shahrukh Khan, Hritik Roshan,
Amir Khan, Akshay Kumar, Aishwerya Rai, Vivek Oberai,
Rani Mukherjee, Bipasha Basu, Riya Sen, Saurav Ganguly,
Virendar Sehwag, southern celebrities like Vijay in the past
and today its brand ambassadors .

Our mission is to refresh the world in mind, body & spirit and to
inspire moment of optimism through our brand and our action.

Create consumer products, services & communications, customer

service and bottling system strategies, processes and tools in
order to create competitive advantage & deliver superior value

• Consumers as a superior beverage experience.

• Consumers as an opportunity to grow profits through the
use of finished drink.
• Bottlers as an opportunity to grow profit and volume.
• TCCC as a trade mark enhancement & positive economic
value added.
• Suppliers as an opportunity to make reasonable profits when
creating real value added in an environment of system-
wide teamwork, flexible business system & continuous
• CCI Associates as superior career opportunity.
• Indian society in the form of a contribution to economic and
socio development.

“There’s never been a better time to be the part of The Coca-Cola

Company. Our people are dedicated to strengthening relationship
with stake holders and communities everywhere.”
Mr. Isdell leads the Coca-Cola Company into the new century
with a firm commitment to the values and spirit of the world’s
greatest brand. Under Isdell’s leadership, the Coca-Cola
Company is positioned for growth, guided by the mission
to provide the branded beverage that refresh people
around the world, anywhere, anytime, everyday. By making
key decision making closer to the local markets, it has spurred
innovation, accelerated growth and fostered deeper connection to
the consumer. Simply put they are closure than over to us.

A talented and highly experienced world wide management team

coordinates the new, nimble and entrepreneurial network .The
local strategy enables them to listen to all the voices around the
world asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of
tastes and occasions.

The company quotes “what people want in the beverage is

reflection of who they are, where they live, who they work
and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whether you
are a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing
Coca-Cola, women in Italy taking a tea break, a child in
Peru is asking for a juice drink, or couple in Korea buying
bottled water after a run together, we are there for you.”

The company is determined not only to make great drinks, but

also to contribute to communities around the world through the
commitments to the education, health, wellness, and diversity.

It strives be good neighbour, consistently shaping its business

decision to improve the quality of life in the communities in which
it does business. It is a special thing to have billions of friends
around the world, and the company never forgets it.

We at Coca-Cola are committed to manufacture our products with

utmost care and with quality at top priority which makes it the
world leader in the soft drink industry. Following is the overview
of the stringent
Processes adopted in manufacturing before our quality product
reaches finally to our proud consumers.


We at HCCBPL Varanasi follow a batch treatment which includes

coagulation & flocculation. The method ensures disinfection and
settling of all macro impurities and thereafter it pass to sand,
carbon filters to remove off odour ,off colour, off taste, and thus
it is strictly bought in line with the WHO requirements. We are
also using state of art –micron filtration process where the water
is filtered up to the extent of 1 micron before it is fed to the

This extensive treatment of water under strict monitoring and

sampling for quality leads to pure hygienic water with the highest
quality meeting the Coca-Cola standards.


Coca-Cola uses highest quality of sugar which is controlled and

ensured by its stringent pre-laid standards, which serves as the
strict criteria before acceptance of a lot. To ensure high quality of
syrup, it is subjected to hot treatment wherein it is given a
contact time with hyflo and carbon at elevated temperature. It is
then passed through a filter press which removes the carbon
particles and other impurities before it declared fit for
concentrate mixing. All this process takes place under the strict
vigil by the quality department which maintains the appropriate
records of the numerous tests carried out in the entire process
which makes it a foolproof process.

In the ready syrup tank the pre-decided quantity of concentrate

is mixed to the simple syrup in very strict hygienic condition to
yield final syrup. The entire syrup manufacturing area is
maintained under a constant positive pressure which rules out
the possibility of any external particles entering into the process


Container has been identified as one of the major critical control

point in the entire manufacturing process & that’s the reason that
company has laid some of the very stringent and foolproof
systems which ensures Coca-Cola product to be of the highest
quality and reflects our commitment towards delivering the best
in class product to the consumers.

