Christian Waifu

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Your pure, innocent, waifu unsheaths your Sword of the Spirit with firm but deli

cate tug, teasing you mercilessly with the lightest of touches to your sensitive
organ. Her toes gently brush the bunched-up skin from multiple angles, allowing
you to fill the contours of her soft and fluffy soles. As she continues to serv
e you, the touch of her ankles, soles, and toes becomes too much to bear, and yo
u release your pent-up joy, rejoicing and being glad in the day that the Lord ha
s made. "Oh, Anon," she softly coos in reply, "there's no need to hold back now.
Make sure your that you give me all of your liquid manna!" She deftly wipes awa
y the excess fluid with her hair while squeezing out the last drop of your Livin
g Water with her feet. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good n
ew of the gospel!" You tell her, still catching your breath from the exertion. "
Indeed, Anon," she replies. "Thanks for washing my dirty, soiled feet for me--th
is was the best Communion ever!" "What did Jesus say, after all?" you quip playf
ully. "A servant is not greater than his master!"
"Um, we're not done yet, are we?" your waifu asks shyly. " I mean, I still haven
't had anything to drink..." "Not to worry," you reply. "She who drinks water fr
om the well will grow thirsty, but she who drinks of the Living Water will never
thirst again!" The precious maiden proceeds to diligently siphon up all of the
excess droplets of "Communion wine" which had been slowly running down the side
s of the thick, throbbing goblet. As she gulped for air and swallowed the last b
it, she let out a contented sigh. "My cup runneth over," Anon, she said. "Please
, don't keep me waiting. Enter my womb with thanksgiving, and my butthole with p


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