Elizabeth Cra

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The importance of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate in Chocolate Chip Cookies

1.) Introduction:
The purpose of this experiment is to find the effect of omitting sodium hydrogen carbonate from
a chocolate chip cookie recipe. The sodium hydrogen carbonate acts as a sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3) in baked goods causing the cookies to rise. If omitting the sodium hydrogen
carbonate, that causes the cookie to rise and be soft, then the chocolate chip cookies will be
hard and flat. Research on the effect of sodium hydrogen carbonate in recipes, it is determined
baking chocolate chip cookies without out the leavening ingredient, or the independent variable,
would not contain to reacting causing carbon dioxide gas bubbles never to rise the cookie.
2.) Methods and Materials:
To prove the hypothesis, two batches of cookies were made. The first batch containing
sodium hydrogen carbonate and the second without the independent variable. The first batch of
light and fluffy chocolate chip cookies contained sodium hydrogen carbonate. The second batch
of cookies with the deleted independent variable had a flat texture. Chocolate chip cookies
tasted very similar, removing the sodium hydrogen carbonate changed the texture drastically.
Measuring cups
Cookie sheet
Mixing spoons x3
1 big mixing bowl
2 little mixing bowls
1 teaspoon of vanilla- vanilla planifolia
2 large eggs- Gallus gallus domesticus product
3/4 cup Brown sugar- Turbinado Sucrose
1/4 cup Sugar- sucrose
1 cup butter - emulsion of animal fat
1 tablespoon of salt- sodium chloride
2 1/4 cup of flour- triticum aestivum
2 cups of chocolate chips- theobroma cacao chips
1 teaspoon of baking soda- sodium hydrogen carbonate
3.) Procedures:
1.)Preheat oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190.556 degrees Celsius)
2.)Gather measuring cups, cookie sheet, three mixing spoons, 1 big mixing bowl, and 2 little
3.)mixing bowls
4.)Gather all dry ingredients, 2 1/4 flour, 1tbs salt, and 1tbs baking soda into one of the two
small mixing bowls, mix well and set aside
5.)Next gather 3/4 cups of firmly packed brown sugar, 3/4 cups of sugar, 1cup of softened butter
and 1 tbs of vanilla, mix these ingredients in the second small mixing bowl until creamy
6.)Add 2 eggs and bear into the second mixing bowl
7.)Add dry ingredients into the second mixing bowl and continue to mix all the ingredients
8.)Once mixed together well put the cookie dough into he large mixing bowl

9.)Add chocolate chips to the dough and mix them in until all are distributed into the dough
10.)Scoop teaspoonfuls of the chocolate cookie dough and round them into balls
11.)Place the teaspoonful cookie dough balls into your cookie sheet. Make sure enough to room
is I between them for the rising and spreading of the cookies
12.)Place the sheet of cookies in the oven for 8-10 min
13.)Let cook of 2-3 min
14.)Once finished with the first 12 steps repeat the 12 steps again, AT STEP 3 TAKE OUT THE
16.)Compare both batches of cookies at the end
14.) Record data received in the experiment
With baking soda
With this batch of cookies with the baking soda the observation was the reactions that the
independent variable had with the dependent variable. The independent variable, sodium
hydrogen carbonate, reacted with the ingredients in the dependent variable causing a chemical
change. The sodium hydrogen carbonate mixed with the mixture it turned into a carbon dioxide
gas, gas raises, causing the cookies to become light and fluffy from that rising chemical
Without baking soda:
This batch without the independent variable never had the chemical reaction with the
ingredients with the cookie dough. Lack of chemical reaction caused the flattening of the
cookies and change in the texture. When the chemical reaction never occurred the carbon
dioxide gas never formed to allow the chocolate chip cookies to rise. Hard and flat cookies are
the result of lack of baking soda.
Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversions
(375-32)x 5/9= 190.556 degrees Celsius
5.) Conclusions:
The hypothesis proved to be true. Without the leavening agent, baking soda, the cookies
could not produce the carbon dioxide gas to rise and soften the cookies. Hard and flat cookies
are the result of omitting the independent variable.
With the sodium hydrogen carbonate taken from the cookies causing an imbalance in the
cookies with the result of them falling. Taking away pillars of a house or building would lead to a
result of a building to fall, architecture is simple to baking, without one key consent everything
will fall.
If the process was reversed and the sodium hydrogen carbonate were doubled instead of
being deleted the cookies would have been over well whelmed with the amount of the chemo a
reacting between the sodium hydrogen carbonate resulting in to much rising or falling to the
chocolate chip cookies. Staying at a controlled amount create an equilibrium between the
ingredients resulting in a soft and fluffy chocolate chip cookie.

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