The bottles received from the market are loaded on the conveyor
by the uncasing machine and the arrays of the unwashed bottles
passes through the four pre-wash inspections stations which
ensures removal of rusty neck bottles, excessively dirty bottles,
bottles carrying foreign matter, foreign bottles. And thus the
good bottles pass into the bottle washing machine which uses
intensive mechanical and chemical processes to clean and
disinfect the bottles thoroughly and ensures the bottles to be
ready for filling. However as an additional safety, there is again a
post wash inspection station comprising of 4 sub-stations, which
ensures removal of the chip necked bottles and suspected bottles
from the lot. Thus the bottles are subjected to series of stringent
inspections before it is fed to the filler for filling.


Proportioning is basically a process where ready syrup is diluted

in a predetermined fixed proportion with water and carbonated
concentrate in to beverage conforming strictly to company’s
norms and specifications. It is carried out by an Italian Machine-


The chilled carbonated beverage fed by the MOJONNIER is filled

into the bottles through a rotator machine named FILLER. The
bottles are immediately crowned by crowner (adjacent to the
filler) and thereafter bottles passes through the date coding
machine which enable the consumer to be 100 percent sure of
consuming a perfectly safe and fresh product.

After date coding, there is once again a final inspection station

where light inspectors all low or high filled bottles and permit
only the saleable product to pass through for casing to the caser


Production lines maintain the waste water from the bottle

washers, Syrup and Filler rooms. Entire waste water generated is
treated at Waste Water Treatment Plant and discharged through
a 800 meters long pipeline specially laid to discharge the treated
waste water away from inhabited areas. Part of this water is
being used for gardening purpose within the plant premises.


Once the finished product is ready, it is transported to the

distribution centers and then to retail outlets by way of route
trucks. The consumer buys the soft drink from the retailer
outlets. The empty bottles are simultaneously collected by the
distribution channels at the time of dispensing the finished


Other than water and concentrate, bottling operation require

sugar, CO2, bottles, crates and other miscellaneous materials.
The Coca-Cola India division has a Supplier authorization
program where suppliers are authorized based on a defined
criterion. Environmental considerations are amongst the critical of
these criterions.


The no of total unit employees is approximately 113 & in summer

season, which is a peak season for sale of soft drinks, the plant
works for three shift operation round the clock.

The overall education level of the employees is good and they

obviously have a good expertise in water treatment and
purification processes. Extensive in-house training programs are
conducted to maintain the competency of the manpower in
respective areas. The plant and machinery consists of state of art
bottling machinery and test equipment to get consistent quality
product at the optimum usage of raw materials. The plant also
has an extensive quality test laboratory with equipment like
spectrophotometer, density meter, micro lab etc. to conduct on
the spot tests at various stages of production.

A typical bottling line will consist of uncaser- pre wash inspection

station –conveyers-bottle washer-post wash bottle inspection
station—filler-final light inspection station-conveyor-and caser.

Coca-Cola Company is one of the leading MNC in the world.

It has made a remarkable growth since it origin and it has got a
good potential in spite of various hurdles coming its way. By
going through its SWOT analysis we can know much more about
the company.


The company has got various strengths, which leads the

company be a market leader. Some of the strengths listed

A) Strong product line:

The company has got various fast moving products which are
going great job in the market. These soft drinks not only quench
thirst but also refresh everyone it touches. One of the strong
brands of the company is Thumps Up, which specially doing well
in the Indian market. It has captured one of the major shares of
the soft drink market.

B.) Advertising:

Advertising plays a major in promoting sales of the product. The

company has got one of the best advertising strategies.
Appointing film actors, as the brand ambassadors, makes a great
impact on the mind of the customers. The company should try to
launch more and more advertising and sales campaigns to
promote sales to the maximum

As no man in this world is a complete man and so are the

companies. Every company has got weakness so as Coca-
Cola Company too. Some of the weaknesses which the
company should overcome are as follows:

A.) Distribution network:

The company has got an average distribution network this is one

of the reason why the company fails to fulfill the demand of the
customer at time of peak seasons. It must go for some more
bottling plants and should opt for better distribution channels to
increase the sales in the best possible manner.

B.) Pricing strategy:

The company has got a pricing strategy as there is no certainty of

rising or fall of price during the peak season. This also hamper
the sales of the company as the retailers and distributor get
dilemma whether to place the next order or not as increase or
decrease in price may hamper their profit margin and blockage of
the goods.


