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Quarterly Mentoring Program Update

July-September 2015

1 Love for Christ

Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

His Mansion:
Healing on
a Hilltop
June was a crazy month for me
as I spent a lot of time on the
road - or rather, in the air! Earlier
in the year, the Lord directed me
to seek out a counseling course
being offered at a residential
program in New Hampshire that
focused on helping people heal
in the context of community. I
wasnt sure what I was getting
myself into - not being one to
step outside of the familiar. But I
packed my bags and headed
north for a week of intensive
classes. I didnt regret it!
Education in counseling has been
difficult for me to obtain unless I
force myself to take the time
off. Healing in the Context of
Community (the name of the
class) was completely worth the
investment. Id do it again in a
heartbeat. During the week
there, I got to watch a full scale
residential program operate
right before my eyes. I had the
privilege of meeting many brave

individuals who were doing

whatever it took to get free from
their various addictions or sin
struggles. Watching these young
men and women work at getting
to know God, and sacrificing their
immediate freedom for long term
victory was a gift I cannot explain.
They are the real heroes of faith
in my eyes!
The schedule was intense, but not
too tight. I enjoyed game nights
and activities with the residents,
as well as getting to know my
classmates. I learned how to
construct a genogram (if you
dont know what that is, Id
encourage you to look it up!) and
had the opportunity to share my
testimony and the timeline of my
life with several of the other
students in attendance. I was
deeply encouraged by godly men
and women who have gone father
and deeper in the work of
counseling than I have. With God,
all things are possible!

with many invaluable tools that I

could apply to my work with
young women. Creativity is not
always my strong point, but the
course gave me new eyes for
presenting truth visually to those
I minister to.
Lastly and perhaps most
importantly, I was exhorted to
stay focused on my personal
relationship with Jesus Christ; to
remain open, broken and
vulnerable; to always readily
admit my own weaknesses and
realize that humility and
teachability will get me farther in
ministry than any head knowledge
I could possess. God blessed me
at His Mansion and I look forward
to supporting this ministrys
efforts in any way possible in the

Leaving His Mansion Ministries, I

felt that I had a renewed vision
for what was possible in ministry
in the future. I also came away

Financial Support
Donations may be made through PayPal by visiting us on the
web at or
by mailing a check made payable to Hannah Stelzl. Please
note, donations are not tax deductible at this time as this is not
a non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 628

Waxhaw, NC 28173

1 Love for Christ

Page 2

Sunshine Camp
do not grow weary in well doing
When my sister asked me if I wanted to go work with Higher Ground
Ministrys Mission in KY back in May, I initially told her no. The thought of
being with a 10 year old from a probably abusive home for a week was not a
welcoming one in my mind. However, as I sought the Lord about it, He made
it very clear that whether I felt equipped for the job or not, He wanted me
there. Although Sunshine Camp was probably one of the most challenging
weeks of ministry Ive ever encountered, it was well worth the difficulty. The
Lord proved His faithfulness again and again as I struggled with physical
health issues and emotional drainage. Over and over again, He came
through. Over and over again, He demonstrated to me that He desired for
me to love all people everywhere, and that He would give me enough
strength to do it. He also blessed me with special friendships amongst the
other staff, and showed me that He wanted to use my stubborn personality
to impart love to a little girl who had been neglected all of her life.
Hannah Stelzl

prayer requests:
Please pray for a book Ive
been working on for some
time. Id really like to finish
it up and get motivated to
publish it!
Please pray for a young girl
who recently found out she
is pregnant, and is now
seriously considering an
abortion. Join with me in
interceding for this childs

Coming home, I could feel that I was exhausted and burned out. But it was
knowing I had obeyed when I hadnt necessarily wanted to that overcame
the physical fatigue of it all. Would I go back? Absolutely. Jesus loves those
kids - He wants them for His Kingdom glory. Who will show them if we dont?
Who will teach them if we dont speak up? Each one of them has a future
and a potential that only God can see. And our Lord is in the business of
using us to plant His seeds. Im blessed that He called one very inadequate
servant and equipped her to plant a future harvest. He will make good on it!

Please pray for a girl named

Haley, that she would
receive Jesus and live for

To obtain more information or to support this ministry financially, visit us at

w w w. 1 l o v e f o r c h r i s t . c o m / m e n t o r i n g p r o g r a m

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