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Quarterly Ministry Update

October-December 2015

1 Love for Christ

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have
no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3

Dear Friends,
Its hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us and 2015 is about to
become history. Looking back over this year, I marvel at all that God has brought me
through. In a way, I feel like a brand new Christian, starting over in my understanding of
what it means to live for Jesus Christ; or rather, to submit to the life of Jesus Christ IN me.
Ive traveled as a mentor and as a student; Ive connected with incarcerated women and
identified with them in ways I never thought I could. Perhaps most importantly, Ive
gotten a glimpse of my need for more of Christ and the reality of what it means to be
crucified with Him. It is not I who lives, but He who lives in me!
Galatians 2:20 says, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me. Entering into the understanding of how this
applies to my life has been a journey that I dont think will be soon forgotten! This was a
work that God began while I was ministering to female inmates in Florida for a week in
October; many of you received my personal update about that trip. But watching God
work through myself and the other volunteers to set those captives free woke me up to
the reality of how He wants to live through all of us. We have nothing to offer outside of
Him; not on our best day. (Next page)

Financial Support
Donations may be made through PayPal by visiting us on the
web at or
by mailing a check made payable to Hannah Stelzl. Please
note, donations are not tax deductible at this time as this is not
a non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 628

Waxhaw, NC 28173

1 Love for Christ

Page 2

Coming home from a maximum security prison has a way of shaking

your world-view. Youre grateful for things you werent grateful for
before. But above all, when you see how much those empty people
value Jesus Christ (because He truly is ALL they have), it causes you
to wonder how you could have cared about so many earthly pleasures
before you cared to love Him with your entire being.

prayer requests:
Please pray for a quick
finalization of details for
the book I hope to publish
at the end of the year!
Please pray for several
ladies Im acquainted with
who need salvation!
Praise the Lord for the
salvation of Haley, who I
asked for prayer for last
quarter! Pray for her growth
in Christ and her difficult
family situation!
Please pray for direction as
I consider several new
opportunities in 2016!

Another exciting development this year has been the finalizing of a

book that has been long in the writing. Years ago, I was asked to write
a 10 page article for the parents of young ladies struggling with food
disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Compulsive Eating, etc.). The article
turned into a 200 page book which was nearly done when our family
suffered the crash of our computer harddrive. The program that we
thought was backing our computers up had failed almost a year
before the crash, and the publication-ready draft of the book was lost.
My motivation to re-construct it was minimal until this past July when
a friend encouraged me to complete what I had started. The book is
now in the final proof-reading stage, and cover design is underway.
Im looking forward to publishing it early in the new year, if all goes as
Finally, God has been good to minister encouragement to countless
individuals through the blog, 1 Love for Christ. What began as a tiny
web-journal, designed by a graphics novice and a single young woman
who wanted to encourage teens, has turned into a dynamic outreach
to youth and adults all over the world. The blog was read this year by
people in at least 36 different countries, many of which are spiritually
oppressed. Im grateful for the young men and women who have
contributed to the blog either regularly or sporadically, and allowed
their personal life-lessons to minister grace and edification to our
As we head into the year 2016, may we be completely and wholly lost
in Jesus Christ, counting ALL things loss to gain intimacy with HIM!
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

To obtain more information or to support this ministry financially, visit us at

w w w. 1 l o v e f o r c h r i s t . c o m / m e n t o r i n g p r o g r a m

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