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Quarterly Mentoring Program Update

October - December 2014

1 Love for Christ

Wherefore life up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for
your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow
peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord: looking diligently lest
any man fail of the grace of God Hebrews 12:12-15

Help for the


to share some encouragement for

these young people who often
get lost in the shuffle and end up
feeling confused, hurt and angry:

As we come to the close of this

year, Im reminded of another
people group that is hurting - a
people group which Ive been
given a beautiful ministry to in
various families over the course
of the past 12 months. They are
the siblings of the prodigal son
or daughter. My heart goes out
to the sisters and brothers of
the family bad child because
the courses of their lives are
being altered by circumstances
beyond their control. With this in
mind, Id like

1. True victory does not feel

victorious. The battle your family
is currently facing with your
troubled sibling may feel like a
total lose-lose to you. But let me
ask you, did Abraham feel the
victory of obedience coursing
through his veins as He climbed
Mt. Moriah with his only son?
Victory, by definition, is the
outcome of obedience in the face
of the gruesome blood, sweat and
tears of life. Dont give up!

praising God in song

living in your identity

I am Loved with an
Everlasting Love
Yea I have loved thee with
an everlasting love: therefore
with lovingkindness have I
drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3

O The Deep, Deep

Love of Jesus
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He liveth, ever liveth,
Changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches ore His loved ones,
Died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth,
Watcheth oer them from the throne.

2. You are not powerless. Your

role is NOT to play Holy Spirit for
your prodigal sibling, but
remember, you may be all of
Jesus they ever see. Represent
Him with all your heart and resist
the urge to react according to
your flesh.
3. Pray with the faith of a child,
and dont stop. Your prayers
may change your siblings life.
4. Above all, forgive. Bitterness
will destroy you, not them.

Recommended resource

The Calvary Road

Roy Hessions little book on
repentance and revival is a
hard-to-swallow but much
needed resource in the lives of
Americas modern-day youth. I
would encourage every young
person who desires a
relationship with Jesus Christ to
read and apply these simple,
Biblical truths to their life !


Financial Support
Donations may be made through PayPal by visiting us on the
web at or
by mailing a check made payable to Hannah Stelzl. Please
note, donations are not tax deductible at this time as this is not
a non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 628

Waxhaw, NC 28173

1 Love for Christ

Page 2

Prodigal-Parenting: It Is Scary
Lets start with a disclaimer :) Im not a parent. Ive never raised children on
my own or been forced to make life-altering decisions regarding my
rebellious teen with only hours to spare. However, the more I work with
young people, the more convinced I am that parents need to hear from a
young person who has been where their rebellious teenager is, and has come
out on the other side with her head screwed on straight (I hope). May I?
1. Your job is hard. Dont let anyone tell you that it isnt. The responsibility
that hangs on you as a mom or dad of a stubborn, defiant individual is HUGE.
Scripture makes that clear! Therefore, dont feel like you have to push
through this on your own, you cant ask for counsel, or like youre a total
failure of a parent. The truth is that you can teach minds, but you cannot
change hearts. If you need help, be strong enough to ask for it!
Hannah Stelzl

prayer requests:
Please pray for a number of
young women who need to
experience personal revival
and repentance .
Please pray for the parents
that are reached through
this ministry; that they will
make God-honoring, biblical
choices for their young
Please pray for direction as
I seek the Lords will in
regards to growing the
mentoring program ministry
in the near future.

2. Youre not perfect. Every parent of a defiant teen rides the blame roller
coaster. Did I cause this and Oh my word, its all my fault! are very
typical mom-thoughts. Its not all your fault - believe me, your teenager has
choices, and that goes for their responses when you totally mess up too.
Take responsibility for your 1%, 5%, 50%, etc. and really mean it. But dont
waste away in condemnation. That will never help your child see Christ.
3. You are the parent. If your son or daughter are under your roof, they
should be accountable to the rules that everyone else lives by. If theyre of
age and they would rather walk away than follow them, be willing to make
that sacrifice. Do not enable them to sin simply because you want them
under your roof. So many parents stand between God and their child, not
wanting them to get the hard knocks in life when thats the only thing
that can really help them. Dont coddle your teen. Give them genuine love the kind that knows when to be tough.
4. You are accountable. Dont make morally wrong choices out of fear. If
you need to turn your teenager in for breaking the law, turn them in. That IS
love. Sometimes it hurts to give and it hurts the one who receives it, but
then again, sometimes it is NECESSARY!
(For more parental support, visit

To obtain more information or to support this ministry financially, visit us at

w w w. 1 l o v e f o r c h r i s t . c o m / m e n t o r i n g p r o g r a m

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