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Quarterly Ministry Update

July-September 2015

1 Love for Christ

Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

So He Could
The past several months have
been both stretching and very
beneficial for me as Ive had the
opportunity to learn from others
who have gone before me in
June presented the opportunity
to travel to New Hampshire and
visit His Mansion Ministries, a
live-in residential program for
adults 18-35 that deals with all
sorts of spiritual, emotional and
physical issues. The classes
there grew my knowledge of
counseling and mentoring, while
the interactions with both the
instructors and the residents
broadened my perspective in a
much-needed way. I left His
Mansion with a renewed vision
for what was possible for my
ministry in the future. I also
brought home many invaluable
tools that I can apply to my work
with young women. Since
creativity is not always my
strong point, their methods of
explaining truth were a blessing!

July brought a trip to Kentucky

where I volunteered along with
three of my siblings at a camp for
kids from underprivileged and
abusive homes. My experience at
Higher Ground Ministries was
challenging, but God used it to
remind me of 2 important things:
1.) He wants to develop in me a
heart for the lost - especially the
lost who have become hardened
towards love. He came to heal,
and He wants His people to be
agents of His healing.
2.) He is able to work best
through emptiness; the emptier I
am, the more room there is for
Him to flow through me.
Coming home, I was exhausted
and drained, but blessed. Gods
grace is sufficient; He doesnt call
adequately equipped people. He
calls the ones who are poor in
resources; He makes them rich in
faith; He sends His word through
them in power. This is the person
I want to be - not the person with
all the answers, but the person
who is willing to go despite her
lack of them. Trusting that God
does not lack anything, and will
not withhold what is needful.

Financial Support
Donations may be made through PayPal by visiting us on the
web at or
by mailing a check made payable to Hannah Stelzl. Please
note, donations are not tax deductible at this time as this is not
a non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 628

Waxhaw, NC 28173

1 Love for Christ

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A Season for Change

do not grow weary in well doing
This past summer has been different for me as Ive done a little less with
one-on-one mentoring, and learned/worked under a couple other ministries.
Ive often struggled with the thought that Im just one person, and yet
theres an ever growing mountain of work to be done. But I think for all of
us, God has a corner of His field; we werent meant to plow, sow and harvest
it all on our own. With that said, God has been rerouting my priorities:

Please pray for a girl named

Haley, that she would
receive Jesus and live for

1.) Making space for God is the most important thing. We can only minister
to other people what has been ministered to us by God, and often through
His people. Im learning to be still, even when I feel like getting right to work.
2.) Finish well. I was reminded of some unfinished projects that were begun,
some of them several years ago. Each of you can probably think of things
you set out to do, but never finished. Are those things important and do
they need to be completed?
3.) Acknowledge that theres always more to learn. I dont know everything
there is to know; in fact, I have a LONG way to go. All of us can relate to
being unteachable. Its part of our sin nature. But all of us, no matter who
we are, have more to learn - most importantly, about God and how He works.
4.) Allow God to shatter the confines of the comfort zone! Recently, God
has been giving me a heart for a people group that makes me a little
uncomfortable. Why me for the job? Perhaps you can relate to feeling
inadequate and completely unprepared for something. But this is part of
following Jesus. We take up our cross and follow Him. We follow, because
apart from Him, we wont know where to go, or what to do with that cross
at all. He is the way, the truth and the life.
5.)Trust God to move mountains. There are a lot of unknowns for me. How
can I do this or that? It takes time, people, places, money! But God! I love
those words! For each of us, God wants us to call out to Him so He can show
us great and mighty things. He is waiting to show Himself strong on behalf of
the person who is wholeheartedly seeking Him. Seek first His Kingdom and
His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Please pray for the girls Set

Apart Bible study starting
in September.

Im in a season of waiting, and yet moving forward; not growing weary, but
watching for the revelation of Gods purposes. Perhaps all of us are, but in
different ways. Commit your way to Him, trust Him! He will bring it to pass!

Hannah Stelzl

prayer requests:
Please pray as I work to
publish a book that has
been in the works for some
Please pray that the Lord
would continue to provide
educational opportunities,
and give clear direction for
which ones to pursue.

To obtain more information or to support this ministry financially, visit us at

w w w. 1 l o v e f o r c h r i s t . c o m / m e n t o r i n g p r o g r a m

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