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Grade 3 English Language Plan

Andrea Dennis
September Back To School
Week 1: The goal of this week is to re-integrate students into an
English classroom environment. I will set up class rules and
procedures. This will include the Traffic Light Behavior system. I will
also introduce the concept of the monthly Word Wall. The words will
be displayed on a bulletin board/white board. Students will copy the
words in their word wall notebooks.
Word Wall: school, pencil, book, chair, desk, homework
Key Speaking Phrases:
Hello, my name is
I like
Key Listening Phrases:
Are you ready?
Show me
Quiet, please
Raise your hand
Week 2: The goal of this week is to review/re-teach single letter
phonics sounds. This will be done at a faster pace, because the
majority of students learned them last year. At this time I hope to
determine what student need extra help in this area, with a special
focus on new students. By the end of the week, I should be finished
reviewing Jolly Phonics Group 1.
I will continue with the 6 word wall words, and the key phrases of
last week. At the end of the week, I will give students a
spelling/matching test on the word wall words.
I will also introduce the Star of the Week initiative. Students
who have not received a red the previous week will be eligible to be
the Star of the Week. I will randomly draw one name. That student
will have their Star of the Week Profile displayed, as well as receive a
small certificate.
Key Speaking Phrases:
This is
Key Listening Phrases:
What letter is this?
What sound does it make?
Write a word
Week 3: The goal of this week is to continue work on single letter
phonics sounds and letter blends. I will start the week with a quick
review/quiz of Group 1, then move into Group 2. I will also add new
words to the word wall.
Word Wall: read, write, window, door,

Key Speaking Phrases:

This is
Key Listening Phrases:
What letter is this?
What sound does it make?
Week 4:
The goal of this week is to continue work on single letter phonics
sounds and letter blends. I will do a quick review of Group 2, and then
move on to Group 3. This week I will have a spelling test on the new
words of the week, as well as a matching test on all 10 word wall

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