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Chasitie Capps

06 January 2012
7th Period British Lit.
Educational Philosophy
My understanding of the purpose of education in one short sentence is you
need it to know and you know you need it. When I say that, I am talking about
education in general not just the education taught by our teachers. In school you
dont just learn the curriculum you are also taught other necessary skills such as;
communication skills, people skills, some students even learn things such as the
value of respect and much more. I believe that without any education the world
would still be like it was when cavemen walked the earth.
Education that you learn because the state says its required is also
important. We may not need all the information we are taught and most students
will forget half of the material, but it is still good to know. It is also very important
that teachers understand the impact they have on students and actually show some
care and support because all students learn best different ways. I am a visual
learner and it also helps to have an explicitly detailed explanation or a list of steps
to go along with the demonstration. Usually I can easily catch on to the material
after that.

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