Instead of weakness and threats the company the

company has got various opportunities to which it has to
go for. The opportunities for the company are as follows:

A.) Large Market:

As India is said to be one of the biggest market in the world, thus

the company survive for long and can expands to its length and
width. Still there are thousand of villages which have not been
covered by soft drink companies. If the company targets the rural
market it can easily make large profits and thus can also satisfy
its aim to benefit and refresh the whole nation.

B.)Launch of other brands:

Coca- Cola Company has got more than 300 brands which is
running successfully over the world. Thus it can launch some
more brands in the country, after studying the demand and
desire of the people and can deep its roots by winning their
minds and hearts.


Some of the threats which the can face:

(A) Competitors:

One of the strong competitors of the company is Pepsi Co. thus it

has to formulate such strategies which make it to remain one
step ahead and give a strong competition to the competitors.

Some of the other competitor in the path of growth to the

company is the local soft drinks manufacturers who play an
active part at the time of peak season. The other local refreshers
like Nimbu Pani, lassi, fruit juice etc. which hampers the sales of
the company.

(B) Govt. Policies:

The policies of the government also play a major role for the
company. The company can not perform well or in its own way by
violating the rules of the government. Thus if the government
formulates some policies which creates hindrances in the working
of the company it will prove to be one of the major threats.

• The company discourages such conduct and habits which are

likely to undermine the way of life in the organization.

• If it is mandatory for the company to adopt both the

accounting standards i.e. UGAAP & IGAAP, then the company
should make sure there should not be violation of any of the
accounting standards in UGAAP as well as in IGAAP at any


• The company should make aware and impart knowledge to

the employees regarding clear cut bifurcation of standards

• The company should take necessary steps so that paper

work should be as less as possible, but this should not be at
the cost of effectiveness in work.




Finding 1:Market Share of Coke and Pepsi

Market Share as per Ma


Coca- Cola Coca - Cola

** The following shares were calculated with respect to only
Pepsi and Coca- Cola. Other companies were not brought under
the preview of the research by the research organizations.

Finding 2 : Factors affecting soft drinks market

Every study has some limitations in terms of time, cost or human

error etc…I have tried my best at my level to make it an original
and a genuine one. Due to shortage of time it may be that the
expectations wouldn’t have been met, still an attempt has been
made inorder to represent one of the best reports.

This project report aims at describing the processes that are

followed while making payments to the vendors, receiving
payments from the distributors. I have tried to explain the actual
process but the meaning that it has is not what it actually is.

Some human errors would have been resulted while preparing

this project report.




(Please tick (√) against your option)
1. Which brand of cold drinks are you aware of?

a. Coca cola

b. Pepsi

c. RC Cola

2. Are you aware of Kinley?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Which drink would you prefer over the others?

a. Coca cola

b. Mazza

c. Fanta

d. Thums up

4. Which brand of cold drink would you prefer the most?

a. Coca cola

b. Pepsi

5. What is your consumption of cold drink in a week?

a. Once a day

b. 4-6 times a week

c. 2-3 times a week

d. Once a week

e. Less than once a week

6. How do you feel after you have had a bar of Cadbury


a. Satisfied

b. Not Satisfied

7. If you don’t find coca cola in the shop, which of the

following would best describe what you would do?

a. I will buy some other brand of Coca cola

b. I will go to some other shop looking for Coca cola

8. If cold drinks were stocked in ‘paan’ shops, would it affect

your buying behaviour?

a. It would not make any difference to me.

b. I would welcome it – as it will be more easily available

c. I would stop buying it

9. Are you diet conscious?

a. Yes

b. No

10. Don’t you think drinking cold drink will affect your

a. It will not have a negative effect

b. It will have negative effect

c. It will be harmful

11.Would you like to see an ‘Exclusive cocacola Retail Store’ in


a. It is a good idea

b. It will not make any difference to me.

12. Are you satisfied with the packaging of cocacola products?

a. Very Satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Indifferent
d. Dissatisfied

e. Very Dissatisfied

12.What do you think of, when you think of ‘thanda ho jaye’ or

when you hear ‘jo chahe ho jaye cocacola enjoy’?

13.Which is your favourite cold drink?

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