2phed 239: High School Module Worksheet - Chapter 1 Name - Heather Delude - Total Pts 6

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2PHED 239: High School Module

Worksheet Chapter 1
Name_Heather DeLude________________

Total pts = 6 _________

List and describe three (3) of the six (6) characteristics of a successful
secondary physical education program as discussed in Ch. 1. Be
prepared to share your responses in class.
1. A Positive Learning Environment: This a good characteristic because it focuses
on how important it is that the teacher is able to create an environment that the students
feel safe and comfortable enough to want to succeed in physical education and physical
activity. The book talks about how the teacher is one of the most important factors in
the learning environment and how important it is to use positive methods in their
teachings. One other idea that stuck out to me that the book talked about was that
students want to see models of people who incorporate physical activity into their own
lifestyles. This characteristic sticks out and can make a program successful because of
how the teacher acts and behaves and what kinds of examples the teacher sets for the

2. Student Choice is Offered: This is another important characteristic for a successful

program because we want students to be able to enjoy physical activity and want to
participate in it and one way to help ensure that this is what the students are getting is
by giving students the choice to be able to participate in an activity that they enjoy doing
as opposed to being forced to do an activity they might not be as comfortable with
doing. One thing that the book said was Having more students involved in the program
can also mean more support for teachers, equipment and facilities. this is also
important because it shows that when students are given a choice in the type of
physical activity they are doing they are more likely to want to participate in these

3. Students Receive In-Depth Instruction: This approach to physical education is

important because of the fact that teachers can do a better job of instruction because
the classes are more homogeneous in motivation and ability. This creates an
environment where the students are able to succeed at their own ability level and it
makes it a bit easier on the teacher because of the fact that the skill abilities are much
closer in the classes and it creates a better competitive atmosphere for the students
who want that in the more skilled classes and it teaches the students the basics in the
lower leveled skills class so that neither type of student gets bored doing a skill too
simple or too complex where they can get frustrated and not want to participate. Also

the book talked about how a high level of skill development usually increases a persons
tendency to repeat and enjoy an activity.

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