March 5 2016 Bulletin

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Paul and the Rebellion


Memory Text: When the perishable has been clothed with the

imperishable, and the mortal with

immortality, then the saying that is
written will come true: 'Death has been
swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54, NIV).
Superintendent: Sis. Lo Richards

Praise & WorshipTeam 3
Hymn of Praise.Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.... #21
Congregational Prayer..Elder Sheldon Bailey
Today praying for: Ohio Conference, Pastoral Family,
Women, Members who worship alone
Next week: Pennsylvania Conference, Our Children, Youth and

their parents, Members who worship alone Elder Cameron Munro

Childrens Story................Barbra Kasule

Offering.......Local Budget..................Pastor James
Next Weeks Offering Adventist World Radio

Scripture............James 1:21-27.......Lucy Simoes

Special MusicRixon Gultom

Pastor James Rooney

Hearers and Doers
Hymn of Consecration.Wholly Thine................#308
BenedictionElder Cameron Munro

Sunset Today: 6:19 p.m. Next Friday: 6:26 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to

1. Happy Sabbath, Church Family! Today we

continue our look at Revival, Our Greatest
Need. May the Lord speak to each of you as we
worship Him this day.
2. Financial Update: Last week, we
passed an annual budget unlike any
in our churchs history. You will each be receiving a
written breakdown from the treasury department,
detailing the serious nature of the situation. Today,
please listen for important information from Pastor
James during the offering call.

9. Yes it's here again on March 12th Youth

and Young Adults day of prayer and
fasting. The theme "How to Live Pure
in an impure World. Please come and
give your support, be richly blessed and be
closer drawn to God. The Kingsway College
Choir will be presenting a concert at 4:30 p.m.
to close the Sabbath, and they will share supper
with us.
10. Sabbath School Council meeting, March 12th at
2:00 p.m. All those who are involved in Sabbath
School please attend.

4. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow

morning at 10 am. Type A uniform

11. On March 12th, a group of 47 from

Kingsway College will be joining our youth
and young adults for a potluck supper at
4:30 p.m. Please bring an item from the
section corresponding with the first letter of your
last name to contribute to the menu. A-C
Drink/Juice; D-F Bread/Bun; G-I Lasagna; JM Dessert, cake, pies, fruit tray, N-R Lasagna, S-Z
salad. Please bring all dishes ready to be

5. Join your church family Wednesday

evenings! This week, we examine the
amazing story in Acts 4: persecution

12. Church Board meeting will take place

Monday night, March 14th at 7 pm. Please
submit your agenda items to the church
clerk, Larris Biggs.

6. Youth Bible Study Group for youth

ages 15 - 25+ continues every at
Thursday 7 pm @ 785 Nadine
Avenue (Ferreiras home).

13. Our Youth Department will be Taking the

gospel to the streets for Global Youth
Day, March 19th. They will be distributing hot chocolate
in the downtown area on that morning and delivering
packages of food to families in need in the afternoon. If
you are able to donate food or care items over the next 2
Sabbaths toward this initiative, please give them to Elder
Teresa Ferreira or any member of the Community
Service team. Your support will be greatly appreciated
and will definitely go a far way.

3. Please note that the Friends of Jesus Adventurer

Club will be meeting today (Sabbath, March 5th)
starting at 4:00 p.m. Type B uniform.

7. Bible Study Group for Earliteens ages

11-14 is open Tuesdays at 7 pm. Teens
will continue using Amazing Facts
curriculum Most Important Questions.
Please call George Perez for further information.

8. The ABC Bookmobile is scheduled to be in London

Thursday, March 10th between 8-9 pm. Please call
1800-765-6955 to place your order two days in

14. Disaster Preparedness and Food

Handlers Permit Training will be
taking place at our church, date to be
announced. If interested, please speak to
Teresa Ferreira for more details.

.Communication Form

A.C.E.S would like to invite you once again to come and enjoy the
film WAR ROOM with some fundraising treats and
refreshments. Film will be held in the fellowship hall
TONIGHT at 7pm. A fun filled family event, hope to
see you there!
16. Everyone over 55 is welcome to join our Golden Agers.
We are planning a mall walk at Westmount mall on
Sunday March 20th, at 10 AM sharp at the Sears inside
upper level door. This is a great opportunity to visit while
walking in a safe and warm environment. Please see Don
Topper, Adrien Intering or any members of the Senior's
Ministry for more information.
17. The Western Adventist Students' Association
(WASA) partnering with ADRA will host a Benefit
Concert to raise money for a school theyre building in
Lebanon for Syrian refugee children and awareness
for the number of students who are displaced from
their education as a result of ISIS.
Location: Mustang Lounge in the University
Community Centre (UCC) at Western University,
1151 Richmond St, London, ON N6A 3K7
Date: Sunday, April 3rd, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm. - 4:00 pm
Birthday Wishes for March
Mar 4 Clara Baptiste
Mar 6 Steve Beckles
Mar 10 Rafael Gaspar
Mar 11 Adrian Carter
Mar 11 Lee Topper
Mar 12 Malcom Beckles
Mar 13 Barbra Kasule

Mar 13 Buay Rial

Mar 15 Daliborka Maletic
Mar 16 Marka Stajfer
Mar 18 Neil Elliott
Mar 21 Nevaeh Beckles
Mar 22 Dayna Munro
Mar 23 Raphael Gyamfi

Mar 25 Jenny Jonker

Mar 27 Marko Maletic
Mar 27 Isabel Rusek
Mar 29 Nathan Dowdell
Mar 29 Simone Shepherd

Church Parking Lot: Please be considerate

and leave all designated parking spaces for
parents with young families, or those with
mobility issues.

In order for us to serve you better, please complete this

Communication Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or
place it in the Offering Plate.
Name: _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Email: _________________________________________

Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
I want to be baptized
Seeks transfer of membership
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request
Other: ______________________________________
Thought for the Day
Children should be taught to respect every word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God. Parents are ever to
magnify the precepts of the law of the Lord before their
children, by showing obedience to that law, by themselves
living under the control of God. If a sense of the sacredness
of the law takes possession of the parents, it will surely
transform the character by converting the soul.
--The Review and Herald, May 10, 1898.


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