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What does it really mean?

Love of things – “I love chips”/”The
Killers”/”R.E.” etc
• The sort of love
people have for their
friends – sometimes
called “platonic” love.
This is friendship.

This is family love, the love

of a mother and father for
their children. This is not
dependent on conditions.
Parents would do anything
for their children.
Eros • The romantic, boyfriend-
girlfriend love that people
have for each other. It
starts with attraction and
develops to a full
• This is the love that leads
to marriage.
The Greeks thought
agape was the highest
and purest form of love.
Christians see this as
the self-giving love of
God for humans and the
love of Christians for
one another and non-
Christians including the
poor and needy
In groups of 2 or 3 list examples of each type
of love.
Give examples of people who you think are
positive role models for each sort.
Note down any couples who have been
married for 25, 30, 40 50 or more years. How
many sorts of love do you need to make a
successful marriage work?

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